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Majority Of Naga People Don,t Want To Be Part Of india (Times Of india)



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Mar 17, 2012
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One of India's smallest states is also among its biggest conundrums. With a history as chequered and intriguing as its topography, Nagaland is a bewildering mosaic of social and geopolitical complexities. In his book Nagaland: A Journey to India's Forgotten Frontier, British journalist Jonathan Glancey tries to take a closer look at Nagaland. He shares his findings with Harsh Kabra :

Why a book on Nagaland?

Because Nagaland is such a forgotten corner of the world. It isn't at all well known even in India, and it is much misunderstood. I had known about the Naga hills from childhood. For me, at that stage of life, and as someone with a great love for India, this was a Secret Garden or Lost Kingdom, a land from a Kipling story. As I grew up, I remained curious. When I finally went to Nagaland in the early 1980s, I had the opportunity - not as a journalist - to tell the story of a people and a place that deserve recognition. I have been astonished by how little people in India know about Nagaland and its extraordinary history. Here, aside from a fascinating people with a rich culture, is a land that has been a junction box for political ambitions that have shaped the world. This is where the Japanese nearly invaded India in 1944. This is where China might have invaded in 1962. For any number of reasons, Nagaland matters.

Didn't you come across varying, even contradictory, narratives of history?

I would say that the vast majority of Naga people want independence from India. Being forced into Indian citizenship when the state of Nagaland was created in 1963 only strengthened the resolve of most Nagas. From then on, to fight for Nagalim - the dream of a greater Nagaland embracing all Naga tribes across state and international borders - meant being a subversive or traitor. This has not gone down well with Naga people. Of course, there are those who do well working with the federal government and in modern business, and these people - a small minority - do have a less intransigent view of where Nagaland stands in relation to India.

What is at the root of the Naga scepticism towards India?

Nagas were promised their freedom by Mahatma Gandhi. This offer was revoked, and brutally so as events proved, by Jawaharlal Nehru and his successors. So there is a lack of trust. Nagas come from a very different background and culture. They still want their own country, much, perhaps, as the Irish did when ruled by Britain.

Isn't Nagaland more at peace now with its current identity?

Nagas are very happy with the idea of being Nagas; their attachment to their beautiful hills is profound. India cannot truly understand Nagaland because most Nagas do not want the Indian state of Nagaland. If more Indians were able or willing to travel through Nagaland, I think they would understand. After all, Indians worked hard for their independence. They, of all people, should understand the dream of an independent Nagaland.

Can modern India's economic might counterpoise the Naga desire for independence?

The desire for independence is deep-rooted. The Look East policy, driving economic development into Nagaland and the northeast generally, has helped many people in a matter-of-fact way. Yet, whenever I speak with Naga people, no matter how seemingly integrated into modern Indian life and even the global economy, I hear a longing for an independent Nagalim. And, as Nagas, whether villagers or professors in North America, told me, Nagaland is not for sale.
qadam guys is nothing but a retard posting crap news all day,this is a year old news!

thread reported ban this guy.
i'll remember this topic the next time indians yap about Balochistan and try to go into morality debates

As long as you give similar memory share to other articles by Firangi journalists on Pakistan, that should be good.. [this is about a book by a british journalist and not a news item]
thread reported. Any news article thread without any link should be deleted according to forum rule.
The insurgency movement in Nagaland is not because they want to form an independent country but because they want a Greater Nagaland State. The author has got it absolutely wrong.

Read more:

The purported objective of the National Socialist Council of Nagaland-Isak-Muivah (NSCN-IM) is the establishment of a Nagalim (Greater Nagaland), consisting of all the Naga-inhabited areas of neighbouring Assam, Manipur, Arunachal Pradesh and some portions Myanmar, which it considers to be the rightful homeland of the Nagas. Slated to be an independent State, the Nagalim lies in the Patkai range between the 930 and 970 East longitude and 23.50 and 28.30 North latitude at the trijunction of China, India and Myanmar. The proposed Nagalim spreads over approximately 1,20,000 sq. km. in contrast to the present State of Nagaland that has an area of 16,527 sq. km.
The NSCN-IM maintains that at present Nagalim has been subdivided by the Government of India into four different administrative units: Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur and Nagaland. Likewise, Myanmar too has claimed parts of Nagalim and has divided it under two administrative units of Kachin State and Sagaing division. Thus, the establishment of Nagalim threatens to include large chunks of territories of three neighbouring States, Assam, Manipur and Arunachal Pradesh, along with some portion of Myanmar.
The map of Nagalim, released by the NSCN-IM, claims the Karbi Anglong and North Cachar Hills District of Assam. Besides, the map is also shown to include parts of the districts of Golaghat, Sibasagar, Dibrugarh, Tinsukia, and Jorhat. It also includes Dibang Valley, Lohit, Tirap and Changlang districts of Arunachal Pradesh and significant parts of the four of the seven districts of Manipur – Tamenlong, Senapati, Ukhrul and Chandel.

Nagalim - Greater Nagaland
i'll remember this topic the next time indians yap about Balochistan and try to go into morality debates

Both are different issue. Most of the time Pakistan is ruled by Military while India ruled by democracy. India is republic democracy, States have autonomy.

If some state is lagging, delhi must not be blamed. I will give an example

1. Bihar: it was ruled for 15 years by Lallo Yadav, He made Bihar like somalia. Like Somalia Bihar ppl were jobless,foodless shelterless, Gundas were roaming free on street. Later Nitish came and situation is improving.

So my point here is if this gentleman has any concern why don't he talk to his state government??? The state government is responsible for backwardness.

Please don't compare it with Balochistan.

Re: Majority Of Naga People Don,t Want To Be Part Of india (Times Of india)

Can't you differentiate btwn the real story and your fiction???

Nagas want a "Greater Nagaland" state known as "Nagalim" comprising Areas inhabited by Naga tribes of Nagaland, Manipur, Arunachal Pradesh and Assam. Manipuris (which was previously a princely state) don't want their state to be bifurcated and here comes the contention. But the solution will likely be Naga Autonomous Areas in these states which will have power to look into their internal affairs which had been followed in many areas of India.

Former Naga insurgents are in cease-fire since more than 15+ years with central government and final peace-accord is likely to come very soon. The peace accord will be same in the line of successful "Mizo Peace Accord" signed in 1986.

If some state is lagging, delhi must not be blamed. I will give an example

good point. I will remember to tell that to my MPA Sheikh Jaffar Khan Mandokhail.

but I might get a harsh question back

who the hell is Black Widow?

the Hell should I listen to a woman and that too a widow?

And what the hell is Naga people? are they Punjabis?

Dont tell me who to criticise and who not to, do you want me to sign off your application or not?
Author has a very valid and intriguing argument - Nagas come from different background than rest of Indians. Indeed so are the Irish and Welsh and Limeys, innit?
i'll remember this topic the next time indians yap about Balochistan and try to go into morality debates
Northeast people never said this, There problem is many different tribes live there and each one want separate state not country, They were the same who kept on to fought chinese even Indian Army gotr pushed backwords.

fist use google to locate nagaland before blahh blahinggg
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