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MoD approves Indian Army's demand for 'mini air force'

Along with your husband is a Pakistani? your identity revealed. I having suspicion on your gender also.

Will definitely answer you if you will come with your real flag.

She is indian......ask around...PM mods...you will get same answer.

She is an Indian, i can vouch for that!

She speaks Telugu!

She is an Indian and lives in hyderabad. I have myself checked her IP.
^ She doesn't live in Hyderabad. :D
If you observe carefully, she is as harsh on issues on the Pakistani side of the balance sheet as she is on the Indian side.

I could not clearly understand your post. What is the reference to a terrorist getting killed? And what is the reference to the Sati system?

In another thread about the killing of a top LeT commander she put the celebrations by Indian members with the Sati system in the same league( Hindu Evil Practices ), the comparison seemed very sick and only seen from some members here..

plz stop doubting AJTR :angry:
Thanks, I do not doubt her origin rather doubt her intentions..

Regarding the Harrier, reviving it is a non-starter. BAe are struggling with the Hawk revival, there is NO hope of their getting around the older line. We are better off looking at other options, which are practically available.

Neither the Warthog nor the Frogfoot is practically available. The Americans do not sell the A10; the SU 25 may or may not be in production at the moment. That leaves us with a wide open space for the CAS aircraft.

Secondly,there is considerable interest in heavy and light attack helicopters. The first question to ask ourselves is - who does what?

A question here, if we can have a potent Attack helis like the Apache, LCH and LUH do we really need a fixed wing craft to complicate the things?
Jyada disclose mat kar.....Raaz ko Raaz hi rehne do...:D

Guys, come back to topic, not her nationality and locality.

True, I have derailed the topic myself..

I will cease and try to desist :P
In another thread about the killing of a top LeT commander she put the celebrations by Indian members with the Sati system in the same league( Hindu Evil Practices ), the comparison seemed very sick and only seen from some members here..

Thanks, I do not doubt her origin rather doubt her intentions..

A question here, if we can have a potent Attack helis like the Apache, LCH and LUH do we really need a fixed wing craft to complicate the things?

Difficult to answer.

These attack helicopters are themselves vulnerable to light aircraft. The thinking is that there will be successive layers of protection for attacking forces, or an attacking column: armour, supported by attack helicopters OR close air support aircraft, supported by interceptors.

Is that overkill? I don't think so. It will give a degree of security to the attack that should encourage them to press home attacks and put great pressure on defending forces.

How in world did you check her IP?

They must have communicated outside the forum.
PHEW !!! I thought the IA wanted Sukhois ;) but surely proper co-ordination between IA and IAF is of utmost importance
Stick to the thread people.

So are the people in BAE ready to give off their ToT to India for harriers and can Kaveri K9 be used for powering the Harriers? Or should we join hands with Russia to revive the YAK-141 Freestyler project?

A SVTOL aircraft brings a lot of options on the table because of it's versatility in the weapons payload and ability to resupply itself just about anywhere.

The Harrier is a very good platform and is a proven aircraft in CAS roles still preferred by the Marines during Initial thrusts. And along with a Radar can also take care of itself. This is proven by our Navy during their exercises. And it can also carry a dedcent payload and perform SEAD missions.

But the down point is Harriers are the most complex aircraft ever to be operated and has a very high crash rate during peace times and is a 60's design.

So lets debate on what Fixed wing aircraft must the army have (our wet dreams)

Transport:- C 130 and C-27J
CAS:- Harrier
Heavy attack Helo:- Apache/KA-52
Heavylift helo:- CH 47B
Will the Mi-8s/17s be good enough for the MLH role ? There was a planned replacement by Mi17 V5 by the IAF. Maybe we can have a similar fleet for the IA. Of course we have Rudra and LCH for the Attack Helo role. The best option for a Fixed Wing atm is (lease?) the AN32 from IAF to be delivered by 2017. Maybe we should seek to speeden up the CAT (HJT 39) for CAS (indigenous always would be a better option acc. to me).
Guys it may be a naive question but can anybody throw some light on how IA and IAF or IAF and IN co-ordinate and how they plan joint operations?
PHEW !!! I thought the IA wanted Sukhois ;) but surely proper co-ordination between IA and IAF is of utmost importance


Obviously. The way things are moving, the IAF will retain responsibility for strategic assets - air superiority, SEAD, deep strike, and long-range interdiction, as well as transport - while the Army Aviation Corps will initially try to offer integrated close air support, heli-borne infantry and artillery transport, logistical support and evacuation. Perhaps later, depending on how much success they can demonstrate in integration of aerial assets with operating doctrine and command and control, they may try to take control of short-range interdiction and point or area interception.

The first phase is almost guaranteed; the second phase is much less probable, but cannot be ruled out altogether,judging by the division of responsibilities between the USAF and the Marines, for instance.

Transport may become another point of contention, if the Army pushes for a degree of in-theatre capability to be given to its theatre commanders, or even to Corps commanders. I personally don't think that will happen. If the Army is sensible, it will spend quality time on absorbing what it has gained, and shaping doctrine around it.

Guys it may be a naive question but can anybody throw some light on how IA and IAF or IAF and IN co-ordinate and how they plan joint operations?

Look for a blog called TKS' Tales. It is buried in there somewhere (I think; I'm feeling too lazy and unwell to recover it and reproduce it).

Not everybody in the IAF seems to like TKS, who clearly let it be known that he knew a lot, a lot more than other officers, not the most endearing approach. Read him for what it's worth.
Difficult to answer.

These attack helicopters are themselves vulnerable to light aircraft. The thinking is that there will be successive layers of protection for attacking forces, or an attacking column: armor, supported by attack helicopters OR close air support aircraft, supported by interceptors.

Is that overkill? I don't think so. It will give a degree of security to the attack that should encourage them to press home attacks and put great pressure on defending forces.

Agreed for the point about light aircraft which can be countered with interceptor but maybe my question was not clear enough.

What is the need for special CAS aircraft like A-10 and Su-25 when I think those roles can be amply be fulfilled by the attack Helicopters especially the Apache.

The advantages I can see about the armor, fast reaction times, extreme survivability but then what is unique to this kind of platforms?

They must have communicated outside the forum.

It is of concern if members can find out my IP cause then I need to switch to tor urgently.. I feel insecure :P
Agreed for the point about light aircraft which can be countered with interceptor but maybe my question was not clear enough.

What is the need for special CAS aircraft like A-10 and Su-25 when I think those roles can be amply be fulfilled by the attack Helicopters especially the Apache.

The advantages I can see about the armor, fast reaction times, extreme survivability but then what are unique to this kind of platforms?

It is of concern if members can find out my IP cause then I need to switch to tor urgently.. I feel insecure :P

Very little difference, as attack helicopters become increasingly more capable.
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