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Mahesh Bhutt Admits that Indian Gov is involved in banning Urdu in India.

OHH leave it all looks propaganda to pakistani eyes ,does any school in pakistan even teach hindi ?

What you offer to hindi is 5000% less than what we offer to urdu

BC bigoty ki hadddd hoti hai :woot:

BC hindi is not even our language.. urdu... nor is it our mother tongue (exept for the karachiites).. just saying urdu is as good as dead in india.. but yeah.. scew it .. tf do i care.. carry on.
I really hate it when i see them speaking Urdu and most important wearing our cultural dress shalwar kameez.

It tears me apart and causes my heart to bleed.

We should not have any similarities with India atleast in language and dress level.We need to stretch this problem to UN and Put a international Ban on Indians from using Urdu and wearing shalwar kameez unless they are in Pakistan

This is the real dress of Punjabi people of Pakistan and its not called Shalwar Kameez. Pakistanis basically copied the dress culture of Muslim of Uttar Pradesh.

LOL so these Indians after accepting the fact by their own countryman r playing juvenile in this thread.

Anyways now if some Indian say that Urdu is their language then he/she should be send to hell by us.:sniper:

from 0.30 to 2.40 and talks about Greatness and diversity of Urdu as a language and Indian movies r suffering from lack of dept in their language.

Even though they say its their language but still r advising their film-makers not to use it.

[MENTION=1878]umairnawaz : If India has banned Urdu.. what the hell is urdu doing on every Indian Currency note?

At least do some research before starting such stupid thread...

Read his : Urdu - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

and this : Languages with official status in India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

and this : Languages recognized by the Indian constitution
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BC hindi is not even our language.. urdu... nor is it our mother tongue (exept for the karachiites).. just saying urdu is as good as dead in india.. but yeah.. scew it .. tf do i care.. carry on.

nor its mine ......but yes with due respect to lucknawi guys n muslim feelings ..we offer it due status.:police:
BC hindi is not even our language.. urdu... nor is it our mother tongue (exept for the karachiites).. just saying urdu is as good as dead in india.. but yeah.. scew it .. tf do i care.. carry on.

Urdu has third largest print media in India after Hindi and English. How can you even claim Urdu as dead when Urdu print media is third largest among all major languages of India. :wacko:
[MENTION=1878]umairnawaz : If India has banned Urdu.. what the hell is urdu doing on every Indian Currency note?

At least do some research before starting such stupid thread...

Read his : Urdu - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

and this : Languages with official status in India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

and this : Languages recognized by the Indian constitution
LOL wikipedia...........

Hathi k Dant Khany k or Dethany k orr.

The fact is that yr country is glorifying Hindi and repressing Urdu now even yr own film maker admits that how they were advise to not use Urdu.

This is landmark interview and it busts the bubbles and lies what yr gov has been telling and doing.

So here is question for u how much Urdu in a written form we see in yr mainstream TV channels like sony,zee or star etc? Absolutely none! but hindi is everywhere isnt it?

Regarding wikipedia here is a saying '' history written by Hunter never Glorifies Lion''.
Government banned Urdu in the film industry!! What a joke! Does the government control the financing, the directing, the acting, or even distribution to influence the film industry? The film industry flourishes because the Government leaves it alone.
urdu is a muslim propaganda to show muslim superiority/dominance in pre independence india .Its just a sham language ,nothing of its own ,all borrowed.

Hindustani written in arabic script with preference to arab/persian/turkish(alll know why) is urdu .

Its comments like you'rs by people that claim everything is a Muslim propaganda. Thats all you can come up with "Muslims trying to show their dominance" if thats the case every language can be ripped apart on such bases because it has foreign influences. All you people ever do is to alienate Muslims from you're society by such an attitude and then say "we are proud of them that they are part of our country". Proud of what? You haven't learned to live with people who have a different language from your's you haven't still gotten over you're bias yet and you claim to be a politically mature country.
LOL wikipedia...........

Hathi k Dant Khany k or Dethany k orr.

The fact is that yr country is glorifying Hindi and repressing Urdu now even yr own film maker admits that how they were advise to not use Urdu.

This is landmark interview and it busts the bubbles and lies what yr gov has been telling and doing.

So here is question for u how much Urdu in a written form we see in yr mainstream TV channels like sony,zee or star etc? Absolutely none! but hindi is everywhere isnt it?

Regarding wikipedia here is a saying '' history written by Hunter never Glorifies Lion''.

If you think so, how does Urdu languages has third largest newspaper circulation in India.
How is Urdu Pakistani? Neither of the four provinces of Sindh/Balochistan/KPK/Punjab have Urdu as the language. The only original urdu speakers in Pakistan are the Indian mohajirs settled in karachi...

And salwar kameez? lol pleez brah stick to your burkhas :rofl:

Have you lost you're mind? Please don't speak about Pakistan since you know absolutely nothing about it yet you can't stop showing how crazy you're assumptions are. You're sources are limited to wikipedia and similar stuff its better not to comment when you don't know about a place.
If you think so, how does Urdu languages has third largest newspaper circulation in India.

and for yr info that is dying slowly and gradually and those who read them r low clas or lower middle class very few sections too so consider this point as well. Our point is not deny that it hasnt got any indian connection even in interview the anchor introduces Urdu as a regional language not Pakistani language!

But the sad part is that because of such policies of yr establishment it is dying in yr own country!

If u r so sincere then do something about it in yr country as u personally claim its part of yr heritage not ours.
We on the otherhand have no dying trend of Urdu like in yr country nor has our country's establishment is follower of such policies.
Have you lost you're mind? Please don't speak about Pakistan since you know absolutely nothing about it yet you can't stop showing how crazy you're assumptions are. You're sources are limited to wikipedia and similar stuff its better not to comment when you don't know about a place.

AND who are you to talk about INDIA?
What are your source that khuzalooo Bhatt.

Same rule applies to you so stop your nonsense because You're sources are limited to wikipedia and similar stuff its better not to comment when you don't know about a place or people
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