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Malaysia to sign deal with Australia over asylum seekers


May 14, 2013
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Malaysia aligns in new asylum-seeker boats war tactic | News.com.au

Malaysia aligns in new asylum-seeker boats war tactic
FEBRUARY 06, 2014

An Australian Customs Patrol vessel. Source: News Limited

AUSTRALIA is poised to sign a new asylum-seeker deal with Malaysia as relations with Indonesia continue to hamper regional border protection operations.

But it will go further than cracking down on the source of people-smuggling rings and is believed to include broader regional transnational crime-fighting operations.

The deal will mark a significant revival of co-operation between the two countries on people smuggling since Labor's failed people swap solution.

Immigration Minister Scott Morrison said it also marked the start of a new "high temp phase" in the roll out of its Operation Sovereign Borders across our region.

Yesterday, the first step was taken with Australia and Malaysia agreeing to launch a new offensive against people-smuggling rings in the notorious Strait of Malacca, regarded as the source "highway" for many asylum seekers who use Malaysia as a jump off point to reach Australia via Indonesia.

Australia has agreed to give the Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency two navy Bay-class patrol boats to police the waters between Malaysia and Indonesia - at a cost of $1.2 million - by the middle of next year.

Meeting in Kuala Lumpur with Australian heads of mission for a conference on Operations Sovereign Borders, Mr Morrison said Malaysia was a vital link in breaking the people-smuggling trade.

While not referring to the troubled relationship with Indonesia and its downgrading of operational co-operation on asylum seekers with Australia in response to the spy scandal and maritime border breaches, Mr Morrison did make pointed remarks about the willingness of Malaysia to partner with Australia.

"The response from Malaysia in combating people smuggling has been outstanding and the Australian government appreciates their strong co-operation," he said.

"Australia and Malaysia have co-operated closely to combat people smuggling. Providing two Bay-class vessels to our valued partners is a practical operational strategy to stem this criminal trade.

"Malaysia is a key partner in regional and bilateral efforts against people smuggling, (and it is) particularly important due to its ongoing use as a transit country for people seeking to reach Australia by boat."

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