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Lockheed Martin to upgrade PN's P-3C aircrafts.


Jan 11, 2009
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Nov 23/09: Lockheed Martin Corp. in Eagan, MN receives a $4.4 million modification to a previously awarded indefinite-delivery/ indefinite-quantity contract (N00019-06-D-0012) to upgrade 7 P-3C aircraft for the government of Pakistan under the Foreign Military Sales program. This modification will replace the obsolete and unsustainable avionics systems currently installed with modern equipment.

Work will be performed in Eagan, MN (70%), and Greenville, SC (30%), and is expected to be complete in February 2013. The Naval Air Warfare Center in Lakehurst, NJ manages this contract.

Pakistan’s P-3 Orion Maritime Aircraft - and their Harpoons
No doubt the news is good, but why the USA despite all its manufacturing might gives such long dates for delivery of so important upgrades?

i mean these are just 7 planes and they can upgrade these in 7 weeks if they desire, then why 4 years?
Nov 23/09: Lockheed Martin Corp. in Eagan, MN receives a $4.4 million modification to a previously awarded indefinite-delivery/ indefinite-quantity contract (N00019-06-D-0012) to upgrade 7 P-3C aircraft for the government of Pakistan under the Foreign Military Sales program. This modification will replace the obsolete and unsustainable avionics systems currently installed with modern equipment.

Work will be performed in Eagan, MN (70%), and Greenville, SC (30%), and is expected to be complete in February 2013. The Naval Air Warfare Center in Lakehurst, NJ manages this contract.

Pakistan’s P-3 Orion Maritime Aircraft - and their Harpoons

much delayed and long overdue - good to see that work has begun!
3 a/c are located in pak while 4 are still in the US. 1 further a/c will be cannabalised for spares.
:hitwall: :hitwall:
aaahh,,,,, another US deal!!!
well i know all the situation we are in and know that this deal was almost like a must to do thing but still i cannot stop myself from geting depressed on this bad bad news....
for me it is the time to say NO to US military assistance..

sad for what pakistan has no right to defend him self? mr

or you wanna see pakistan on indian mercy?.
No doubt the news is good, but why the USA despite all its manufacturing might gives such long dates for delivery of so important upgrades?

i mean these are just 7 planes and they can upgrade these in 7 weeks if they desire, then why 4 years?

It doesn't say when the actual upgrading starts, only that there is an agreement (an extension of an existing contract) to do so and by what date. In short, there is no telling how long the upgrading actually takes - could be 4 weeks, 4 months or 4 years.
What is the possibility that US engineers are , adding viruses and other hacks in Pakistani F16 / Orions , I am quite suspecious why all of sudden they want to upgrade our crafts all of sudden after a decade of neglect ???

All of sudden oh you can have F16 upgrades, just fly your planes to turkey, and oh we can give you orions , but we will 'upgrade'
or downgrade it depending on your view point....

Ever since the story came out that Israeli crafts , flew thru , undetected in Syrian space, and how in pevious wars , aveonics and electronical jamming played a part in wars vs IRAQ or Israel , I wonder if these , missiles and crafts will be operational if needed vs an ex allied nation (I have my doubts and reservations based on drone attacks that are going on civilians in Pakistan)

I would strategically get all of Pakistani Assets delivered ASAP to Pakistan instead of these tactical delays to deliver equipment to Pakistan -

We know as soon as Gov chages in USA all previous deals sorta change very fast so you never know what you will get ?

To me this looks like a delay tactic to keep these equipment in US, and then use some congress clause to banish deliveries of these items like they did to us in 80's with our paid for F16 - which we will never forget

I would fly in my P-3c out and send in 1 craft per year, so in 3 years at leats 3 get upgraded -
What is the possibility that US engineers are , adding viruses and other hacks in Pakistani F16 / Orions , I am quite suspecious why all of sudden they want to upgrade our crafts all of sudden after a decade of neglect ???

All of sudden oh you can have F16 upgrades, just fly your planes to turkey, and oh we can give you orions , but we will 'upgrade'
or downgrade it depending on your view point....

Ever since the story came out that Israeli crafts , flew thru , undetected in Syrian space, and how in pevious wars , aveonics and electronical jamming played a part in wars vs IRAQ or Israel , I wonder if these , missiles and crafts will be operational if needed vs an ex allied nation (I have my doubts and reservations based on drone attacks that are going on civilians in Pakistan)

I would strategically get all of Pakistani Assets delivered ASAP to Pakistan instead of these tactical delays to deliver equipment to Pakistan -

We know as soon as Gov chages in USA all previous deals sorta change very fast so you never know what you will get ?

To me this looks like a delay tactic to keep these equipment in US, and then use some congress clause to banish deliveries of these items like they did to us in 80's with our paid for F16 - which we will never forget

I would fly in my P-3c out and send in 1 craft per year, so in 3 years at leats 3 get upgraded -
What u mean "they"? It is your armed forces that are contracting this work to LMCO!
What is the possibility that US engineers are , adding viruses and other hacks in Pakistani F16 / Orions , I am quite suspecious why all of sudden they want to upgrade our crafts all of sudden after a decade of neglect ???

All of sudden oh you can have F16 upgrades, just fly your planes to turkey, and oh we can give you orions , but we will 'upgrade'
or downgrade it depending on your view point....


You are suffering from paranoia , better get some medical attention.

PAF and pak army at least are not suffering from the same.
so what pain u indians are getting when our P 3 are going to be upgrade
Pakistan should get 1 new Posidon 8 plane - Orions are going to be retired - while the Orions are awesome based on what they currently have running on them -

Posidons have certain new technologies to detect subs underwater to higher accuracy etc -

Currently the trend is India gets More quantity / New equipment and faster deliverys

We get Less quantity , and a notch older equipment and delayed deliveryes

So as each year goes by our Navy becomes slightly outdated year by year and that is not a positive trend

We need to get Top of the Line Items for Navy , and More units in Sea

Its a investment of 20-30 years, from my calculations, and as such it makes sense to invest once and get something that will last that long -
The PN plans to replace the Orions after 2015, but I doubt the P-8 Poseidon is on the cards. They will either acquire a prop-based aircraft such as the ATR-72 ASW. The only jet-based system PN may show interest in is the A320 MPA - if widely adopted by other forces.
I am not rocket scientist but how hard is it to take out the props and put a jet engine in there

I do not understand the facination with prob based planes , I mean its not ww2 , strategical crafts need to have some capabilities to outrun some incoming fighters - to some extent
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