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Mob attacks gay parade in Georgia


Mar 6, 2013
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United Kingdom
'A raging mob in Tbilisi chased away a downtown rally designed to commemorate the May 17 International Day against Homophobia. “Kill them! Tear them to pieces!” yelled the agitated crowd as police struggled to evacuate a handful of gay-rights supporters from the Georgian capital's central Freedom Square.

It was a scene of medieval mob violence, as thousands of Georgians -- mostly young men, but also robed priests and women in headscarves -- stormed through a police cordon and went pursuing the activists. “Where are they? Don’t let them leave alive!” screamed frenzied men, as they took over the square, outnumbering and overpowering police troops.

Police barely managed to herd some of the LGBT activists into municipal buses, before angry protesters surrounded the vehicles. The crowd hit, threw stones and followed the buses as they pushed their way out of the square.

The pursuit continued on the side streets. Just outside the square, a mob tried to storm a house, where several gay rights activists had sought refuge. “Drag them out, stomp them to death,” screamed one woman as she tried to push her way through a group of policemen, who wrestled with the mob at the entrance of the house.

Youngsters swore, beat and threw various objects at police officers, who eventually pulled the activists into a car. A stampede occurred as the mob tried to chase the car down the narrow street, with some falling into ditches.

At the different corner of the downtown, several activists sought asylum in a grocery store and police managed to fight off the mob that tried to break into the shop. "

Georgia: Angry Mob Scuttles Anti-Homophobia Rally | EurasiaNet.org

Never understood why they have to organise "parades" when you're allowed every right by law to be a homosexual,i sometimes think they do it to antagonise the majority,especially in countries like Georgia or eastern european ones.It's a given if you will have a parade like this you will get attacked as it happenned in Poland,Romania,Russia,Georgia,Serbia,etc.Why rattle the bees nest?:no:
No one should be assaulted over their ethnicity, race, faith and sexual orientation. However having a gay parade in Eastern Europe is not the best of ideas. The nature of these parades is to be very lively and open and people in such countries are just not ready for this and have never experienced anything like this.
No one should be assaulted over their ethnicity, race, faith and sexual orientation. However having a gay parade in Eastern Europe is not the best of ideas. The nature of these parades is to be very lively and open and people in such countries are just not ready for this and have never experienced anything like this.

Sry but i see nothing "lively" in men dressed in rags with wigs dancing,kissing,replicating sexual moves in the streets.If they hold a rally and dress like normal people it's ok to hold a gathering but if you look like Gloria Gaynour with a mustache it's just like a freak show.How can we explain this to our children? we should have some moral values ,people in eastern europe are not backward ,they are just more family orientated and do not like to see normal moral values trampled to death.This kind of behaviour it's not a parade for gay rights it's just loud and flashy gay publicity imho.
Sry but i see nothing "lively" in men dressed in rags with wigs dancing,kissing,replicating sexual moves in the streets.If they hold a rally and dress like normal people it's ok to hold a gathering but if you look like Gloria Gaynour with a mustache it's just like a freak show.How can we explain this to our children? we should have some moral values ,people in eastern europe are not backward ,they are just more family orientated and do not like to see normal moral values trampled to death.This kind of behaviour it's not a parade for gay rights it's just loud and flashy gay publicity imho.

What moral are you talking about? Its as their country as anyone else and they have all right to parade in any way they want as long as it does not break any law. This is their way of showing happiness and if they accept straight people kissing and cuddling in public then they should be respected too for doing the same if you don't like it then close your eyes.

i wonder how you people have nothing against slut walk but go red over 'long exploited community' showing off their happiness.
What moral are you talking about? Its as their country as anyone else and they have all right to parade in any way they want as long as it does not break any law. This is their way of showing happiness and if they accept straight people kissing and cuddling in public then they should be respected too for doing the same if you don't like it then close your eyes.

i wonder how you people have nothing against slut walk but go red over 'long exploited community' showing off their happiness.

you have to dress like a drama queen to show your happyness? this is just stupid,i even heard gay men stating that they do not want to be associated with this kind of behaviour because it's plain stupid.Sorry to break the news but children are in the streets to during day time,i wouldn't like them to be exposed to such things,and i include here hererosexuals immitating sexual acts in plain sight.

"You people?" ...how exactly do you know me and when were the gays a "exploited community?",were there sugar or cotton plantations on which gay slaves were forced to labour for centuries?:rofl:

Live the life the way you wish but don't flaunt it in people's faces my friend,that's how i think.You don't see to many "heterosexual pride parades" held in gay bars do you?
No one should be assaulted over their ethnicity, race, faith and sexual orientation. However having a gay parade in Eastern Europe is not the best of ideas. The nature of these parades is to be very lively and open and people in such countries are just not ready for this and have never experienced anything like this.
these parades are designed to be like that for shock value I guess. In any case, its a celebration of differences, one does not have to gay to join the parade. Its good fun.
I dont unerstand what 'culture' or 'moral value' it will undermine.
Sry but i see nothing "lively" in men dressed in rags with wigs dancing,kissing,replicating sexual moves in the streets.If they hold a rally and dress like normal people it's ok to hold a gathering but if you look like Gloria Gaynour with a mustache it's just like a freak show.How can we explain this to our children? we should have some moral values ,people in eastern europe are not backward ,they are just more family orientated and do not like to see normal moral values trampled to death.This kind of behaviour it's not a parade for gay rights it's just loud and flashy gay publicity imho.

You have it wrong. I share your sentiments. I just tried to explain why this parade wouldn't be welcomed by the locals. But I reiterate that it is wrong for people to be assaulted.
You have it wrong. I share your sentiments. I just tried to explain why this parade wouldn't be welcomed by the locals. But I reiterate that it is wrong for people to be assaulted.

Ofcourse,assaulting them is equally wrong and stupid,i even spotted bearded orthodox priests along with the rioters,it gave a scary image of raving lunatic mullahs,somehow i doubt that God's people should lead angry mobs,pitchforks in hand to lynch gays on the streets.
There are no 'hetrosexual parade' because they are the majority. Gay rights parade is specifically to make people sensitive to the issues that gay people face. Similar to women's right movement and civil rights movement.
They don't face anything,there is no law against homosexuality,people who discriminate them are prosecuted by the law ,i really don't find any reasons for grown men to parade in g strings,other then try to infuriate others who they know to be disturbed by such behaviour or,at least this is my opinion.
This kind of parades seem to aggresivelly shove homosexuality on peoples throaths,hence the backlash.
What exactly is your problem? This is news from a country which wants to join NATO and the EU...Is this not the section for it?

You start a thread about Gay pride parade .Clearly you didn't get the response you wanted . So you go in a different direction hence the name flamer 84.
You start a thread about Gay pride parade .Clearly you didn't get the response you wanted . So you go in a different direction hence the name flamer 84.

What exactly did I expect? I've stated my opinion very clearly and i'm not going back on it.As to the name,i've been using it on forums for about 8 years now,no relation to "flamming",it's a long story. ;) It may come as a shock to you but people can not like something without endorsing physical violence .
What exactly did I expect? I've stated my opinion very clearly and i'm not going back on it..

I stand by my statement

As to the name, I've been using it on forums for about 8 years now,no relation to "flaming",it's a long story. ;)

Join Date Mar 2013 Today's date /5/19/2013

It may come as a shock to you but people can not like something without endorsing physical violence

Hell bent on living up to your name and trying to start a flame where did i claim that physical violence is the answer.

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