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Mob kills Christian family in Jhelum

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@jonasad:- Since your twisted and flawed arguments are hollow and you're questioning the credibility without providing any evidence on the contrary; .

What evidence you seek from me? Do i have to find Jamshed Masih and prove that his family is alive?
In forums like this one can only validate a news credibility by tracing the original source.

I'll ask you for the last time to stop derailing the thread unless you have evidence as to whether this incident did not happen and the story has no grounds. Unless, you can prove that you better keep shut.

If for asking a credible source to the news you posted is derailment i will stop, but i will seek clarifications from other Mods weather it is counted as derailment and not a rational point to ponder upon.

I do not take such arguments as personal, and they never should be, but since you have an inherent nature of accusing others when their opinion does not agree with yours, I'll choose stricter words for you next time.

No offence taken

On another note, as I said earlier, the media doesn't report these incidents. Here's one recent example that is currently turning more ugly :-

Pakistan Christian Post

I won't reply further to your off-topic and illogical posts since you never seem to have taken a course in decency and rational debate.

Decent and rational discussions can only be done if the news is credible and thats the first rule of a meaningful debate.

I rest my case before someone misuses his privileges.
@jonasad:- Since your twisted and flawed arguments are hollow and you're questioning the credibility without providing any evidence on the contrary; I'll ask you for the last time to stop derailing the thread unless you have evidence as to whether this incident did not happen and the story has no grounds. Unless, you can prove that you better keep shut.

I do not take such arguments as personal, and they never should be, but since you have an inherent nature of accusing others when their opinion does not agree with yours, I'll choose stricter words for you next time.

On another note, as I said earlier, the media doesn't report these incidents. Here's one recent example that is currently turning more ugly :-

Pakistan Christian Post

I won't reply further to your off-topic and illogical posts since you never seem to have taken a course in decency and rational debate.

Hi Sparkle,

I normally very much enjoy your posts but I am sorry to say that today you have really disappointed me. Why are you behaving so brutish on a forum where you are meant to set the example? Why are you taking it so personally?

I completely agree with Jonasad where he questions the credibility.

And I am sorry but it is not enough to say that "even if it isn't true, this stuff happens". Well, we know it happens, but that does not mean I start posting all sorts of fake b.s. and say its 'probably' true. That is not good enough. Journalists all accross Pakistan report things that put their lives in danger, but here, we have no credible source.

I am sorry but 'Compass Direct News' is not a credible source for me because they haven't even mentioned the name of the reporter and neither have I ever heard of them as being a premier news reporting agency. Therefore I question the legitimacy.

To try and shush dissent up like that is very unfounded and indeed contrary to your leadership role on this forum.

And FYI, if you post something on this forum, the final onus is on YOU to prove that its not fake if somebody questions the authenticity, otherwise sooner or later, you will lose all credibility.

And to all the Indians on this forum, let us not blame the religion because if we do, then be prepared to defend "hinduism and all its evils" in light of Narendra Modi and the Gujarat massacre as well as the Orissa arson attacks.

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And to all the Indians on this forum, let us not blame the religion because if we do, then be prepared to defend "hinduism and all its evils" in light of Narendra Modi and the Gujarat massacre as well as the Orissa arson attacks.

Killings and all have nothing to do with religion. It is the mis interpreted version of religion. As far as Hinduism and its evils are concerned you are far more welcome to discuss them.

Neither Islam, nor Hinduism nor Judaism ever said go ahead and kill people. when people faught battles it was the need of time and was against oppression and the social system 1400 years back. But one needs to understand that the world has changed. Society back then was not so inter mingled as it today. Today in the same colony you can have all religons and people from all regions. One needs to have the patience and tolerance for one another else we will end up killing each other for the same God who never came down to kill anyone.

God in oneself is not so weak that he needs to make humans follow him or need help of humans whom he think are not suited for this world. I dont think that he is so in need of our love though we do need it and i dont think it is justified if we kill other cuz they dont want our god.
The basic thing is that all religion should teach that other religion are good as well, it is just their way to worship and follow god. The problem comes when we teach that people belonging to other religion are evil and infidels.

the problem is not with the religion bro.. No religion teaches to kill other just because they are of different religion. the problem is with the one who preaches the religion and the people who hear it and believe blindly..
I have been watching the news channels since yesterday as well as reputable Pakistani news sources for any such news, but not a single mentioning of any such incident.

Such incidents at such scale are never left unreported without proper due coverage, thus till any new credible source is not given, this thread stays closed as this is another of the usual unsubstantiated Pakistan bashing news stories, which has no truth in it.
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