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Maoists have stocked over 6,000 rocket launchers

Major Shaitan Singh

Dec 7, 2010
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NEW DELHI: The Maoists are believed to be churning out low cost rocket launchers from makeshift workshops, with parts sourced from industrial tool manufacturing units in Kolkata and the National Investigation Agency (NIA) reckons the ultras may have stockpiled 6,000 of these in the jungles of Chhattisgarh. The NIA believes the operation was being overseen by Sadanala Ramakrishna, who was recently arrested from Kolkata and was said to be slain Maoist leader Kishenji's successor.

The agency, which is investigating Ramakrishna's case, found that the chief of CPI (Maoist) Technical Research and Arms Management Unit may have already managed to send over 6,000 rocket launchers to Chhattisgarh.

The agency found evidence that in his seven-month clandestine stay in Kolkata, the trained engineer from Warangal spent close to Rs 2 crore manufacturing ultra-low cost rocket launchers whose designs and assembling techniques were formulated by him.

Pegged back by security forces across the country and having lost several senior functionaries to either encounters or arrests, sources said the CPI (Maoist) has been on the offensive and has sought to drastically improve its military capability.

It was with this focus that Ramkrishna, known as RK in Maoist circles, replaced Kishenji in the party hierarchy and was entrusted with spreading Maoist activity in eastern India.

Reds kept aside Rs 200 crore for arms: NIA

The National Investigation Agency (NIA), which is investigating Sadanala Ramakrishna's case, found that the chief of CPI (Maoist) Technical Research and Arms Management Unit may have already managed to send over 6,000 rocket launchers to Chhattisgarh. The agency found evidence that in his seven-month clandestine stay in Kolkata, the trained engineer from Warangal spent close to Rs 2 crore manufacturing ultra-low cost rocket launchers whose designs and assembling techniques were formulated by him.

Pegged back by security forces across the country and having lost several senior functionaries to either encounters or arrests, sources said the CPI(M) has been on the offensive and has sought to drastically improve its military capability.

It was with this focus that Ramkrishna, known as RK in Maoist circles, replaced Kishanji in the party hierarchy and was entrusted with spreading Maoist activity in eastern India. "There is information that CPI (Maoist) has earmarked about Rs 200 crore for weaponry and ammunition. We are trying to verify this," an officer privy to investigation details said

WTF are they preparing for some kind of war.... like Moist in Nepal or Hezbollah
India uses police forces against the maoist correct not military ? otherwise there would be backlash.
India uses police forces against the maoist correct not military ? otherwise there would be backlash.

Killing the thought process is more important than killing the persons. We need to eliminate the reasons for taking up arms not the human being. Killing one gives scope for others in his family or friends to join the ranks.
so moisit are getting stronger day by day. Good for them.
As long as there are people who defends the Maoists as 'our misguided brothers'..they will never be defeated.
And Radio Pakistan will be broadcasted from New Delhi.

I think your nation and your thought should be focused on removing these terrorists from your nation rather than making "cheap figment of your imagination" comments. 6000 rocket launchers are a hell of a stock pile - these chaps seem to be hell bound in creating havoc.
I think your nation and your thought should be focused on removing these terrorists from your nation rather than making "cheap figment of your imagination" comments. 6000 rocket launchers are a hell of a stock pile - these chaps seem to be hell bound in creating havoc.

sensationalisation....we are not taking the Maoists seriously, but the day we do will be the end of them. My point is India is looking to end the reason not the person here.

Also a lot of vote bank politics and poverty appeasement is preventing a complete sweep of the areas.
Hah most probably exaggerated claim, to make sure he rots in prison for all his life:lol:
sensationalisation....we are not taking the Maoists seriously, but the day we do will be the end of them. My point is India is looking to end the reason not the person here.

Maoist terrorism is becoming a daily occurrence - yet you are suggesting "we are not taking the Maoists seriously"? Daily basis civilians are targeted by these scoundrels and you suggest your nation isn't taking them seriously? I suggest your nation starts taking this threat and daily threat seriously as from the types of news like this they are becoming bigger and stronger by the day.
Maoist terrorism is becoming a daily occurrence - yet you are suggesting "we are not taking the Maoists seriously"? Daily basis civilians are targeted by these scoundrels and you suggest your nation isn't taking them seriously? I suggest your nation starts taking this threat and daily threat seriously as from the types of news like this they are becoming bigger and stronger by the day.
The question isn't of taking them seriously. It is of political will, something that our politicians sorely lack. But you are right. These bastard$ need to be taken care of ASAP.
Maoist terrorism is becoming a daily occurrence - yet you are suggesting "we are not taking the Maoists seriously"? Daily basis civilians are targeted by these scoundrels and you suggest your nation isn't taking them seriously? I suggest your nation starts taking this threat and daily threat seriously as from the types of news like this they are becoming bigger and stronger by the day.

Not exactly, they are becoming more and more desperate by the day, their support base - the tribal people is shrinking by the day. They have started making mistakes and have started surrendering in large numbers. We cannot run over our own people. We can police them, we cannot unleash the army on them.

Again vote bank politics and poor people appeasement is delaying any kind of unilateral action against them.
I think your nation and your thought should be focused on removing these terrorists from your nation rather than making "cheap figment of your imagination" comments. 6000 rocket launchers are a hell of a stock pile - these chaps seem to be hell bound in creating havoc.

I kinda doubt they really have 6000+ rockets.

Does anyone have any idea how much fire power that is? :lol:
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