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Mohajir province need of the hour: MST

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third eye

Aug 24, 2008
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The virus of ' demand a smaller state' and get a bargaining clout of your own seems to be spreading across borders.

Wonder how a Mohajir State will help.

Mohajir province need of the hour: MST | The Nation


KARACHI - The Mohajir Sooba Tehreek (MST) spokesperson Syed Ali on Friday vowed that the Mohajir community will not allow the anti-state elements to succeed in their conspiracies.

In a press statement issued here, the MST spokesperson argued that the Mohajir province would play a vital role in strengthening the country and urged the armed forces to support the movement. Referring to the formation of Gilgit-Baltistan through an executive order, he demanded the establishment of a separate province for Mohajirs as well. The MST leader warned the anti-state elements not to hold the freedom rally scheduled for March 23 in Karachi, saying, “The Mohajir community will stand by Pakistan Army to foil the anti-state conspiracies.”
more provinces should be made, but not on linguistic basis, I think the British were no idiots when they implemented their divide and rule policy. If 3-4 provinces had been made in place of Balochistan and Sindh there would have been no separatist movement
The muhajirun are dead and forgotten, and their children and their children's children and now their children's children's children are just common people of the country. Indistinguishable. Why would they be prepared to listen to some nascent little interest group who wants a share of the power pie by flogging their grandparents' graves?
What is Mohajir Sooba tehrik, first time heard of it!

And what will a mohajir sooba do? People their lives to get better, not for just the fun of province making.

Major divisions can be made into provinces, metropolitan be made Federal territory, but not this kind of mohajir sooba, or seraiki sooba or anything like this.
more provinces should be made, but not on linguistic basis, I think the British were no idiots when they implemented their divide and rule policy. If 3-4 provinces had been made in place of Balochistan and Sindh there would have been no separatist movement

Language based States have been a success in India in protecting local cultures, languages and identity. I don't know what is the environment in Pakistan but in India we have no problem with it.
The muhajirun are dead and forgotten, and their children and their children's children and now their children's children's children are just common people of the country. Indistinguishable. Why would they be prepared to listen to some nascent little interest group who wants a share of the power pie by flogging their grandparents' graves?

Muhajirs are still alive you might want some examples so
abdul sattar eidhi , abdul qadeer khan and pervez musharraf are some of the famous people who migrated from Dehli bhopal etc
I support new provinces on whatever bases but we need new provinces.
Hey Pakistani Guys...Let me Sorry. Bit Off topic...Could you please help me to understand what Mohajir is...??...Is it like Balochi or Sindhi..??...Or a different religion...
I have no issues with new provinces as long as they are created on administration basis..
Never heard of this MST before and as far as thier demand for new province is concerned, this is pure nonsense.

We will not let anybody divide Sindh, pledged elected representatives as they adopted a resolution condemning recent talk about the creation of a so-called Mohajir province within the territories of Sindh.

Emotionally charged MPAs, mostly belonging to the ruling Pakistan Peoples Party, expressed their annoyance and concern over the re-surfacing of this Mohajir sentiment that has turned up on walls, in posters and pamphlets in Karachi.

Though adopted unanimously at the Sindh Assembly session here on Friday, the resolution was, however, not signed by any of the members belonging to the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM).

Sassui Palijo of the PPP, who had brought up the issue before the House, said that the demand for a Mohajir province had no basis. “It is a conspiracy that will lead to ethnic riots and a civil war,” she said asking the federal interior ministry and the provincial home department to look into the matter to ascertain who was responsible for the graffiti.

In a veiled reference to MQM and Urdu-speaking people, Palijo said “I want to make it clear to ‘our brothers’ that Pakistan’s boundaries are sacred to us. No one is in favour of the division of Sindh and we will not accept any mischief.”

The resolution, which was moved by Nusrat Seher Abbasi, demanded the government expose who was behind it and take action against them.

“I don’t see any political party backing the movement,” said an impassioned Sassui Palijo. “If [this is the case], then the government should expose the [people] behind it.” And then, at an even higher emotional pitch she said: “No son of man has the guts to try and divide Sindh into two.”

But aside from the graffiti, the house also noted that a demonstration by a “Mohajir Sooba Tahreek” took place outside the Karachi Press Club on March 6. Some people were chanting “Shaher hamara, jungle tumhara” in incendiary words referring to how the ‘Mohajirs wanted Karachi’ and the ‘jungle’ or rural Sindh could go to the rest of the people.

Nusrat Seher Abbasi and Marvi Rashidi of the PML-Q, Shazia Marri, Sassui Palijo, Humera Alwani, Saleem Khurshid Khohar of the PPP, Arif Mustafa Jatoi of the NPP, were among the signatories.

“The MQM has nothing to do with this movement,” said MQM’s MPA Aamir Moin Pirzada, arguing that people had rejected this idea by voting the PPP and MQM into power. He did suggest, however, that leaders sat down with the people behind this movement to tackle their demands.

But afterwards, the PPP’s Humera Alawani and Sassui Palijo discarded this suggestion of talking to groups, who they called “criminals”. “It would have been better had the MQM members signed the resolution,” they said, while speaking to the media in the post-session briefing.

“Why should we talk to these people? These demands have not come from the indigenous people of Sindh, the people who live here,” said Palijo. She said this couldn’t be compared to calls from the Seraiki belt in Punjab to become a separate province, which has received support from Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani, because historically it was a separate area.

Alwani said they would be bringing up signatures with the chief minister as well.

Published in The Express Tribune, March 10th, 2012.
Now a days in Pakistan every tom dick and harry is demanding for separate province.
I came to know why MQM has been supporting Hazara Tehrik and blah blah.
Bstrd guys.
Now a days in Pakistan every tom dick and harry is demanding for separate province.
I came to know why MQM has been supporting Hazara Tehrik and blah blah.
Bstrd guys.

Ilhaam huwa tha apko while u were sleeping last nite ?:D
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