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LOL Pussy Riot Fails and are a Joke, getting Whipped by Cosacks

So is it forbidden to wear a mask and jump around in Russia, or why are they beein beat up now?
@xenon54 No it is forbidden to make some twisted performance in Orthodox Church,and call yourself a artist after that,they have a luck to live in modern times but not in Ivan the terrible times.
@xenon54 No it is forbidden to make some twisted performance in Orthodox Church,and call yourself a artist after that,they have a luck to live in modern times but not in Ivan the terrible times.
Yeah but they was in Gulags and got released, that means they got their punishment for this.
@xenon54 They marked themselves as anarchist and when you make crime you are not the same man after that(in the eyes of police).
@xenon54 They marked themselves as anarchist and when you make crime you are not the same man after that(in the eyes of police).
Ok i dont undertstand this logic, lets say you robbed a bank and released after 10 years arrest, but the police can arrest you everytime they see you on the street only because you once made a crime?
@xenon54 Of course not,but they again repeat same performance against govr,and against law,becouse police and Ministry of Internal Affeirs give a location where protest can be hold.

I just want to say that arrest is ok,but what this policeman do is not fair and anti law too.He dont have right to beat anyone.We live in modern times not in XVIII century
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there are no gulags in russia now.
They dont force people to work anymore but the prisons are still somewhere in siberia.

@xenon54 Of course not,but they again repeat same performance against govr,and against law,becouse police and Ministry of Internal Affeirs give a location where protest can be hold.
Honestly i dont see anything illegal in this video except of police brutality.
They seem to have caused a disturbance in a public area. The cops should have charged them. Beating them up in that manner is purely committing a crime to stop a crime
They seem to have caused a disturbance in a public area. The cops should have charged them. Beating them up in that manner is purely committing a crime to stop a crime

these are not cops.Cossacks are an extra legal militia under the control of orthodox church. Basically this is for a vote bank purpose .

@xenon54 Of course not,but they again repeat same performance against govr,and against law,becouse police and Ministry of Internal Affeirs give a location where protest can be hold.

I just want to say that arrest is ok,but what this Cossak do is not fair and anti law too.He dont have right to beat anyone.We live in modern times not in XVIII century

no one will say anything to cossacks.They have backing of church and church is a powerful vote bank for United Russia.
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