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Major Up gradation of Type 85 and Type 69 of Pakistan Army


Apr 28, 2011
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Hey guys according to wikki Pakistan has around 400 Type 69 Tanks and around 300 Type 85 I was thinking Pakistan should get them upgraded to 3rd Generation standards Bangladesh already got Type 69 upgraded to 3rd Generation Standard

This is upgraded Type 69 of Bangladesh Army
@Aeronaut @Oscar @nuclearpak @RazPaK @Luftwaffe @fatman17 @BDforever @mafiya @Chak Bamu @tarrar @Slav Defence @Rafi @balixd @F.O.X


Type 85
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According to Jane’s Defence Weekly,

Pakistan has enhanced its armour capability through a co-operation agreement with NORINCO and local firm Heavy Industries Taxila (HIT) for a phased MBT development and production programme.

This agreement included upgrading the Chinese Type 59 MBT and progressive manufacturing of Type
69, Type 85,
and, more recently, the MBT-2000, also referred to as the Al Khalid.
Yes we produced them in Pakistan now I am talking about getting them upgraded to 3rd Generation standard that I think we haven't done yet we are all focused on getting Type 59 upgraded to Al-Zaarar we have around 700 Type 85 and Type 69 together if we get them upgraded to 3rd Generation that would give a huge boost to our Tank Force
I would rather say better concentrate only on Al khalid and its future variants.

Also start MRAP's program and other security armoured vehicle projects for para military forces
I would rather say better concentrate only on Al khalid and its future variants.

Also start MRAP's program and other security armoured vehicle projects for para military forces
Man we can't just retire 700 Tanks when if have option of upgrading them to 3rd Generation we should upgrade them they can be of great Use specially in terrains like Punjab @Aeronaut
Pakistan should focus on locally manufactured "Engine" and forget about this superficial upgrades
@Zarvan A lot of our defence hardware are waiting for upgrades but thanks to corrupt & incompetent politicians & Benazir Income program which is eating up Pak Defence budget, since PPP who, the upgrade process is happening very, very slowly.
Type-85 Upgraded to Type-85 II AP standard.


Type-69 are upgraded to Al-Zarrar standard.
Are you sure Type 69 are upgraded to Al Zarrar standard and what are the features of Type 85 II AP @DESERT FIGHTER Please answer this too

type-59/69 already/ being upgraded to Alzarrar standard, type-85IIAP received in new ammo, FCS, optics, armour. What more do you want?
Thanks I didn't knew that
T-85 IIAP Main Battle Tank

http://www.********************/images/Support Pics/T85_II_a.jpg

T-85 IIAP is a variant of Chinese T-85 main battle tanks with some improvements to existing systems and introduction of latest systems and weaponry. The original T-85 were manufactured at China North Industries Corporation (NORINCO). Pakistan is manufacturing these tanks at Heavy Industries Taxila under Chinese license.

This tank is equipped with a 730 hp liquid cooled diesel engine which uses fixed shaft type transmission. Its total combat weight is about 41 Tons, giving the vehicle a power-to-weight ratio of about 17.80 hp/ton. With a ground pressure of 0.8kg/cm. T-85 IIAP uses steel tracks which enables it to conduct operations in harsh desert terrain. Its suspension is reinforced by using Shock Absorber & Torsion bars and rubber pads.

Max Range & Speed:
Due to its powerful engine and good weight to power ratio this tank can perform at max speed of 57km. With a maximum combat range over 600km, which enables it to strike deep with in enemy territory.

Fire Power & Attack Features:
T-80 IIAP carries wide range of weapons any where from, mounted anti-tank guided weapons (ATGW) to Anti Aircraft guns and powerful main gun.

It is fitted with 125mm smooth bore main gun which can fire wide array of projectiles such asArmour Piercing (AP), Armour Piercing Discarding Sabot (APDS), High Explosive Anti-Tank(HEAT) and also High Explosive-Fragmentation (HE-FRAG). In addition to the main gun, it is also fitted with 7.62 mm coaxial machine gun and a 12.7 mm air defence machine gun. Pakistan army has also used a local version of 12.7 mm air defence machine gun which has further enhanced the tanks abilities12.7mm gun is being manufactured at Pakistan Ordinance Factors (POF). POF is manufacturing all types of weapons for these tanks locally.

T-80 can carry large weapon load. It has a load of 40 projectiles on board for the main gun. It carries over 500 rounds of 12.7mm anti air craft machine gun and for it coaxial machine gun it carries a load of 2250 rounds. In addition to this T-80 IIAP also carries an additional 12 large grenades

Rate Of Fire:
The125 mm automatic smoothbore gun fires between 6 and 8 rounds/minute. Reloading is done by 22 round Circular Carousel of Cassette Type reloader.

Armour & Protection:
T-85 IIAP uses one of the finest armours of Composite type (Frontal Arc). In addition to that tank is also equipped with Fire Extinguishing & Explosion Suppression and Thermal Smoke Screen.

Fire Control:
Its equipped with Image Stabilized Fire Control System with LRF ballistic computer and auto sensors. It also uses laser protected optics. In addition to that this tank also uses Image Intensifier Sighting System. Fire control is also supported by laser ranger finder of type Nd YAG range of 200 to 5000m
@Rashid Mahmood @Aeronaut @Dazzler @tarrar @mafiya @Luftwaffe @fatman17 @Kaan and others

Type-85 Upgraded to Type-85 II AP standard.


Type-69 are being upgraded to Al-Zarrar standard.

Is HIT always lacking to produce enough ERA for the Tanks ? The same way, alkhalid, it has only ERA Blocks on the Front side of the turret, comepared to Indian T-90 and upgraded T-72 Tanks, they have better protection.
Is ts always lacking to produce enough ERA for the Tanks ? The same way, alkhalid, it has only ERA Blocks on the Front side of the turret, comepared to Indian T-90 and upgraded T-72 Tanks, they have better protection.
No Sir Pakistani Tanks are quite well protected AL-Zarrar proved it in SWAT operation sir and Al-Khalid has better protection than Al-Zarrar
@Zarvan A lot of our defence hardware are waiting for upgrades but thanks to corrupt & incompetent politicians & Benazir Income program which is eating up Pak Defence budget, since PPP who, the upgrade process is happening very, very slowly.

baynazir income program? talk about metro programs almost 120b rupees 40% budget of Punjab spent on Lahore and close to raiwind,KPK most needed funds with-held.
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