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Massive amount of trolling by indians! and mods not taking notice!

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Jan 1, 2010
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Hi........ mods there is massive amount of trolling going on and even after reporting them a billion god damn times none action is taken!

If u require staff why dont u chose a few people to take care of the trash!

A few examples

Wow, Indian forces forced pak establishment to think to nuke their own soil.

Scarred of guys who just got there balls kicked by few rag tags na.........

what about the terrorist? they will continue to attack pak?

Be afraid of what? Pakistan Army or Taliban?

It seems Taliban is winning at the moment with (PNS Mehran, GHQ attack, ISI attack)

Chill guys !!!
pak is developing shrter range to counter Talibans ( they are nearer to Army then the Indian Army). pakistan will nuke talibans at PNS Mehran or GHQ, if it them again...

See, when you spend all your money on nukes, with limited funds, how can Pakistan win a war in Pakistan? lol

Maybe to nuke terrorists pakistan lolzzz

a better job for pakistani soldiers is to bake some chicken wings :rofl: recent events say so...

Agree, USA will take the nukes, before Pakistan can even use them.

face the whole world ??? as for what? sanctions blah blah ? we don't care, nor would the world care once Pakistan is annihilated. sanctions and other pressures are almost negligible when considering a pak free world. the world shall be peaceful after that.

Kashmir is not the problem.Problem is the mindset in pakistan army/society.."India Obsession" as the world calls it..Had it not been "K " word ..it could have been any thingh from A to Z..

how will they support the already dead huh? by mourning? most probably they would thank India for getting rid of international migraine. win win situation for India and the world.

let uncle live in fools paradise.
.face the world blah blah lol, civil my hairy foot!

You could be picked up. Anytime. :smokin:

Heck just see the thread!

Considering to send it via next Blackhawk flight courier.. I hear it would be stopping over in Islamabad this time instead of Abbotabad. Would be easy dropping it off as they stiop to pick up their package (dead or alive ;) )

And the list continues!!
why to open another thread with potential for bashing each other man.....:hitwall:

however let the mods decide.....
today been an eventful day.
Looks like mods are sleepin as usual...........im fed up.

Your are a seasoned member on this forum ....and are quite aware of how the things go around....... there wasn't a need of starting this thread..... Standard procedure should be followed....

Looks like mods are sleepin as usual...........im fed up.

Correct ...... its very easy to come hard on the moderation team.... and I don't hold you guilty for that.... but under the current conditions what else can we do...... with infraction system.... now being in place.....we cant make drastic change to situation.....as contrary to the past....... its more persuasive then being authoritative !!

What should we do ...... drop it??? We might not like the system at all.....but thats what we have to work with.

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