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Media censorship in action - Pakistan

Haven't read or watched the video in the OP, what I know is that Rao Anwar and those who support him are wild boars.
kia app maslihat wallay bhadurun ko wild boar keh rahay hain?
app peh blasphemy law keh taihad muqadma banta hai bhai!
Everyone seems to be missing the point here. The art exhibition was about Rao Anwar's countless encounters where people died. It wasn't a political statement of any kind but an expression. Secondly, if you read the guy's reply, he says that the permission was granted because of art but this is bad art. wtf!

We need to ask ourselves, why can't we talk about extra judicial murder in this country? When the supposedly handler of Rao Anwar is in jail but he himself is free. Who supports him?
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Speak against Rao Anwar and show his Shetani face mean you putting your step on dog tail.
That’s what happened here, in park you can sell or use drugs no one stop you, loot some sexual abuse are all okay.
Hey but how dare you have ballz to expose Rao Anwar killer of hundreds.
He is well protected and we know how.
I have some idea about Jibran ..... and I was not debating about him,

What actually forced me to reply the post of the member where he attributed the action of a concern local authority to the Federal government of Pakistan and then termed the action as Media censorship by state ..... while hypocritically ignore the fact that Jibran was stopped to use that park for political activity not from speaking his narrative which he could do at any other place like Press Club Karachi ....

What do you think of Jibran ?
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you know you are just posting for the sake of posting .... without logic

Now note:
1- Political Activities in Public Parks in Karachi are not allowed, so it does not matter that the political gathering was there without "without large speakers, weapons" it was against the Rule of Karachi Municipal Corporation .....

So rather to change the topic and exhibiting the unnecessary hatred and opposition against PTI, plz answer my questions which I asked previously

Mayor of Karachi belong to PTI .... ???
Censorship is done by PTI .....???
Political Activity is allowed in Public Parks of Karachi ....??

which source .... ??
clause of the constitutional which also allow the government/administration to impose reasonable restriction

it is your right to respond or not to respond, but Behave .... don't show stupid attitude

With the permission of the government .....

Jibran had any prior permission for this activity from local authorities ....??

You have no source to prove your case, you know you're doubling down on your guess.
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You know I find it funny or surprising that there are Pakistani people who see BJP and how their followers (bhakts) are blinded. But are oblivious to the same happening with Pakistan, with PTI and its supporters.
It ain't PTI.
. . .
When Pakistani News Networks are owned and/or influenced by foreign elements, then the so-called traitor media shouldn't cry about their freedom when they betray the very profession that is suppose to uphold the truth, unvarnished and unbiased. The shameful, vain and utterly devoid of honesty, media barks all day spreading disunity and promoting bollywood and indian filth, worshipping indian celebrities and gossip. Then such a media isn't worth anything but garbage.
When Pakistani News Networks are owned and/or influenced by foreign elements, then the so-called traitor media shouldn't cry about their freedom when they betray the very profession that is suppose to uphold the truth, unvarnished and unbiased. The shameful, vain and utterly devoid of honesty, media barks all day spreading disunity and promoting bollywood and indian filth, worshipping indian celebrities and gossip. Then such a media isn't worth anything but garbage.

Hahaha, best joke ever.

1. If they are lying, you take them to court and prove them wrong!

2. Someone shouldn't tell you that ISPR yestarday held a lighted up musical event for Kashmir Black Day at Islamabad, in which model and singer Humeira Arshad performed and the invitees danced. Also don't forget about that 'first-and-last' item song Muneer did for the sake of ISPR's project.

Keep that blindfold on buddy, keep saying: "We are saints, we do no wrong, I don't believe anything."

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