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Mission Requirements Of India's Rustom-2 UAV


Apr 26, 2011
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The Rustom-2, India's Predator-like long endurance hunter-killer drone effort, under the Aeronautical Development Establishment (ADE), is set to begin flight testing in February 2014. This official slide here throws more light on the platform's intended capabilities, including extended loiter. It's also the first that depicts the Rustom-2 in its stated role as a strike platform.

ADE chief P.S. Krishnan recently told reporters that ten Rustom-2 platforms were being built on order at a cost of approximately $350-million.

Livefist: Mission Requirements Of India's Rustom-2 UAV
chinese weapons? - they use the photoshop technology.

Although, a few exceptions are when they get lazy, and use Hollywood.

Whatever it is . Their defense forces feel confident to induct it . Ours Does not . DRDO has become A Sci fi agency . Every Second day nutcase saraswat comes up with something fancy when they are yet to induct Tejas mk1
Would have been much better if it had only a single prop-engine at the back like predator ...

How are they going to carry any payload on wings with two turboprops ??


Whatever it is . Their defense forces feel confident to induct it . Ours Does not . DRDO has become A Sci fi agency . Every Second day nutcase saraswat comes up with something fancy when they are yet to induct Tejas mk1

howdo you know that their defense forces feel confident to induct it?? they dont have any other option due to imbargo.
Could be a game changer against naxals and any internal security threat..
Didn't know rustom-2 can carry weapons.

Whatever it is . Their defense forces feel confident to induct it . Ours Does not . DRDO has become A Sci fi agency . Every Second day nutcase saraswat comes up with something fancy when they are yet to induct Tejas mk1

False flag Pakistani troll.

U.S. Weapons : We them while they Induct It .
Chinese Weapons: We see them in Trails .
Indian Weapons : God damn we see then on Drawing board :D .

Jealous. :lol:

False flag Pakistani troll.

This is the attitude that we should change ....as soon as we see anythin bad about India we just should not start screaming false flagger ......and moreover DRDO does have a track to run the projects at snaails pace
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