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Media reporting of Saudi Military exercise


Feb 2, 2014
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The Dunaya e News has recently reported about the Saudi military exercise. The newspaper has stated that these exercises are giving a message to the U.S. that Saudi Arabia is now not dependent on the U.S. And Gen Raheel was given a seat next to Prince Mutab, this was also giving the message to lots of circles.
I completely disagree with both statements. Firstly, Saudi Arabia is not giving any message to the U.S. rather Saudi Arabia is an ally of the U.S. for a long time. Right now Saudi Arabia is acting as a satellite state of the U.S. Saudi Arabia is happy with this status. Saudi's have got lots of personal benefits from the U.S e.g. Visa, green cards, admission to the U.S universities, invitation to state functions. Saudi's are happy with these personal benefits. This is what they want in this life.

As far as seating arrangement of Gen. Raheel is considered. He was sitting with the Prince Mutab. Normally prince keeps on moving to different seats, so that he could sit with other guest too.

With both of the statements, i just want to say that Pakistani media for a long time is trying to portray an emotional sort of stories which are not real. World of International Affairs is very different from all these sorts of emotional stories. I think Pakistani media should stop giving these emotional stories which has nothing to do with international affairs.

Saudi's on the personal and national levels they are not very close to Pakistanis. They called them 'miskeens' mean poor. National level they level Pakistan as the biggest country.

Saudi is happy as the satellite country of the U.S. they are not against these status.

U.S. itself helped Japan to build its military. Reason, right now gun industry is the most profitable industry. More countries have armies and military exercises more money will be spent in the gun industry. Right now Saudi Arabia is the biggest buyer of the U.S. Ammunition.


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Seems, nobody is interested in emotional hype of the media.

Actually, I am very concerned with the media's emotional aspect. Media shape up the minds of lots of people.
We have seen in the last couple of decades the way media have created a hype and emotional wave. Saudi Arabia has been always portrayed as very close to Pakistan. First of all oil money has changed the mindset of Saudi's, their dealing with Pakistan is just like giving something to a beggar. Long time ago Saudi help should be denied, and whole relations between the two countries would be established on mutual relationship. Sending army to be used as missionaries hadn't been done. Media is still painting the picture that Saudi are very close to Pakistan emotionally, which is completely a lie.
My whole concerned was that we shouldn't get euphoric about these international events. International affairs are not run on an emotional basis. Saudi's always took Pakistanis as 'Maskins' poors, they don't have any emotional attachment with Pakistan. This is the ground reality.
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