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Massive attack on Indian Military Base is Nagaland by armed Civilians! Indian base on Fire!


Aug 3, 2008
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Nagas should be extended every possible support. They are fierce fighters and have made the Indian state give them the type of concessions no other freedom movement in India has been able to secure. These folks have the greatest chance of securing their independence in the Indian union. I hope that this event would galvanize support for Naga cause and make the Chinese in particular invest heavily in the Nagas to tie up Indian troops in North East. One could expect great things from Nagas, their recent ambush of an Indian colonel and his convoy was classic.
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Nagas should be extended every possible support. They are fierce fighters and have made the Indian state give them the type of concessions no other freedom movement in India has able to secure. These folks have the greatest chance of securing their independence in the Indian union. I hope that this event would galvanize support for Naga cause and make the Chinese in particular invest heavily in the Nagas to tie up Indian troops in North East. One could expect great things from Nagas, their recent ambush of an Indian colonel and his convoy was classic.
They are fighting with WWII weapons imagine if they could have access to even AK-47 and RPG....Indians openly support terrorism in Pakistan...We should extend our support to freedom struggle of Nagas.
They are fighting with WWII weapons imagine if they could have access to even AK-47 and RPG....Indians openly support terrorism in Pakistan...We should extend our support to freedom struggle of Nagas.
Now that our embassies are non existent in Afghanistan how are Hindu baniyas still funding terrorism in Pakistan?
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it was protesters who came to complain about the ambush who were fired at and were murdered. all that gunfire is from assam rifles not from the people

TRT seems to be helping to set bharati narrative

People's anger is very understandable and valid. Government needs to act quickly to apologize and compensate.
People's anger is very understandable and valid. Government needs to act quickly to apologize and compensate.
They wouldnt. Modi still live in his fantasy of supapowa. He will crushed and erase these primitive inhabitant just like how he do to Muslim.

Modi think he is Hitler! :enjoy:
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They wouldnt. Modi still live in his fantasy of supapowa. He will crushed and erase these primitive inhabitant just like how he do to Muslim.

Modi think he is Hitler! :enjoy:

No. Government may act harshly against extremists but here we are talking about common civilians. I am confident Government will act else people will be on the streets to force the government to act.
every action has equal and opposite reaction - Newtonship law

Indian chu***ship Army killed 13 Naga land civilian, in response… they start killing kutamaaarship (Indian Naval Chief -Shiptatu Singh)
Funny how dumb indians are now silent while they were jumping on fake news of civil war in karachi lolz.
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