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Marine who urinated on Taliban dead says he’d do it again.

Assault Rifle

Jul 17, 2013
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Do I regret doing it? Hell no!’ Marine who urinated on Taliban dead says he’d do it again.
By Kristina Wong-The Washington Times Tuesday, July 16, 2013

** FILE ** This image made on Jan. 12, 2012, from an undated video posted on the Internet by a YouTube user self-identified as "semperfiLoneVoice" shows men in U.S. Marine combat gear standing in a semicircle over three bodies. U.S. Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta branded as "utterly despicable" the video purporting to show four U.S. Marines urinating on the corpses of Taliban fighters. (Associated Press)

A Marine who was fined and demoted for urinating on Taliban corpses in Afghanistan in 2011 says he would do it again.

“I regret maybe any repercussions it might have had on the Marines. But do I regret doing it? Hell no,” Sgt. Joseph Chamblin told WSOC-TV in Charlotte, N.C., adding that he would do it again.

The infamous incident was videotaped and uploaded to YouTube last year, becoming international news and raising fears of retaliation by Afghan troops against their coalition trainers.

“These were the same guys that were killing our family, killing our brothers,” said Sgt. Chamblin, who was on a mission to stop Taliban insurgents from making roadside bombs.

One of his sniper team members, Sgt. Mark Bradley, was killed by a buried bomb days before the incident.

“We’re human,” he said. “Who wouldn’t if you lost your brother or mother? Wouldn’t you want revenge?”

Sgt. Chamblin said he didn’t consider endangering other troops by the act, but considered the psychological effect it would have on the enemy “because if an infidel touches the body, they’re not going to Mecca or paradise.”

“So now these insurgents see what happens when you mess with us,” said Sgt. Chamblin, adding that he is planning to retire in September and is writing a book.

The Marines court-martialed nine troops for the incident. Sgt. Chamblin, a 15-year veteran, pleaded guilty for urinating on the bodies and dereliction of duty and was fined $500 and demoted, WSOC reported.

“Do you want the Marine Corps to be a group of Boy Scout pretty boys or do you want guys that will go out and kill the people trying to take advantage of your country and kill Americans?” he said. “Which do you want? Because you can’t have both.”

© Copyright 2013 The Washington Times, LLC.

Source: Washington Times.
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So what's wrong?

Politically correct politicians sitting in nice air conditioned rooms only know to talk rubbish.

But it is the soldier that knows pain, sadness, anger and barbarity....all for a meagre government salary.

A soldier risks his life as a divine duty to protect those who are his countrymen.

And instead of simply ignoring this act of anger, (that too against a Taliban!) the apologetic liberal politicians are targeting this brave soldier.

What a shame.

US is also becoming slowly another Congress.
We’re human,” he said. “Who wouldn’t if you lost your brother or mother? Wouldn’t you want revenge?”

What if an Afghan says an exact same thing after NATO bombs his family?

think about it gentlemen.
We’re human,” he said. “Who wouldn’t if you lost your brother or mother? Wouldn’t you want revenge?”

What if an Afghan says an exact same thing after NATO bombs his family?

think about it gentlemen.

Absolutely correct!

Human emotions are universal. Soldiers should always have the discipline to control them. Always.
So what's wrong?

Politically correct politicians sitting in nice air conditioned rooms only know to talk rubbish.

But it is the soldier that knows pain, sadness, anger and barbarity....all for a meagre government salary.

A soldier risks his life as a divine duty to protect those who are his countrymen.

And instead of simply ignoring this act of anger, (that too against a Taliban!) the apologetic liberal politicians are targeting this brave soldier.

What a shame.

US is also becoming slowly another Congress.

You must be a pretty sick and twisted individual to support an subhuman animal that like this soldier that urinates on dead people. The fact that you got thanks from your fellow Indians sums up Indian culture. I can see why India has such a rape epidemic.

This soldier is nothing but a f*lthy and repulsive animal that should die a slow and painful death and rot in hell. Just a waste of sperm.
These people have imaginary descriptions if the Afghani Taliban's intentions, just like when he mentioned would a person seek revenge if their mother was killed. First of all, probably none of these 'soldiers' had their mothers killed by the Taliban, which is a poor militia in its nation defending their ground. That doesn't mean all their actions are justified. But say the way you see it. Second of all, these villagers who hold weapons in Afghanistan aren't out there waiting for every second to kill Americans as he mentions, and by that he meant Americans abroad. They clearly aren't, it's the opposite, you're coming to kill afghanis abroad. How they resulted with this mentality, just like history has told us, propaganda is what led them to this. His excuses are speak of the brainwashing this troops receive.
I would do this if I got a chance.
the taliban are subhuman barbarians, people who behead other countries civilians and soldiers aer crape kind of guys. i would in fact oprn the dead guys mouth and fill it in.

You must be a pretty sick and twisted individual to support an subhuman animal that like this soldier that urinates on dead people. The fact that you got thanks from your fellow Indians sums up Indian culture. I can see why India has such a rape epidemic.

This soldier is nothing but a f*lthy and repulsive animal that should die a slow and painful death and rot in hell. Just a waste of sperm.

in chinese culture its normal to urinate on a person you have defeated.. go see kungfu hustle.

Absolutely correct!

Human emotions are universal. Soldiers should always have the discipline to control them. Always.

tell that to the PA who beheaded indian soldiers recently , and mutilated and tortured indian soldiers in kargil war.
Nope, we don't do this. Only subhuman barbarians do this. Americans are a barbaric race so im not surprised by such animal behaviour. Infact calling Americans animals is an insult to all animals. These are peaceful civilians, no proof whatsoever they are Taliban.
Hopefully the Afghans continue to kill these worthless Americans. Doing the world a huge favour, less Americans means more peace.

Go Afghans.

taliban are the bad guys. chinese support north korea and even a the root of teror pakistan. axis of evil.
I would do this if I got a chance.
the taliban are subhuman barbarians, people who behead other countries civilians and soldiers aer crape kind of guys. i would in fact oprn the dead guys mouth and fill it in.

in chinese culture its normal to urinate on a person you have defeated.. go see kungfu hustle.

tell that to the PA who beheaded indian soldiers recently , and mutilated and tortured indian soldiers in kargil war.

Of course you would. There is no reason for anyone to believe you'd be any less depraved then those who you fight.

Reminds me of this famous quote:
"Whoever fights with monsters should see to it that he does not become a monster in the process."
Nope, we don't do this. Only subhuman barbarians do this. Americans are a barbaric race so im not surprised by such animal behaviour. Infact calling Americans animals is an insult to all animals. These are peaceful civilians, no proof whatsoever they are Taliban.
Hopefully the Afghans continue to kill these worthless Americans. Doing the world a huge favour, less Americans means more peace.

Go Afghans.

A Chinese who hates on Indians and Americans but love the Taliban .

A "Chinese" . Yeah right.
With his explanation the cycle of violence does not end. So if the taliban did not get an oppurtunity to actually kill his mother brother children in this life time, this picture will echo in the furture when the children born watching these photos and videos will continue to try what their fathers could not. Because of his words his family or the family of someone else has been put in danger. Propaganda is a powerful weapon and idiots like him make the work of people spreading it so much easier.
It is ignorant Americans like yourself who rationalize such acts that lower the image of the US in the World.

Ask yourself why a Taliban would never Pisss or crap on a dead enemy soldier.

Why a Taliban will never tear pages from a bible and flush it down the toilet.

Maybe because with all their lack of literacy rates, they are more civilized Human Beings then the savages we raise in our Military. I remember the video of Somali civilians dragging the dead body of a Apache Helicopter Pilot in their village as a Trophy and the nauseating feeling and revolt I felt seeing that. These pictures give me the same feeling.
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So what's wrong?

Politically correct politicians sitting in nice air conditioned rooms only know to talk rubbish.

But it is the soldier that knows pain, sadness, anger and barbarity....all for a meagre government salary.

A soldier risks his life as a divine duty to protect those who are his countrymen.

And instead of simply ignoring this act of anger, (that too against a Taliban!) the apologetic liberal politicians are targeting this brave soldier.

What a shame.

US is also becoming slowly another Congress.

What's wrong is the US armed forces are taught professionalism and this kind of behavior is a disgrace to the uniform. I didn't expect an Indian to understand that and you clearly prove that by asking such a stupid question.
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