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[**** Members Only] Pakistan eCommerce Landscape!


Sep 7, 2013
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In an effort to create a proper online payment system in Pakistan, a survey is being conducted for a clearer picture of eCommerce in Pakistan. The survey can be accessed here:
Pakistan Ecommerce Survey - Formstack


The survey is very specifically focused on the "type" of an E-Commerce user in Pakistan. To get a better understanding of the anatomy of the e-commerce ecosystem, we need to understand to whom we are serving, and in as such, the information we have asked, helps us and those who will use this data have a better understanding and appreciation of the audience that currently exists today in Pakistan, whom we would classify as an Online Shopper.

What exactly is this survey trying to do?

Assume you are a Product Manager at Facebook Payment in California. Your immediate boss say, "Lets look at Pakistan and see if deploying Facebook payments in Pakistan makes sense?" - alternatively, you could be a Product Manager in VISA Pakistan or HBL and the same question is asked "Shall we deploy Online & Mobile Payments in Pakistan?"

Now, internally to these organisations, you would be provided with a Report to fill in. Most of these companies already have a report in a standard template format. Your job is to fill it in and get a picture, size, semblance, altitude, structure, form (nomenclature aside) of the Country and what its E-Commerce scenario looks like. Now - herein lies the problem. Where's the data? Do you know of any source? I would love for you to share it with me.

This is exactly what we are trying to do - collect data points (many of them, this survey represents a single datapoint, we have about 12-15 more data points to collect to get a very accurate picture). So if people contribute towards this survey, you contribute directly towards the good of the economy, by having provided the relevant statistics or estimated statistics, extrapolated datasets for Product Manager worldwide to work on.

We plan to share the raw data with everyone else, including some big name companies like PayPal, Amazon, Facebook, Google, American Express and Mastercard (these are the companies that we or rather I have been talking to). The raw data we will publish, will obfuscate the Name and the Email addresses. Should one of these companies want to audit randomly 10-12 people from the raw data, then the names and email addresses will be supplied. Other than the stated use, we have no further use for your Name/Email and we do not plan to share this list with anyone else.

I hope everyone will pitch in.


I dont know if this is irrelevevant here.
but i really want everyone to have ease of use in the future.
Please fill them out as much as you can!

Can admin change title to "[Pak Members Only] Pakistan eCommerce Landscape!"

Oh and!
Please post here after you have went through the survey!

Try to stay away from such surveys they do them to gather low level intel.
Try to stay away from such surveys they do them to gather low level intel.

it is an official survey.
Not something random i picked up.

im helping them share and spread the thing.

it is working with statebank of pakistan to ensure the thing its going to Happen after enough surveys are full filled!
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