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Massive floods across Pakistan | Thousands Killed

Take the aid. Thank India. Then offer similar aid when India needs it.

Or alternative you do more of this

ma'am u have problem with us (internet warrior) that why u are refusing aids?? this is disgusting...how can you behave like this wen humanity at stake?? because u have to face these on this very forum... this is the worst excuse i ever heard to boast their own fake ego.

Who has refused the aid???

Please do start sending like Sri Lanka, Iran, US, and other countries instead of just mere rehtorics.
Take the aid. Thank India. Then offer similar aid when India needs it.

Or alternative you do more of this

bwahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaa are your your spokesperson ??

lolzz please ask India to start sending food, medicines, tents, clothing and other needed stuff
at least you have a voice here and can post, even when some of your 'people' mock or insult Pakistan Nation.

how many Pakistanis on the bharat rhat-shack forum? :lol:

U should go to bratsht forum n another crappy forum and see how they attack Pakistanis and Pakistan literally attackin and gettin personel with false B.S.
Well, I am a member of two forums only..and active on only one....that is PDF, while other is not Bharat Rakshak...I didnot even visited that forum yet..
thats it!!
Apart from you guys... I can see there are lots of Pakistani Members who are appreciable and have same shared mentality like I do..
though that may explain "insensitivity" of our UK-based friends, the major cause, if you ask a common educated Pakistani, is Zardari-led gang running the government. people simply don't trust giving any sort of donation to public entities or in PMs or Presidents donation accounts. everyone knows that Zardari will only let single-digit percentage of the amount collected to pass to the victims, the rest will go to his personal accounts. there's even news (i'm not sure if its only a rumor) that the accounts Zardari opened to collect donations in the UK were in his childrens' names; guess they've already started following daddy in spirit.
bwahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaa are your your spokesperson ??

lolzz please ask India to start sending food, medicines, tents, clothing and other needed stuff
that will be better thing,they can be directly put under use.although aid requested to pak is very less.
bwahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaa are your your spokesperson ??

lolzz please ask India to start sending food, medicines, tents, clothing and other needed stuff

Oh and the money isn't for that ? Now you demanding more aid ?

Do you even have any credible evidence to prove that India didn't show respect by offering you this aid ? Do post.

Here let me post this

India's External Affairs Minister SM Krishna had a telephone conversation with his Pakistani counterpart, Shah Mahmood Qureshi, and 'conveyed deepest sympathies and condolence to the people of Pakistan,' the statement said.
Guys, some Pakistani members here are cringing at the fact that they have to accept AID from India, its not about the serious needs but the hate one sees among some of them here.

While it may be beyond their ego and at the cost of so many Pakistani suffering, this money will help them. It will neither give India a crown to wear nor will it solve any of our problems, but its a great gesture from India.

While many here are at the point of instigating an anti-Pakistan comment, so they can use it against us..telling us you give us aid and then bad mouth, its important that Indians exercise restraint and feel good we helped so many suffering people in a little way.

Leave it at that..no point arguing with people who are known to be Indian bashers, well they are even arguing about this just shows the pathetic thinking.
Guys, some Pakistani members here are cringing at the fact that they have to accept AID from India, its not about the serious needs but the hate one sees among some of them here.

While it may be beyond their ego and at the cost of so many Pakistani suffering, this money will help them. It will neither give India a crown to wear nor will it solve any of our problems, but its a great gesture from India.

While many here are at the point of instigating an anti-Pakistan comment, so they can use it against us..telling us you give us aid and then bad mouth, its important that Indians exercise restraint and feel good we helped so many suffering people in a little way.

Leave it at that..no point arguing with people who are known to be Indian bashers, well they are even arguing about this just shows the pathetic thinking.

You summed up everything.........:pop:
Its easy,Pakistan's economy is not in the best state.
People want survival at any cost,it will be an intelligent step by Pakistan to accept the offer.
People need it anyhow,from anywhere.
I think we should thank them for talking our help.........:lol:

This is ur attitude after just offering help .... we can easily predict the future !
@Jigs ,my friend if we take help frm them they will talk about it for the next 50 years and try to humiliate.
Also we did help them give em AID in the past but i dont recal us getting indian aid!
This is ur attitude after just offering help .... we can easily predict the future !
@Jigs ,y friend if we take help frm them they will talk about it for the next 50 years and try to humiliate.
........... dude if somebdy kills ur little brother and offers u help bury him wat will u do?Accept or reject?

Dont get me wrong everyone(including you) was posting crap on such a serious issue....I also got swayed......anyway got to edit the post....sorry if it hurt you......
This is ur attitude after just offering help .... we can easily predict the future !
@Jigs ,y friend if we take help frm them they will talk about it for the next 50 years and try to humiliate.
........... dude if somebdy kills ur little brother and offers u help bury him wat will u do?Accept or reject?

I am sure he was light hearted for that post.. Btw what kind of attitude you are talking about? Go and see the people who are suffering and ask them will they Mind the help by India??
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