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McDonald's workers protest low pay, 100 arrested

Hasbara Buster

Aug 17, 2010
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McDonald's workers protest low pay, 100 arrested

Thousands of McDonald's workers demanding higher wages and the right to form a union without retaliation have held a demonstration in the United States.

The police arrested about 100 protesters outside McDonald's corporate headquarters in the state of Illinois on Wednesday.

Earlier in the day, organizers changed the location of their protest after the fast-food chain vacated its headquarters in Oak Brook, Illinois.

Down the street from McDonald's campus that houses its Hamburger University training facility, riot police warned protesters to disperse. Several demonstrators dressed in McDonald's uniforms essentially volunteered to be arrested.

According to organizers, more than 100 McDonald's workers who traveled from around the US were arrested, along with community leaders and supporters.

Protesters want the fast food giant pay a minimum wage of $15 per hour.

Chanting, “Hey McDonald’s You Can’t Hide, We Can See Your Greedy Side,” and “No Big Macs, No Fries, Make our Wage Supersize,” protesters blocked the entrance to McDonald’s campus in Oakbrook.

The protest against the world's biggest restaurant operator came a day before an annual shareholder meeting.

The rallies have also spread to other countries. Organizers say they've held 230 rallies in 33 countries, including France, Brazil and Indonesia.

PressTV - McDonald's workers protest low pay, 100 arrested
Protesters want the fast food giant pay a minimum wage of $15 per hour.

$15 an hour, these protesters are mad asking for way too much. They should try to better their standing and education if they want better pay.
American standard is Higher and 15 dollars is average payment per hour.
$15 an hour, these protesters are mad asking for way too much. They should try to better their standing and education if they want better pay.

American standard is Higher and 15 dollars is average payment per hour.

This isnt the 99% upsetting the 1% its lower than that allot lower.

When the Federal Minimum wage was created in America 1938, FLSA, it was a quarter, now its $7.57.

MSNBC is going to show everyone that single high-school drop-out mother trying to support her kids. But in reality only 2.9% of the population earns that amount.

Remember when the Autoworkers got unionized? In a couple of decades the entire industry has become mechanized, and it took decades because computerized mechanization wasn't as advanced as it is now. That same factory with maybe 3,000 workers now has less than 1,000. Any raise to the minimum wage will only further marginalize low skilled workers. If the McDonalds Franchisees has to raise wages, how long before they, the corporate HQ, decides to subsidize mechanizing the restaurants?

Minimum wage was NEVER meant to be a LIVING wage. Minimum wage positions are all low skilled positions meant to get drop-outs, recent grads, people who have very little to no marketable into the workforce. To give them tools to learn and rise up the ladder.

Most minimum wage positions have High Turn-over. Meaning the rate where an employer loses employees. Are there Fast-food joints that give better treatment? Yes. There are those owners that give their workers better wages and healthcare an the Turn-over these businesses have are allot lower than the industry standard. Why would anyone flipping burgers quit a job with $7.57+ and healthcare?

This all comes down to 1 thing. Who can motivate their political theocracy? Motivate it so much that the mid-term election turnout, which usually is usually <40%, is higher and favoring 1 party. Historically, congress has NEVER increased the Minimum wage in an Economic Slowdown. Its shouldn't start now.

Look at Germany. A country that is the Messiah for being the last developed country to not have a minimum wage. Instead it allows Unions and Corporations to hammer out contracts, the Unions even get a seat on the Board of Directors! They are incapable of making a law to make a Minimum Wage. And yet their economy grows, abet less because of those Greek and Ireland. But nonetheless, Germans value employment rather than unemployment.

Case in point and my concluding.

Minimum wage was never meant to support a family of 3 kids. It wasn't supposed to be a catalyst for dumb@$$ student who got pissed off at their Parents rules to decide to dropout of High School and Fu<k their girlfriend/ fu<ked by their boyfriends to show their parents they are capable of adult decisions. Should I pay more for my McBurger or Big King because some idiot thought they knew the secret to life? But now has to support 5 kids on a wage that was never designed to support a family?

I went through college on Merit based scholarships. AND I worked at my Father's Auto-repair shop. In fact I dropped out of George Washington University because the requirement for the Scholarship was 3.5, i had a 3.49. :angry: There are PLENTY of ways minimum wage employees can increase their marketable skills, PLENTY of Scholarships, PLENTY of ways to get a better life.

Money shouldn't be handed out just because you're a single mother with 5 kids.

Probably still a fraction of their profits.

Fine, Lets raise their wages to $15. And we'll have every PhD that would make $14/hour, in his/her field, and recent grad who would make $10/hour applying for the job of flipping burgers. THAT IS if the ordering system isn't mechanized.

Who's going to be complaining about not having jobs? The same people complaining they're underpaid.

The stupid editors at Huffington Post quoted some Undergrad kid at Kansas, believing he was a researcher for the university. He claimed that if McDs increased wages to double it would only cost 68 cents more. But his research was filled with stupid high school style mistakes. Read more here: Errors in McDonald's Wage Analysis
If they were to raise their wages to $15 the price of McDonald's food would rise sharply and they would lose their customer base.
Is the wages in the US per week or per month ?
Is the wages in the US per week or per month ?
You mean, when a worker gets paid? Usually it is every two weeks for people who make an hourly wage. The current Federal minimum wage is $7.25 an hour but most of the more populous cities have their own minimum wage. San Francisco's for example, is $10.55 per hour.
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