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Military spy gang maintained blacklist of TÜBTAK personnel

Babur Han

Dec 8, 2009
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Military spy gang maintained blacklist of TÜBİTAK personnel

31 January 2012 / TODAY’S ZAMAN, İSTANBUL
A major investigation into a spy gang operating within the Turkish military has recently discovered a comprehensive blacklist on personnel from the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK).

The investigation was launched in April 2010 following the discovery of a prostitution ring, allegedly established by Turkish navy staff in order to extract vital state security information from high-ranking officers and senior bureaucrats, which could then be passed on to foreign intelligence agencies. The prostitution ring would be used to compromise targets who were subsequently blackmailed into handing over sensitive information. Retired Col. İbrahim Sezer was accused of heading the spy gang, which investigators claimed had stolen more than 165,000 highly confidential documents, including dozens of surveillance records and detailed maps. The Turkish military has said the documents would pose a serious threat to national security if they found their way into the wrong hands.

İstanbul’s 11th High Criminal Court accepted an indictment against the gang on Feb. 24, 2011. The indictment mentioned 55 suspects, predominantly military officers, of which three are TÜBİTAK staff.

According to the Radikal daily, recent discoveries by investigators showed that the gang held records on roughly 1,000 personnel from TÜBİTAK, a national organization that conducts confidential research, classifying individuals by category, including leftist, extreme nationalist, Alevi, reactionary, Armenian and Jewish. In the blacklist, some descriptions appear related to the private lives of personnel, including “womanizer” and “Satanist.” The lists also define people as reliable, unreliable, serviceable or insecure, although the meaning of these classifications is unknown. The records were found on Yücel Çipli’s computer, one of the three suspects from TÜBİTAK mentioned in the indictment.

Also among Çipli’s documents were records on some 5,000 people, including staff from ASELSAN and HAVELSAN, defense industry giants that supply the Turkish military. The suspicious deaths of four engineers that worked for ASELSAN in February are also being investigated as part of the probe into the gang.

Radikal notes the records appear to have been prepared between 2007 and 2009, during which an alleged Internet campaign to discredit the current Justice and Development Party (AK Party) government was underway, headed by former Chief of General Staff İlker Başbuğ. Başbuğ was arrested earlier this month after being accused of giving orders to set up and run websites that disseminated anti-government propaganda.

Military spy gang maintained blacklist of TÜB
Well done akp !!! Well done !!!:hitwall:

These people are one of the best scientists of Turkiye and they have been listed in blacklist just because their ideas, lifestyles and politic views different than expected....

These people boosted Turkish defense industry. They have produced many indigenous deference units till now. What can i say? Puppet of USA does its job very well.
Well done akp !!! Well done !!!:hitwall:

These people are one of the best scientists of Turkiye and they have been listed in blacklist just because their ideas, lifestyles and politic views different than expected....

These people boosted Turkish defense industry. They have produced many indigenous deference units till now. What can i say? Puppet of USA does its job very well.

it sounds like you are swearing at AKP for blacklisting... I really hope that is not the case because that would mean you need someone else to read this article for you.


it sounds like you are swearing at AKP for blacklisting... I really hope that is not the case because that would mean you need someone else to read this article for you.



I have read Turkish version of this news. There are some missing and changed parts with the original one.
I have read Turkish version of this news. There are some missing and changed parts with the original one.

Please post a link to it so I can read it.

Another thing I'd like to point out is that this article doesn't come as a surprise remember JITEM has been doing some shady stuff in the past/present and MIT as well. Why shouldn't the military do something likewise.

I think it's despicable and any traitor should rot to death in isolation. I think it's also very important to have the highest, best, brutal security possible to safeguard our scientists and engineers.

You would think that it was the obvious thing to do when you have engineers working on cracking source codes etc. So I am hoping that MIT will crank up the level, learn from ISI and others.

I mean it's pretty obvious who'd be interested in killing engineers who're working on F-16 source code.
Thanks for pointing out that people are dividing themselves into groups, the AKP vs. Kemalists. Unfortunately people lack the will/courage to stand by their own ideals so they find it easier to just join one group or another. I'd question whether that is a pragmatic way of approaching issues and debates.

That is why you will see some people jump on the argument like, "you've joined the train towards ignorance", or "Hahaha take that you AKP bastards" etc. Well... It's too much to expect that people can be constructive without throwing curse words at each other. Guess as long as we can kiss and make up it's not a problem.

I mean, you probably know that when certain people in this forum makes a post, and you think for yourself "uh.. another fanatic/conservative post".

Well, I'll stop the ranting here because it's unavoidable to rant when commenting on the different views of people who doesn't always see eye to an eye on same topics as one self. :D
As far as i know Attaturk Kemal by faith was muslim and second thing is before AKP came into government, Pro kemalists and Pro secular governments had badly screwed turkish economy as well as defense sector. Only afte AKP came into power, Turkey gained self respect, recognition in world arena, Akp Made Turkey a role model which inspires other to follow. Arabs, We Pakistanis and every other muslim country who has either corrupt or authoritarian government wishes we have an AKP in our country who can lead us to new heights of self respect and self sufficiency.
To Saithan: You know very well that you were behaving like a baby in the first place so stop trying to justify.

Edit: For further kindergarten comments see post #48 http://www.defence.pk/forums/turkey...y-off-genocide-talk-france-4.html#post2474051

I rest my case Zulk's "counterstrikes" just keeps proving me right. please do go read post #48 and pay attention to who i quote. :), and that persons choice of words.

Mafiya: I am not denying nor do I think anyone else can deny that AKP has done a lot of good for the country's economy, but there are areas where AKP are not doing very well. But that may be a period of transition and could eventually be amended.
I rest my case Zulk's "counterstrikes" just keeps proving me right. please do go read post #48 and pay attention to who i quote. :), and that persons choice of words.

Mafiya: I am not denying nor do I think anyone else can deny that AKP has done a lot of good for the country's economy, but there are areas where AKP are not doing very well. But that may be a period of transition and could eventually be amended.

Buddy believe whatever you want to believe, but it is clear as a crystal that when you have no substantial points you are as easy as some of the other ultra fanatics to turn into a baby. That thread is a perfect example of my point.
Buddy believe whatever you want to believe, but it is clear as a crystal that when you have no substantial points you are as easy as some of the other ultra fanatics to turn into a baby. That thread is a perfect example of my point.

You just can't admit that you are full of it can you? I was just making fun of you in that post, but you seem quite oblivious to that fact which is obvious from your reply.

And once again you call me an fanatic, actually "ultra fanatic" and then a baby, that seems to be the only way you can argue. You either agree with a person or pass a verdict that they are ultra fanatics, ignorant og brainwashed. Especially when they're making use of Irony and sarcasm.

Nevertheless if you could stop jumping to conclusions you'd probably be able to see what people are trying to say in their posts instead of just reading it on face value and launching an attack where you belittle people for having different opinions. But then again ignorance is a bliss.

btw Mevlid i serif mubarek people :)
Written by Saithan:
Zulk seems to have gone into overdrive or something.

Dude read my post again, and look at it as a speculation. I won't insult your mind or brain because I don't know how you came up with that I support giving the military free reigns...

I'm not like you Zulk, accepting everything Erdogan and AKP does as universally good (i wonder if you'll go berserk over this line too), I have my standpoints on topics and whilst I don't go on a rampage on the topics like a jihadist, it doesn't mean I don't feel it, but keeping it cool is what I'm trying to do. I am pretty sure that I didn't tell people to shut up the way you put it. You sure you didn't take it out of a context to suit your own purpose ?

Oh yeah I am not an AKP'ist, CHP'ist or Kemalist (you seem very fond of insulting the Kemalists, perhaps you get high on that), but I am a Turk.

This is developing into a battle of ideologies

I don't know when zulk decided that only his opinion matters, and apparently it's not an open forum where people can exchange opinions.

ZULK! ZULK! don't follow the rabbit down the hole!.... NOOOOO ALICE... I mean Zulk

So people are indoctrined and you won't talk to them anymore... There is a greek word for people who're trying to win arguments no matter what.. was it sophists or something like that, i guess you can't win no matter how much you try.

Contradiction in the highest degree? If you read that thread from page 2-4 you will witness how much pure nonsense you have written while i tried to keep the thread on track. As i said previously, when you are out of answers you pretty much are behaving as a fanatic and babylike like the other ultra-nationalists.

First you write that the military should remain all powerful like the "ol' good days" (post #26) (the hanging of Menderes and a military dictatorship must be a paradise in your eyes, judging from post #26). Later when i write my opinon you go totally berserk with this post, which by the way makes absoluetely no sense
Zulk seems to have gone into overdrive or something.

Dude read my post again, and look at it as a speculation. I won't insult your mind or brain because I don't know how you came up with that I support giving the military free reigns...

I'm not like you Zulk, accepting everything Erdogan and AKP does as universally good (i wonder if you'll go berserk over this line too), I have my standpoints on topics and whilst I don't go on a rampage on the topics like a jihadist, it doesn't mean I don't feel it, but keeping it cool is what I'm trying to do. I am pretty sure that I didn't tell people to shut up the way you put it. You sure you didn't take it out of a context to suit your own purpose ?

Oh yeah I am not an AKP'ist, CHP'ist or Kemalist (you seem very fond of insulting the Kemalists, perhaps you get high on that), but I am a Turk.
Post #37

As can be seen above, you are on complete rampage accusing me of a braindead AKP supporter, and jihadist. After that i write this post:
Look, firstly if you want to be taken seriously you should stop accusing me of
1: being brainwashed AKP follower. 2: anti-kemalist.

I have in several of my posts critisized a lot of AKP policies (for example being detained for 2-3 months without clear evidence) and Erdogan's hard rhetoric. But when some people come here and distort some very basic facts and truths, they are inviting sane minds to bring back the hard truths. Firstly, all of the people in this forum who were defendant of the former system (and a strong follower of Kemal) have used extremely heavy insults on me and my family (like threatening of rape and murder). I can give you their names (there are three of them which used almost similar curses and insults, two of them already got banned because of that). Does that not raise any kind of suspicions in your minds? For me it means, the kemalist indoctrination in Turkey has failed miserably. It has only indicted hatred, obviously, judging from the forumers i have met here and the comments on youtube.

Coming to your previous posts. Do you seriously think that removing the army from the political sphere is a wrong move? And how can you call the AKP government fools, when they just voice the people's thoughts about the French issue and Israeli issue? As i said, it is not even consistent with your other posts in this very forum.

To cirit: You have proven yourself as a childish, unmannered person. So you are completely ignored from this point.

Edit: there is absolutely no point in changing the perceptions of indocrtinated people. Hence, i'm done discussing with you guys.
And try to bring sense into the main thread again, with actual relevant points.

But in the end you succeed in bringing total nonsense into the thread with this pathetic post:
This is developing into a battle of ideologies

I don't know when zulk decided that only his opinion matters, and apparently it's not an open forum where people can exchange opinions.

ZULK! ZULK! don't follow the rabbit down the hole!.... NOOOOO ALICE... I mean Zulk

So people are indoctrined and you won't talk to them anymore... There is a greek word for people who're trying to win arguments no matter what.. was it sophists or something like that, i guess you can't win no matter how much you try.

So tell me. Who is the one that is constantly, post after post is going on a personal vendetta and forget the actual thread?

Edit: as can be seen, i was trying to take your posts seriously because i thought you were different from the other guys who time and again cursed and threatened my family and accused me of several things. But in the end you succeeded in placing yourself with them and made a complete clown of yourself.
As can be seen above, you are on complete rampage accusing me of a braindead AKP supporter, and jihadist.

This is where I laugh again. You are overinterpreting what I wrote and think that it's pointed at you, but it was not. However I'm not responsible for your delusions.

Edit: as can be seen, i was trying to take your posts seriously because i thought you were different from the other guys who time and again cursed and threatened my family and accused me of several things. But in the end you succeeded in placing yourself with them and made a complete clown of yourself.

Please spare me this part as well, you're just proving my previous statements right. Ohh and taking out my post from their context doesn't prove your point either. And you can't patronize me by calling me a clown either, that'll only work on ultras and akp-fanboys :)
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