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Militants attack J&K Army camp, police station; kill seven

welcome SSG is waiting for you on loc . i think in a covert operation you guys lost a head of solder which is still missing ?

Remember you lost half a country which is ' still missing'.

One expects saner remarks from a veteran at times like this.
Total insurgency related casualties were 116 in Kashmir in 2012

In Pakistani provinces in 2012.

Balochistan- 954
FATA- 2901
KP- 656
Punjab- 104
Sindh- 1553

(source: South Asia Terrorism Portal).

Wow thats on hell of a KD ratio.:flame:

On a more serious note --- Man this **** needs to stop , India will lose some But pakistan will lose many more ,thats the factual nature of things, we are litellay 10 times more than u in almost everything.

I get the typical armchairoprivate's Pakistanian need to vent along with such operations but u guys need to channel ur energies from the right direction.

hitting ur head against this wall will slowly wither u out.

But unfortunately what gona happen is gona happen, this path will only lead to a slow grind that will turn Pakistan to dust 5-10 years down the line.

Dear Indian members remember him :rofl:
@RazPaK @AUz @Areesh @A.Rafay

Among the most ' out of context "posts ..ever.
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if you could only walk the walk, everyone talks the talk
makes you think if you have it in you, doesnt it

terrorists know they will die when they go for it

well you are right. All terrorists know they are gonna be killed one day, be it TTP, LeT, Hizbul or BLA. Its just that how a country can control them and foil their objectives(long term).
but SSG not only wait on LOC if you just remember last few days the stopped many covert operations and killed infiltrator indians. its not just sitting look at them they went for covert operation

Are you sure its covert operations? Or was it getting inside Indian territory and cowardly killing sleeping soldiers because you have lost the ability to fight straight, after outsourcing fighting to LeT? :azn:

You're missing the point; I said your SSG waits on our borders while any tom, dick or harry walks in whistling from the other border of yours, does his stuff and goes back since you can't do anything there. Oh and I am not talking about Amrikkans. :D
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