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Modi Obsession on PDF


Jan 14, 2012
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Of course we all were little (OK I admit, very excited) about who will be next PM of India, especially Indians. But as soon as results were declared and BJP got clear majority, Modi is all set to become PM.

Now everyone on this forum is talking about Modi. Nothing wrong about it. But obsessiveness is obvious.

Even few of "Experts" and High position holders are questioning the Secular characteristic of India just because another Hindu has become a PM. Of course you can have your own personal opinion about a person or leader, but you can't generalize entire country of 1.2 billion ( if you want to understand the scale, total population of the world is around 7 billion right now )

So guys, and of course gals (not being sexist), what's your opinion ?
I understand that Modi is a street fighter, and he beat up Kejwiral so badly that he ran home crying.

Rahul Gandhi did not even show up to the fight. He asked his mother Sonia to lecture Modi instead.

But Modi tracked down Rahul to his house and beat him up in the bathroom. Nobody has seen Rahul since then.
Reason for Obsession are several but the most important are 2

1) There are high number of Modi supporters in PDF and most of them are die hard supporters....
2) There are equally high number of people who hate Modi, and most of them are die hard haters......

Now the best thing everyone can do is..... Get used to this.... Because Modi's journey as a PM has just started..... and Every action by Modi will be watched in a religious view by group of people.... and there will be the other group who will have to justify and clarify or refute.....

Now my future prediction .....

1) Lot of reporting and negative ratings
2) High number of infractions and warnings and some going Pink way
3) Huge work load on Moderators and admin.....
It's not just PDF. Almost all the TV channels in Pakistan have been airing prime time programs on Modi ever since he got elected. The obsession runs deeper than just this forum. The amusing thing about those programs is that it seems suddenly Pakistanis have become champions of secularism. :lol:
Mos of them are trying to defend TNT.
Mos of them are trying to defend TNT.

Ha ha I was watching a few on youtube. They are so insecure it is hilarious. They are hellbent on trying to prove that the elections were not about economy and development, but people voted for Modi because of his Hindutva agenda. They keep playing that 7 year old Karan Thapar interview as something from last year. I was amazed at their dishonesty.
It's not just PDF. Almost all the TV channels in Pakistan have been airing prime time programs on Modi ever since he got elected. The obsession runs deeper than just this forum. The amusing thing about those programs is that it seems suddenly Pakistanis have become champions of secularism. :lol:

We are also running back-to-back documentaries on Modi on our local Cantonese channels in Hong Kong.
It's not just PDF. Almost all the TV channels in Pakistan have been airing prime time programs on Modi ever since he got elected. The obsession runs deeper than just this forum. The amusing thing about those programs is that it seems suddenly Pakistanis have become champions of secularism. :lol:

Even i don't watch Pakistani news channels, well you guys have unhealthy obsession with us no doubt.
How do you know what kind of a person am I ? By looking at my track record. Unfortunately Modi has a very bad one, so obviously every sane person is wondering whether Modi will turn into a balanced secular statesman OR will he keep playing his communal politics? Everything about him and his party's politics / false flag operations, points to the latter.
It's not just PDF. Almost all the TV channels in Pakistan have been airing prime time programs on Modi ever since he got elected. The obsession runs deeper than just this forum. The amusing thing about those programs is that it seems suddenly Pakistanis have become champions of secularism. :lol:

If Indians stop posting everytime Modi ate a ladoo or took a shyt, i think Modi haters won't have any merit left to attack him. If you post a thread, then you cannot stop people from commenting on it.
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