"Majoosis"? That's an ethno-sectarianist slur and borderline takfiri language.
Oh, and the Sunni soldiers in the SAA, including dozens of pilots - "majoosis" too?
And they call us "sectarianists". I've never seen an Iranian or Shia Muslim on this forum designate a salafist or deobandi by terms such as "nasibi" etc. Not once. The opposite however is quite a regular occurrence. Because Iran and its allies do not follow a sectarianist ideology at all.
As for the civilian toll of the Syrian war: according even to questionable, politically biased, MI-6 linked pro-opposition sources such as the infamous "Syrian Observatory for Human Rights" (SOHR), the number of civilian casualties is about equal to the number of military deaths in that war. With military casualties more or less evenly distributed between the governmental side and the opposition. So even if we consider, like the Syrian opposition does, that "90%" of civilian casualties were caused by the governmental camp - which likely represents an unrealistic, exaggerated estimate knowing the incredible violence and extremism of the opposition, then still the Syrian government and its allies would have had a civilian to military kill ratio of less than 2:1, in reality probably less.
Now consider the fact that most of the fighting happened in densely populated areas, cities in particular, with insurgents deeply entrenched within residential neighborhoods. And also factor in that the Syrian army lacked precision-guided ammunitions. Given these facts, a less than 2:1 civilian / military kill ratio is not out of the ordinary, and does not point to a large scale campaign to deliberately and randomly target and mass murder civilian populations.
Did individual units in the SAA commit war crimes? Surely. And I for one wholeheartedly condemn every single instance of a crime committed by the governmental side, and demand that culprits be court-martialed. But to suggest that the army was ordered to eradicate civilian communities, let based on religious denomination or ethnicity, or that there was a state policy to do so, simply does not square with facts and figures.