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Mars Rover's 'mysterious light' photo causes wild speculations about alien life


Feb 11, 2014
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Mars Rover's 'mysterious light' photo causes wild speculations about alien life — RT USA

It´s a dust devil.

The sandcorns reflecting the light.

Aliens don´t exist in our Life. The span between the stars are too big for any aliens to pass.

There are just a few places in our galaxy where life can exist. Other places are horrible hell like places. An environment of cosmic radiation which destroys DNA Sequences.

It´s a dust devil.

The sandcorns reflecting the light.

Aliens don´t exist in our Life. The span between the stars are too big for any aliens to pass.

There are just a few places in our galaxy where life can exist. Other places are horrible hell like places. An environment of cosmic radiation which destroys DNA Sequences.

Actually there's a lot but they are too far
It´s a dust devil.

The sandcorns reflecting the light.

Aliens don´t exist in our Life. The span between the stars are too big for any aliens to pass.

There are just a few places in our galaxy where life can exist. Other places are horrible hell like places. An environment of cosmic radiation which destroys DNA Sequences.

Life depends on how you define it.. Current western thought behind it is based on ego .. why it has to be human like.. why it needs oxygen.. why not sulpher or nitrogen...and distance for us doesn't mean distance for other .. i mean they don't have to copy paste our meters , kilometers, unfortunately no new thought about life or origin of life is coming as everyone is happy in following the West.. china and russia simply copy paste their theories and thoughts and basically all the rest of scientific community is living like a zombie.. what makes you think that life has to be like us... think like us feel like us live like us and has needs like us....
Life depends on how you define it.. Current western thought behind it is based on ego .. why it has to be human like.. why it needs oxygen.. why not sulpher or nitrogen...and distance for us doesn't mean distance for other .. i mean they don't have to copy paste our meters , kilometers, unfortunately no new thought about life or origin of life is coming as everyone is happy in following the West.. china and russia simply copy paste their theories and thoughts and basically all the rest of scientific community is living like a zombie.. what makes you think that life has to be like us... think like us feel like us live like us and has needs like us....

With that logic we can also call stars as life.

But we do not, because Stars only consists of single Atoms (Mostly Hydrogen) of no complexity. They are very simple energy machines. Beside their enourmos Power and Longevity, they are nothing special.

Stars are basic groundstones in cosmic evolution. Humans are the known crone of the cosmic evolution today. A single Human is much more valueable for the Galaxy than all stars in the universe combined.

Science has definition of Life. Life is a self reproducing, living organism based on DNA sequences. When we talk about life, of course we talk about Life which is like us. Humans and Animals, Trees are complex organisms created from Evolution process over Millions of years.

Don´t call People with common sense Zombies. Of course world is following the USA, because USA is the most advanced on earth.
It´s a dust devil.

The sandcorns reflecting the light.

Aliens don´t exist in our Life. The span between the stars are too big for any aliens to pass.

There are just a few places in our galaxy where life can exist. Other places are horrible hell like places. An environment of cosmic radiation which destroys DNA Sequences.

or a photoshopped pic?
It´s a dust devil.

The sandcorns reflecting the light.

Aliens don´t exist in our Life. The span between the stars are too big for any aliens to pass.

There are just a few places in our galaxy where life can exist. Other places are horrible hell like places. An environment of cosmic radiation which destroys DNA Sequences.

Scientists say that there are many planets in universe where life may exist.

Off coarse we have no tech to explore vast galaxies, but there could be many other far superior civilizations on other planets in universe, which may have tech advance enough to explore nearly all universe.
That is nothing special. Dust devil which reflected the sunlight.

The Photo is a IR Camera shot. Mars is very cold and the dust reflecting the hot sunlight occurs as lightning on the photo.


Scientists say that there are many planets in universe where life may exist.

Off coarse we have no tech to explore vast galaxies, but there could be many other far superior civilizations on other planets in universe, which may have tech advance enough to explore nearly all universe.

Such technology does not exist. Nothing can travel faster than the speed of light. Any matterial object like a spaceship would vaporize at that speed through the friction caused by interstelar dust.

There are some theories to bend the spacetime continuum with kind of warp engines. But thats just science fiction with very low scientific basis. Scientists have calculated that it would need an energy source which is 100.000 times bigger then the energy of the sun to open such a portal and guard the ship from the enourmos gravity of it. Such a portal would have higher gravity than a black hole.

Not possible. not for us, and also for nobody else. Creatures which can create such a technology would have ascended from their physical boddies long time before they had managed such technology.
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