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Malala inagurates the largest library of Europe

NATO are conducting drone strikes.

UN are not.

Two very separate entities.

UN have released multiple statements showing their sadness at drone strikes.

Direct your grievances at NATO, not a little girl who is trying to show the world that Pakistanis are normal people like everyone else.

put it this way...NATO countries are showing an absolute hypocrisy (mind that malala is praised all over the world)
and UN is showing a partial hypocrisy...

these condemnation does not do the justice...or it does not convince the families...they seek revenge! this is how terrorism's gragh rises higher

And it has everything to do with this stance. If Malala incident did not happen, the West would have started to back the militant campaign. We hold the moral high ground over TTP because of this and it is very important in order to win this war as nobody in the world will back child killers.

She has been briefed by ISI, she's intelligent so she will understand to pick her words carefully and not be used to express Anti-Pakistani sentiments. So let her be my friend.

we joined hands with US in this war on terror and supposedly we have a common enemy 'talibans' --- so there is no way world would back up these militants,

the situation of syria is way different,here in pakistan govt doesn't use chemical weapons against the innocent people,
these condemnation does not do the justice...or it does not convince the families...they seek revenge! this is how terrorism's gragh rises higher

There is no excuse to be a Ghadar.

This is punishable by death.

I have no sympathy for anyone to go against Pakistan, I don't care what the reason is.
There is no excuse to be a Ghadar.

This is punishable by death.

I have no sympathy for anyone to go against Pakistan, I don't care what the reason is.

how come you call someone ghaddar when you deny their basic right?
this is what happens every where when justice is denied...

rather than chest thumping about the great weapons you have and how you will crush every voice...bring justice in society and let them be patriotic....

by the way the thing is proved --- they don't treat people according to the standards of UN...EQUALITY!
On the creation of Pakistan, the Quaid-e-Azam had said to the youngest of Pakistanis, “You must concentrate on gaining knowledge and education. It is your foremost responsibility. Political awareness of the era is also part of your education. You must be aware of international events and environment. Education is a matter of life and death for our country.” Malala Yousufzia has echoed his thoughts at the inaugural of Europe’s largest library! It should be a proud moment for all Pakistanis as one of their own was given this honor. No one can deny that for a young country to succeed; it is necessary for its younger generation to seek knowledge and education. Pakistan is going through one of the most turbulent times of its history with rise in terrorism and fundamentalism. In the current environment, Malala’s statement that “books are the weapons to defeat terrorism” holds very true. The United States through USAID has been instrumental in the field of education. One of our major focuses in Pakistan has been education. We have invested in educational infrastructure as well as training of teachers, and we continue to do so. We understand that education is the only way a young country like Pakistan can compete and succeed in this challenging world.

Abdul Quddus
DET- United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command
I would do 100 salutes if someone can tell me what has she done. Nothing to be jealous about it, its not appreciating anything which is designed to malign Pakistan.

She went to school and got shot. Somehow she became a champion of Women's rights because of that.
I would do 100 salutes if someone can tell me what has she done. Nothing to be jealous about it, its not appreciating anything which is designed to malign Pakistan.

She almost lost her life, still not good enough?
Salute to Malala Yousufzai.:pakistan:

She should be the role model for every girl/women of Pakistan.

As some one said "Malala - Symbol of infinite hope":pakistan:
On the creation of Pakistan, the Quaid-e-Azam had said to the youngest of Pakistanis, “You must concentrate on gaining knowledge and education. It is your foremost responsibility. Political awareness of the era is also part of your education. You must be aware of international events and environment. Education is a matter of life and death for our country.” Malala Yousufzia has echoed his thoughts at the inaugural of Europe’s largest library! It should be a proud moment for all Pakistanis as one of their own was given this honor. No one can deny that for a young country to succeed; it is necessary for its younger generation to seek knowledge and education. Pakistan is going through one of the most turbulent times of its history with rise in terrorism and fundamentalism. In the current environment, Malala’s statement that “books are the weapons to defeat terrorism” holds very true. The United States through USAID has been instrumental in the field of education. One of our major focuses in Pakistan has been education. We have invested in educational infrastructure as well as training of teachers, and we continue to do so. We understand that education is the only way a young country like Pakistan can compete and succeed in this challenging world.

Abdul Quddus
DET- United States Central Command

why not a famious Brummie ??
there are lots of malalas in pakistan and they are doing more than that lady rather than attending seminar and speeches. .
Why do people hate her?

She is promoting a positive image of Pakistan worldwide.
She almost lost her life, still not good enough?
For what? Because of her fathers greed? I think she paid the price for her fathers plan to get rich and famous. There are so many young children losing their lives everyday in Pakistan due to terrorism, why they are not acknowledged. There as another girl injured along with her and seriously injured. Why she was not acknowledged? She was also sitting in the same van studying in the same school? Lets now follow media like blinded burden of beast and use our head.

She is promoting a positive image of Pakistan worldwide.
Positive image? this is what is called promotion of positive image with implied negative image. In other words subliminal messaging

The United States through USAID has been instrumental in the field of education. One of our major focuses in Pakistan has been education.
All US and UN organisations are doing lot of OTHER work under the banner welfare in Pakistan. I know what is happening within those organisations, first hand.
She went to school and got shot. Somehow she became a champion of Women's rights because of that.
There is much more to what you have said. and even if it is restricted to what you said, it does not qualify for the type of protocol she is receiving. All political games.
There is much more to what you have said. and even if it is restricted to what you said, it does not qualify for the type of protocol she is receiving. All political games.

get a grip, using hateful words for a 16 year old teen.
the difference is, she was targetted by terrorists for saying something, others are just poor bystanders who got killed.
Even a taliban commander apologized for their behaviour to her.
Who was the writer of that speech? A western journalist who was tasked to identify a girl who is ready to rattle out that speech. Her father did the deal made money.
And who knows the email which that taliban commander wrote was genuine or not.
Malala is a hero for standing up to the takfiri dirty ba$tards - also referred to as the talibund - she is a role model for all young girls and the misogynist scumbags who criticize her need to take a hard look at themselves.

You do not shot 15 year old girls in the head, period - no fkcing justification can possibly be given.
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