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Metal music lounge


May 3, 2009
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History and Introduction to metal music:

Introduction & the History

Metal music began as the work of the youth born after the superpower age began, during a highly developmental period for Western civilization in which it, having defeated fascism and nationalism and other old-world evolution-based systems of government, considered itself highly evolved in a humanistic state of liberal democracy which benefitted the individual more than any system previously on record. During this era, society served citizens in their quest for the most convenient lifestyle possible, and any questions or goals outside of this worldview were not considered: it was considered a "progressive" continuation of human development from a primitive evolutionary "red in tooth and claw" state to one in which social concepts of justice and morality defined the life of the individual. The individual has triumphed over the natural world, and faces none of the uncertainty of mortal existence brought about by physical competition and predation.

Politically (the global quest for egalitarian society) and socially (the empowerment of new groups and loss of consensus) humanity viewed itself as getting ahead and being superior to other forms of civilization, including the equally egalitarian but totalitarian Communist empires of the Soviet Union and China, but as the thermonuclear age dawned in the 1950s, this dichotomy came to define the "free West" as much as its enemies.

The first generation after WWII created early proto-metal in a time when all older knowledge and social order was being overturned in the wake of an impulse to redesign the world to avoid the "evils" of the previous generation. The people of this age, and coming ages, were new in that they could not recall a time of direct experience of nature as necessary; the grocery stores, modern medicine and industrial economies of their time took care of all of their needs, and no unbroken natural world could any longer be found except on specialty tours. Their civilization had become exclusively introspective and was losing contact with the (natural) world beyond its self-defined boundaries.

During this time, a "peace" movement which embraced pacifism and egalitarian individualism was gaining popularity at the forefront of the counterculture, a phenomenon which had existed since in the 1950s smart marketers (namely Allen Freed) had promoted rock music as an alternative to the staid, traditional, monogamous and sober lives of Protestant, Anglo-Saxon Americans. With WWII polarizing the world against first German and later Russian "enemies," and Viet Nam revealing the moral bankruptcy of benevolent superpowers motivated by their economies, society was becoming more dependent upon the ideological tradition building over the last 2,000 years: focus on the individual, or individualism, as politically expressed in egalitarianism and liberal democracy. This was expressed in both culture and counterculture.

In contrast, metal music emphasized morbidity and glorified ancient civilizations as well as heroic struggles, merging the gothic attitudes of art rock with the broad scope of progressive rock, but most of all, its sound emphasized heavy: a literal reality that cut through all of our words and symbols and grand theories, to remind us that we are mortal and not ultimately able to control our lifespan or the inherent abilities we have. This clashed drastically with both the pacifist hippie movement and the religious and industrial sentiments of the broader society surrounding it.


This was a confrontation with the "abyss" as first described by existentialist F.W Nietzsche: the awareness that life is finite and of functional, transactional maintenance; that we are both predator and prey, and that we have no control over our lives or death. To Nietzsche, and thinkers such as Arthur Schopenhauer before him, to realize this was an "undergoing," or embracing of nihilism: the belief that there is no value other than the inherent, physical interaction of the natural world. To a nihilist, there is no inherent morality or value, thus there is no reason to view social status and financial success as ultimate goals, only as methods to a path ranked by subjectively-derived importance. This view threatens the beliefs and punishments used to hold Western society together since roughly AD 1000.

Regardless of benevolent social objectives, Nietzsche argued, religion and society were cults that banished death through the "revenge" that morality offered in giving the individual a vector by which to be "better" than the world itself, and by being "equal" to all others, immune to comparison (a symbolic form of predation triggered by Charles Darwin's arguments on "survival of the fittest). In essence, Nietzsche saw social behavior itself as an enemy of reality recognition in the individual and thus, like morality, an ingrained influence that would prompt rebellion and instability within a society that would know no other recourse than moral norming.

Heavy metal, as the music most visibly fascinated with death and suffering (and most likely to mention Nietzsche), addresses the sublimated issue of Nietzsche's abyss in Western society, which has based its founding principles and individual social and mystical values upon the polarity of "good" and "evil," is an identification with the enemy. In the Judeo-Christian view, death and suffering are an enemy which is banished with "good" behavior in the hopes of heavenly (and earthly) reward. In secular form, egalitarian capitalist liberal democracy "empowers" the individual and gives him or her the moral "freedom" to act without regard for the natural world, thus being immune to predation and any form of assessment outside of the social and fiscal. When one embraces the breadth of history (outside of the current civilization), the nihilistic lack of eternal presence of value, the predominance of death and predation, and the logic of feral impulse, one has directly challenged both modern capitalist liberal democracy and the extensive religious (Judeo-Christian) and secular (liberalism) heritage upon which it is built.

8,000 years before Christ there was a religion in Northern India which addressed these issues in a sense without dualism; it believed that life is known to humans through sensual (eyes, ears, taste, smell, touch) perception of a reality composed of ideas which was similar in structure to both nature and the process of thought itself. In this religion the Faustian spirit was clearly present, as while a heroic deed was more important than survival, personal mortality was clearly affirmed. Thus there was both meaning and death, and no absolute God or Heaven to reconcile the two. This required the individual to declare values worthy of filling a life, and worth dying for, and from this origin the ancient heroic civilizations were spawned. Metal's belief system is closer to this than to any modern equivalent, thus it is sensible to posit a closure of the cycle and its renewal in the ideas gestured by heavy metal music.

The Music

Art does not exist in a vacuum within the minds of its creators. If a concept is applied to music, there is a corresponding concept in structure and the worldview of the artist that creates the frame of mind in which the artist creates music which sounds like its desired value system. Art is too complex to be created without any prior thought as to what it expresses; this concept is common in literature and visual art, but ignored in popular music (perhaps because in most popular music, the concept - and the music - reflect crass materialism and futile neurosis and not much else).

At the end of an age of moral symbolism and technological norming, metal is recreating the language of music to reflect heroic values, formulated from the nihilistic mandate of "now that you believe in nothing, find something worth believing in." The ease of social and political identification found in rock music is eschewed, as are aesthetics which endorse the myopic neurosis of first world lifestyles. And while metal has evolved over several generations, several musical facets remain the same, suggesting a corresponding shared conceptual underpinning.

This "design form" of metal differs from popular music in one simple way, but from this arise any number of techniques and attributes which allow composers to create in this method. Its primary distinguishing characteristic is that metal embraces structure more than any other form of popular music; while rock is notorious for its verse-chorus-verse structure and jazz emphasizes a looser version of the same allowing unfetter improvisation, metal emphasizes a motivic, melodic narrative structure in the same way that classical and baroque music do. Each piece may utilize other techniques, but what holds it together is a melodic progression between ideas that do not fit into simple verse-chorus descriptors. Even in 1960s proto-heavy metal, use of motives not repeated as part of the verse-chorus cycle and transitional riffing suggested a poetic form of music in which song structure was derived from what needed to be communicated.


In this structuralism, metal music asserts a concern for the underlying mechanism of the universe as a whole, instead of limiting its focus to human social concerns. This degrades the public image fascination begun in the West with absolutist morality; in its use of power chords, the most harmonically flexible chord shape, and a tendency toward melodic composition, metal music emphasizes an experience, where rock can articulate at best a moment and then put it into a repeating loop. While rock uses more open chords and aesthetic variation, its outlook is ultimately a utopic form of the counterculture: progressive trends leading to some ultimate state of an absolute, such as "freedom" or "joy" or "popularity."

By way of contrast, metal music is a portrait of the post-humanist mindset: concerned more about natural reality than social symbolism, addressing experience instead of moral conclusion, and, when it seeks a context of meaning, oriented toward the subjective experience than an "objectivity" derived from shared societal concept. It is aware that leaving behind the comforting alternate reality of social assessment returns to a natural state in which the individual is ranked among others according to ability, much as predation did years ago, and is forced to accept mortality and limits of personal control. This thought demonstrates the modern era of Western civilization facing the ideas of the ancients while eschewing the consensual social reality of industrial capitalist liberal democracies, and, as said societies collapse from lack of consensus, a potential future direction for Indo-European culture.
:haha: now thats called a thread, i am posting what i know of metal :haha:


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:haha: now thats called a thread, i am posting what i know of metal :haha:


80kOBeMEm2I[/media] - Nightwish - Nemo [HD 720p]

Nightwish - Wish I Had An Angel (movie version)[/url]

Nightwish "The Phantom Of The Opera" with lyrics[/url]

Nightwish - Over the hills and far away[/url]


Emo girl if your into nightwish you might wanna give within temptation a try i bet you'll like em =P.

also black blood <3 for making this thread

and i know laods of metal band it would take me like a week at post links to all music but i'll sahre some with you guys.

If your in to altrenative metal then you have to give papa roach and linken park a try

for symphonic i recomend nightwish,epica,within temptation and ayreon

there are loads of sub genres in metal i can't post em all if you tell me which kind of sub genre you listen to i can recomend some good bands since i know alot about it =P.

Also if you are guitar players like then give slash and buckethead a go.


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Emo girl if your into nightwish you might wanna give within temptation a try i bet you'll like em =P.

and i know laods of metal band it would take me like a week at post links to all music but i'll sahre some with you guys.

If your in to altrenative metal then you have to give papa roach and linken park a try


after listening to Nightwish & other heavy metal genres it seems as if there is 'no music' with Within temptation :lol:

i hate Linkin Park :angry:
after listening to Nightwish & other heavy metal genres it seems as if there is 'no music' with Within temptation :lol:

i hate Linkin Park :angry:

I agree nightiwsh has some awesome music they are my second fav band and you got that right lassy its a good band but music is huge try listing to other bands as well ;D and i also don't like linken park but they are ok XD.

Also i don't know why but i hesitate while sharing music on sites XD

oh and what do you mean by other "heavy metal genre it seems as if there is no music" IMO nightiwsh used to be the best symphonic metal band but now that tarja was kicked out i belive that within temptatoin is better =P.
Please don't insult metal heads by posting stuff from Nightwish. Only sissies listen to Nightwish. :P

Presenting real metal songs

and ofcourse, even some Indian metal songs -

Joint Family - Drummers advice

Decibel - Naagin (Hilarious video by the way)
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Please don't insult metal heads by posting stuff from Nightwish. Only sissies listen to Nightwish. :P

Presenting real metal songs

and ofcourse, even some Indian metal songs -

Joint Family - Drummers advice

Decibel - Naagin (Hilarious video by the way)
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Please don't insult metal heads by posting stuff from Nightwish. Only sissies listen to Nightwish. :P

Presenting real metal songs

zKG0XHrfaKY[/media] - Pantera - Walk HQ

CUDWLp1yIWw[/media] - Slayer - Raining Blood

euHMldrw4fw[/media] - Death - Lack of comprehension

doTBT46wMvA[/media] - Ramstein - Du Hast

9d4ui9q7eDM[/media] - Megadeth - Holy Wars...The Punishment Due (2006 Digital...

and ofcourse, even some Indian metal songs -

Joint Family - Drummers advice bOw8Z0uhJ9M[/media] - Drummers Advice-Joint Family

Decibel - Naagin (Hilarious video by the way) 0g_i0D1QBqs[/media] - Decibel - Naagin the Lady Cobra (full)

XD not realy nightwish makes some awesome music its not for sisses and it is still metal but diffrent then what you call "heavy metal" and if you wanna talk about hard music well then what you posted wasn't much hard some of it was grundge and heavy lets talk about death,industrial,speed and black metal then shall we.

lets go more heavy this is what most heavy metal fans don't like

and lastly there is this its called harsh noise which i don't think you guys know about =P

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metal sucks mayn, how come so many people from back home like it :blink:
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I don't like hip hop its a matetr of opinion besides i hate all the mainstream stuff >_>.

Buh atleast in hip hop u can understand what they are saying, which most of the times makes you wish you hadnt

how do you guys even understand metal, alternative yh sure but pure hardcore metal naah

and they look frikin scary :undecided:

Buh atleast in hip hop u can understand what they are saying, which most of the times makes you wish you hadnt

how do you guys even understand metal, alternative yh sure but pure hardcore metal naah

and they look frikin scary :undecided:

hahaha loads of people ask me that well your hearing has to be good and tbh i am not like a hardcore metal fan my fav genres are

Classic , altrenative metal and symphonic metal.

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