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Made in India military weapons and support systems

IAC Mod 'C'

IAC MOD 'C' is an integrated ASW system for all surface ships of the Indian Navy. IAC MOD-C computes of ASW Fire Control Solution and facilitates firing of all ship-borne ASW weapons. This fire control system can be deployed for any class of combat Ships for interfacing with any type of torpedoes and rocket launcher. In addition , the system facilitates counter measure capability for torpedoes through the decoy launching system.

Design Features
  • State of the art design.
  • Modular system configuration.
  • Open System Architecture and Interfaces.
  • Common hardware / software modules & technologies across projects.
  • Standard back planes for reduced complexity of inter-connection.
  • Efficient packaging of electronics.
  • Ergonomic operator interfaces.
  • In built online and offline FDFL

System Capabilities
  • Capable of interfacing with the ship borne sensors and ASW weapons.
  • Automated data handling from the ship’s sensors and will provide FCS, for associated ASW weapons.
  • Provides passive CMA using bearing information from sensors.
  • Generates own ship maneuvering recommendations for Passive tracking.
  • Capable of data fusion of parameters of same target if available from many sensors.
  • Simulates environment in order to present real situation scenario for training of the operator.
  • Adequate redundancy through Fault Tolerant Software and hardware.
  • Generates Fire Control Solutions of designated targets separately for selected weapon systems.
  • Generates torpedo countermeasure solutions and threat analysis.
  • Enables firing of Rockets, Torpedoes and Expendable Decoys.

  • Carryout Contact Motion Analysis (CMA) for 12 active sonar targets, 22 passive Sonar targets.
  • Simultaneous designation of four targets and generate Fire Control Solutions for designated targets after Computation of CMA, giving outputs for the weapons.
  • Generation of recommendation on ship course and speed to attain the weapon release point at earliest.
  • Display of Weapon Danger Zone (WDZ) for safety of the ships and helicopters while firing anti- submarine weapons.
  • Enable firing of Rockets RGB 60 in Remote, Local & Emergency Modes.
  • Enable the firing of Torpedoes CET 65 E/ 53-65 KE in the Remote, Local and Manual Modes.
  • Enable the firing of expendable decoys of DL in Remote, Local and Emergency Modes.
  • Facility for recording, printing and display of firing details for analysis.
  • Indicates status of ammunition & position of IRL, ITTL and EDL.
  • Display of inputs data parameters after the data has been fed into the torpedoes.
  • Enable the throw off firing facility of Rocket Launcher IRL to a ‘throw off’ distance, of the target, from 500 m to 1000 m in steps of 100m.
  • Display of weapon track (Torpedo DR track till ISR) and Rocket – probability ellipse for ASW rockets.
  • Present alarms on detection of torpedoes, whenever deployment envelopes of towed Decoy/array is exceeded.
  • A maximum of two torpedoes can be fired in a salvo.
  • The default time interval between firing of salvo of torpedoes will be 3 seconds.
  • The default time interval, between firing of salvo of rockets, will be 0.5 seconds.
  • The default time interval between firing of salvo of decoy will be 10 seconds.
  • The speed of the ship not exceeds 24Knots during firing.
  • The Fire Control Solution caters for the following parameters:
    • For ITTL Firing: Target speed – 0 to 50 kt, Target depth – 0 to 800 m, Target Bearing – 0 to 360 deg, Torpedo speed – up to 60 kt, Torpedo depth – 0 to 650 m.
    • For IRL Firing: Target speed – up to 50 kt, Target depth – 0 to 350 m, Target Bearing – 0 to 360 deg, Target range-8 Km.
    • For EDL Firing: Time in Sec, Number – 1 to 10.


  • Short, medium range defence
  • Naval Gunfire Support (NGS)
  • Target Acquisition and tracking by TV/TI camera supported by LRF
  • Engagement using short and medium range gun mounts
  • External target designation / weapon control interface
  • Target data interface to external FCS


The Stabilized Optronic Pedestal (SOP) for CRN 91 is an Electro optical Fire Control System for engaging sea targets upto 4 km range and controlling of CRN-91 gun. Optronic pedestal has been designed to carry out surveillance with CCD Camera during daytime and Thermal Imager during night and for remote controlling of CRN-91 gun. The system is a two axis stabilized Sighting System using Direct drive torque motors. FOG Gyros in both the axes are used for Velocity feedback and 16 bit encoders are used for position feedback.

A Control and Display Unit (CDU) is mounted in the wheel house for various controls of pedestal and Gun system by the operator. The dual Axis Joystick is provided in CDU for the movement of Pedestal and gun After acquiring the target, the target is tracked automatically with the help of Video Auto Tracker facility and helps the Operator for firing at the target.

  • 2 Axis stabilized Platform
  • High resolution CCD camera
  • 3-5 µm Thermal Imager
  • Eye safe Laser Range Finder
  • Automatic transfer of firing offsets to gun
  • Automatic Video Tracker for accurate target tracking
  • Fully indigenous design except for the sensors
  • User friendly Man Machine Interface


  • Control of SRGM 76 gun mount in stand-alone (casualty mode) through Target Designator Sight (TDS).
  • TDS provides angle information in coarse and fine formats.
  • TDS can be fitted with additional Electro Optic (EO) sensors to enhance surveillance, detection and track capability.
  • Kolanka sight is designed accurately for designating targets.
  • A binocular with collimator can replace Kolanka sight when needed.
  • Firing can be interrupted with an overriding switch (Fire Interrupt Switch).
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  • Stand alone control of the gun mounts
  • Graphic user interface for operator interactions
  • External target designation source for onboard Fire Control Systems
  • Upgradable with IHEO (Integrated Handheld EO with LRF, TVC, IRC), for target lead angle prediction for gun laying or use as fire channel for onboard Fire Control Systems


RAWL02 Mk-II is a long range air surveillance Radar operating in D band. The Radar RAWL02 Mk-II is designed for use onboard large and medium Naval ships range air warning and target detection.

  • Coherent on receive radar using Tracking Stalo technique
  • High gain parabolic reflector antenna
  • Superior MTI performance in non-coherent environment
  • ECCM and Anti-clutter facilities
  • Variable transmitted power
  • Sector transmission capability


RAWL02 Mk-III is long range L band surveillance radar for detection of air and surface targets.

  • Long range medium range L-band surveillance for air warning and surface warning
  • High gain antenna with low side lobes and two selectable speeds
  • Roll and pitch stabilized antenna platform
  • Synthesizer controlled transmitter with TWT amplifier
  • Low power solid state backup transmitter
  • State of art Video extractor track management system based on COTs technology
  • Low Noise Receiver combined with split pulse and matched dynamic range compression
  • Extensive BITE facility
  • ECCM capability
  • Instrumentation range is 270 Kms
[URL='http://www.ndtv.com/article/list/india/']All India | Written by Nitin Gokhale | Updated: June 19, 2014 21:47 IST


'Dhanush', India;s indigenous towed artillery gun

New Delhi[/URL]:
If all goes well over the next few days, the Indian Army's prayers for a towed artillery gun looks set to be answered soon.

The summer trials of 'Dhanush', a 155-mm, 45 calibre gun built by the Ordnance Factory Board (OFB), a defence public sector unit, are slated to begin at the Pokhran firing ranges from Friday, highly placed sources have told NDTV. The winter trials, a prerequisite along with summer tests, was carried out in the high altitude areas of Sikkim in the winter of 2013.

If the gun, based on the design and manufacturing technology provided by Swedish gun maker Bofors AG in the late 1980s, passes the test in the week-long trials in the heat of Rajasthan's desert, the OFB is likely to get the final clearance for manufacturing the desi but improved version of the original Bofors gun (the earlier version was of 39 caliber and, hence, had a shorter barrel) and fill a critical gap in India's artillery arsenal.

For more than 15 years, the Army's artillery modernisation plan has suffered one way or the other, the tendering process getting embroiled in allegations of manipulation and corruption at various stages. At least two foreign manufacturers have been blacklisted in the process. The Army, which needs over 1,500 towed artillery guns at an estimated cost of over Rs. 10,000 crore, is desperate to get new guns since no new guns have been inducted after the Bofors joined the Indian Army in the late 1980s.

The Army has given an initial indent of 116 guns to the OFB, with an option to increase the order to 416 pieces of artillery. The OFB gun, with its electronic sighting and laying system (Ballistic Control System or BCS) for aiming the gun at the target, will be a major improvement over the Bofors' manual system. More importantly, the Dhanush is likely to be priced at Rs. 14 crore a piece, less than half of a similar gun manufactured abroad.

While the original Bofors gun has a maximum effective range of 27 kilometres, 'Dhanush' can fire a salvo up to 38 kilometres in the plains, those involved with the gun's manufacturing said.

If the trials go off smoothly and the Army then gives the final clearance, the OFB has plans to double its manufacturing capacity from the current 18 guns a year.

In 'Dhanush', Indian Army's Prayers Answered - NDTV
All India | Written by Nitin Gokhale | Updated: June 19, 2014 21:47 IST

'Dhanush', India;s indigenous towed artillery gun

New Delhi
If all goes well over the next few days, the Indian Army's prayers for a towed artillery gun looks set to be answered soon.

The summer trials of 'Dhanush', a 155-mm, 45 calibre gun built by the Ordnance Factory Board (OFB), a defence public sector unit, are slated to begin at the Pokhran firing ranges from Friday, highly placed sources have told NDTV. The winter trials, a prerequisite along with summer tests, was carried out in the high altitude areas of Sikkim in the winter of 2013.

If the gun, based on the design and manufacturing technology provided by Swedish gun maker Bofors AG in the late 1980s, passes the test in the week-long trials in the heat of Rajasthan's desert, the OFB is likely to get the final clearance for manufacturing the desi but improved version of the original Bofors gun (the earlier version was of 39 caliber and, hence, had a shorter barrel) and fill a critical gap in India's artillery arsenal.

For more than 15 years, the Army's artillery modernisation plan has suffered one way or the other, the tendering process getting embroiled in allegations of manipulation and corruption at various stages. At least two foreign manufacturers have been blacklisted in the process. The Army, which needs over 1,500 towed artillery guns at an estimated cost of over Rs. 10,000 crore, is desperate to get new guns since no new guns have been inducted after the Bofors joined the Indian Army in the late 1980s.

The Army has given an initial indent of 116 guns to the OFB, with an option to increase the order to 416 pieces of artillery. The OFB gun, with its electronic sighting and laying system (Ballistic Control System or BCS) for aiming the gun at the target, will be a major improvement over the Bofors' manual system. More importantly, the Dhanush is likely to be priced at Rs. 14 crore a piece, less than half of a similar gun manufactured abroad.

While the original Bofors gun has a maximum effective range of 27 kilometres, 'Dhanush' can fire a salvo up to 38 kilometres in the plains, those involved with the gun's manufacturing said.

If the trials go off smoothly and the Army then gives the final clearance, the OFB has plans to double its manufacturing capacity from the current 18 guns a year.

In 'Dhanush', Indian Army's Prayers Answered - NDTV

I pray that the Army inducts hundreds of these. It will virtually eliminate the need to import artillery guns of one category at least. If all goes well, we could as well further research on this technology to modernize our future artillery gun tech.
I pray that the Army inducts hundreds of these. It will virtually eliminate the need to import artillery guns of one category at least. If all goes well, we could as well further research on this technology to modernize our future artillery gun tech.

If I am not wrong,so far we had to import Arty guns of one calliber only,the 155mms.All other catagories were filled by Indian guns.

Kalyani Group on the other hand, few months back had informed, that they are working on a Indigenius Ultra light Long Range Howitzer, Baba Kalyani owner of the Kalyani Groups had even infact questioned Purchase of Expensive M777 ultra-light howitzers artillery guns and had informed to the media outlet, that they are working on 155 millimetre (mm)/39 calibre ultra-light howitzers with effective range of 22 km , Gun will be built with Technical collaboration with US based Mandus Group and will be ready Next Year .
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