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Maoists want to overthrow Indian state by 2050: Pillai

We can' be very sure about it. They might not do suicide bombings, but they could sure recruit small kids from this poor villages to do it, and its still plausible. So we can't be too quick to judge. But if they did that, then GoI must be quick to eliminate this Maoists Rebels, but for this Maoists to take over India, I still doubt they could

By recruiting small kids for suicide mission maosists bound to loose more support..it will only help the govt eliminate them faster..with out any support from the people there will be no maoism...
In my Opinion,
I think the Maoist have to wait till 2100 instead. Seriously, I mean let's face reality. I don't think GoI is just going to sit there and watch their country getting invaded. I think they will definitely do something about it.

For example, look at Taliban, which plans to invade Pakistan 2 years ago, and even threaten to take over Pakistan's nuclear assets, and in fact many people thought it was true and was going to happen, But now look where the Taliban is. They are dwindling.

I am sure if Pakistan is able to take out the Taliban, which have taken so many suicide bombings over the past few years, I am sure India which has a stronger military power, is able to execute and take out the Maoists rebel. I have no doubt about that.

Dear Ameer:
We can not use the same Taliban example for these ultras. The dilemma with GoI is that we have sections in Indian politics sympathetic to these ultras and back of every Indian mind their is thought that these areas have been neglected by govt. We are not opposing their concerns but are against violence they are doing.

Furthermore we have seen in past and have flexible provisions by law to provide them opportunities to join back into main stream. So we are not in a position to raise a military offence to make them permanent anti India groups.
1.India will use just adequate force 2. but will try to isolate them from external hands encouraging them 3. and most importantly will fast track development in those areas.

For the third point i am not that optimistic cause the way corrupt politicians are misusing funds and are implicating same capitalist approach where only socialistic reforms are for the time being required. I mean their is a envy in the minds of rural/remote population when they see urban development. They have frustration for promises not kept about same kind of urban development in their areas. Rather promising big and snatching their land for big multi billionaire companies and special economical zones GoI could have done better by injecting money to improve their very basic needs transportation, electricity, food security etc...

This is not the first time India has seen such home grown strives i mean naxalite movements. Many outlaws have been gone off the maps from many states as the economical development occurred by the course of time.
By recruiting small kids for suicide mission maosists bound to loose more support..it will only help the govt eliminate them faster..with out any support from the people there will be no maoism...

Well that's true, but remember the Taliban, when it was conducting suicide mission in Pakistan, many Pakistanis was still supporting it remember?

Well Maoist could change their strategy to instead attack Indian army, instead of civilians, remember LTTE, they recruited Tamil children to do suicide missions, but still supported by the Tamils. This is just my opinion though
We can not use the same Taliban example for these ultras. The dilemma with GoI is that we have sections in Indian politics sympathetic to these ultras and back of every Indian mind their is thought that these areas have been neglected by govt. We are not opposing their concerns but are against violence they are doing.
Furthermore we have seen in past and have flexible provisions by law to provide them opportunities to join back into main stream. So we are not in a position to raise a military offence to make them permanent anti India groups.
1.India will use just adequate force 2. but will try to isolate them from external hands encouraging them 3. and most importantly will fast track development in those areas

Sir, my point was that, if Maoists really wanted to invade India, its just a dream. They are unable to do that. That's all. They will probably fail miserable just like how the Taliban failed.

And I am sure, if the Maoists gets really critical and becomes a huge threat to National security, I am sure they will have to act and use force right?They probably would not sit Idle. This is what I am trying to imply.

Other than that, all your details are out of point, with what I wrote, but well, I still agree with some of them
Maoism is only popular is the economically backard areas like jharkhand ,orrisa ect..
As these region are also getting ecomically advanced...maoist are threated of a colapse....so they are continuesly stopping the progress in those areas only..like by destroying the hospital & school & railway tract ect.
Sir, my point was that, if Maoists really wanted to invade India, its just a dream. They are unable to do that. That's all. They will probably fail miserable just like how the Taliban failed.

And I am sure, if the Maoists gets really critical and becomes a huge threat to National security, I am sure they will have to act and use force right?They probably would not sit Idle. This is what I am trying to imply.

Other than that, all your details are out of point, with what I wrote, but well, I still agree with some of them

I totally agrees with you brother, this what i had mentioned many times here that every anti state force operating any where should understand this that now nation are independent and are self governed. In past days of imperialism when there where no resources available and a justification was readily their 'a fight with a foreign power'. Now Nations have Iron gloves, resources at disposal to curb those groups (this is what you are trying to say). But my only point is that their is a reluctance in GoI's decision making to start a full flagged offencive against them.

Ameer, There is a catch you will find people exaggerating and showing frustration on GoI's benign approach as far as counter offence is concerned against Maoist. There are alleged hidden and very powerful external forces behind them. They actually want GoI to oppress them with brutal force so that for future they can harvest more notorious anti India branded terrorists. We have our bitter experiences during insurgency in Punjab.

Trust me India is more meaner then those who are doing propaganda to exaggerate circumstances so that we could get the situation out of control. And the same people will do a different propaganda after when those rebels will be dusted into ground for the time being.

India is a open society with very powerful media making it difficult for establishment to cover up reality. People are using the same information coming out of Indian sources to bash back India again. whereas they are them self able to halt out flux of information and hell bent to cover up their own vulnerabilities.

So my point is that situation for India is not as simple as it may be seen by any outsider.

However we have stamina to wait and trust in would be development so that the whole strive will die automatically. This what i want to share with you.

Warm regards.
I totally agrees with you brother, this what i had mentioned many times here that every anti state force operating any where should understand this that now nation are independent and are self governed. In past days of imperialism when there where no resources available and a justification was readily their 'a fight with a foreign power'. Now Nations have Iron gloves, resources at disposal to curb those groups (this is what you are trying to say). But my only point is that their is a reluctance in GoI's decision making to start a full flagged offencive against them.

Ameer, There is a catch you will find people exaggerating and showing frustration on GoI's benign approach as far as counter offence is concerned against Maoist. There are alleged hidden and very powerful external forces behind them. They actually want GoI to oppress them with brutal force so that for future they can harvest more notorious anti India branded terrorists. We have our bitter experiences during insurgency in Punjab.

Trust me India is more meaner then those who are doing propaganda to exaggerate circumstances so that we could get the situation out of control. And the same people will do a different propaganda after when those rebels will be dusted into ground for the time being.

India is a open society with very powerful media making it difficult for establishment to cover up reality. People are using the same information coming out of Indian sources to bash back India again. whereas they are them self able to halt out flux of information and hell bent to cover up their own vulnerabilities.

So my point is that situation for India is not as simple as it may be seen by any outsider.

However we have stamina to wait and trust in would be development so that the whole strive will die automatically. This what i want to share with you.

Warm regards.

I read your post, and I am glad you shared with me the information. Thank you very much!
Well that's true, but remember the Taliban, when it was conducting suicide mission in Pakistan, many Pakistanis was still supporting it remember?

Well Maoist could change their strategy to instead attack Indian army, instead of civilians, remember LTTE, they recruited Tamil children to do suicide missions, but still supported by the Tamils. This is just my opinion though

Ameer yaara the Maoists were not based on any religion nor ethinic organisation...They need support from common people ..only the backwardness make them work against the govt..There will be no virgin for them to achive nor fame by blowing them selves ..so its highly unlikely ..
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