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LIVE: President Trump Gives a Statement on Jerusalem

You are right, i don't care. :)

Though, i do take enjoy from this development. 100 hundred years ago, Jerusalem was part of the Caliphate. Today, it is going to be the capital of the zionist state because of what Arabs did 100 years ago. :)

After 100 years Allah still continues to punish Arabs for their betrayal to Caliphate.

There is no betrayal. Arabs funded and ruled the Caliphate for 1000 + years (Rashidun, Umayyad, Fatimid, Al-Andalus and Abbasid) during the Islamic Golden Age and during 95% of all the Islamic conquests and during the height of the Islamic empire and civilization. If that was betrayal, what occurred in 1517?:)

You forgot that Arabs were the majority in the Ottoman state and formed a large portion of the military. You forgot that Turks and many others (Albanians etc.) rebelled as well and that the Ottomans were dying and stagnating for centuries. It was not called the "sick man" without a reason.:)

Arabs have 20 + states and control/rule an land mass almost the size of Russia. In comparison Turkey is a tiny state. So you should not worry about us.

As for Palestine and Al-Quds/Jerusalem, this decision will not change any ground realities. Half of Al-Quds/Jerusalem remains in the control of Palestinians.

Trump called and calls for a two-state solution and did not say anything about Al-Quds/Jerusalem not being a joint capital of Israel and Palestine.

All this means is just that the US embassy moves from Tel Aviv/Jaffa to Al-Quds/Jerusalem. Many states in the West disagree with this decision but it is a US decision and nothing else. It will have no meaning on the ground outside of anger. It's not like half of Jerusalem/Al-Quds, that is in control of Palestinians, will suddenly disappear into a big black shallow hole:lol:

Anyway since you do not care, why are you here in the first place? Just to post some nonsense and claiming that you have a direct phone line connection to Allah (swt)?:lol:

Turkey is already involved more than it should into this issue anyways, the whole story should have ended for us the day the locals decided the choose imperialists and their promises.

Erdogan should stop milking the religion cow and act according to Turkeys interests first, if i was him i would build one pipeline from Iran another from KSA then from Israel, Iraq Qatar, Azerbaijan and get transit fees but no, he has to earn brownie points, maybe his ego is too important for him.

Turkey can do whatever it wants to do (it is a sovereign nation) but you can't expect me not to challenge obvious ignorant users like @Oublious who made false claims and who has no ground to stand on in comparison. As I explained earlier in my post 84 in this thread on page 6 for all to see.
if only KSA and Iran stopped fighting among themselves and their proxies all the time and invested their efforts in saving the Palestinian cause :( our division is handing them victories

All the plights of Muslim people can be easily solved, it is not about Palestine anymore. We have deserted Islamic values that are enabling this situation in Palestine, and the situation in Kashmir, and Syria, Libya, Myanmar, etc.... We have also been disobeying God and getting attached to nationalism in the wrong ways.
There is no betrayal. Arabs funded and ruled the Caliphate for 1000 + years (Rashidun, Umayyad, Fatimid, Al-Andalus and Abbasid) during the Islamic Golden Age and during 95% of all the Islamic conquests and during the height of the Islamic empire and civilization. If that was betrayal, what occurred in 1517?:)

You forgot that Arabs were the majority in the Ottoman state and formed a large portion of the military. You forgot that Turks and many others (Albanians etc.) rebelled as well and that the Ottomans were dying and stagnating for centuries. It was not called the "sick man" without a reason.:)

Arabs have 20 + states and control/rule an land mass almost the size of Russia. In comparison Turkey is a tiny state. So you should not worry about us.

As for Palestine and Al-Quds/Jerusalem, this decision will not change any ground realities. Half of Al-Quds/Jerusalem remains in the control of Palestinians.

Trump called and calls for a two-state solution and did not say anything about Al-Quds/Jerusalem not being a joint capital of Israel and Palestine.

All this means is just that the US embassy moves from Tel Aviv/Jaffa to Al-Quds/Jerusalem. Many states in the West disagree with this decision but it is a US decision and nothing else. It will have no meaning on the ground outside of anger. It's not like half of Jerusalem/Al-Quds, that is in control of Palestinians, will suddenly disappear into a big black shallow hole:lol:

Anyway since you do not care, why are you here in the first place? Just to post some nonsense and claiming that you have a direct phone line connection to Allah (swt)?:lol:
Yet Palestinians are among those who still use the flag of the rebellion meaning there must be some pride in it among Palestinians.

It was your right to rebell, you did and won a state, and you were even lucky enough to find oil afterwards, what a coincidence, im sure it wasnt a British plan to get it ;).

Anyways im drifting away from my point, well the point is you were the lucky ones and Palestinians the ones who got thrown under the bus.
All this was the sovereign decision of Arab world, and the consequences should be beared by them too, i hope the conservatives in my country will one day understand this simple fact and dont meddle into Arab affairs, im sure you would welcome this too.
All the plights of Muslim people can be easily solved, it is not about Palestine anymore. We have deserted Islamic values that are enabling this situation in Palestine, and the situation in Kashmir, and Syria, Libya, Myanmar, etc.... We have also been disobeying God and getting attached to nationalism in the wrong ways.

Religion is losing its pull for many. Most people want a nice house, decent wifi and to look after their loved ones/kids.

You'll need to just accept that, matey.
He can shove his speech up into his a**, the undivided Alquds is the eternal capital of Palestine...
These eastern Eropean settlers must go back to their original countries
You can stop by cancelling your multi billion dollar weapon orders?

Save that money and initiate JVs with friendly countries like Pak,Turkey,China,Indonesia etc but you wont?

Pakistani troll that has nothing to do with this dispute, I am yet to comment on this decision.

However quite frankly I stopped bothering. This conflict has nothing to do with religion but land dispute between two peoples. It's used as religious blackmail by both parties. They are the guilty ones due to not having been able to solve this conflict for 70 + years. We (civilian Arabs and non-Arabs in the religion and outside of it) have nothing to do with this conflict. We did not start it nor do we fuel it. Both parties are trying to use external actors who only lose on involving themselves.

KSA and the Arab world have fought wars against Israel, donated billions of dollars, been hosting millions of refugees, spoke up at all times, pressured world powers but all this is meet with hostility, conspiracy theories and in some cases hatred. I am no longer going to be a part of this freak show and it seems that the Pakistani state has never been that either aside from a tiny amount of Pakistani volunteers (pilots) ages ago and the same tiring comments by your politicians and leaders. Nothing will happen unless those two parties solve their dispute. We cannot solve it for them.

And no, it has nothing to do with religion. No holy sites have been demolished of any 3 Abrahamic religions nor are there any plans of such. Locals have access to all those holy sites.

Keep fighting on the internet for all I care, we have enough on our own plate and nobody is helping us. I don't see Israelis or Palestinians involving themselves emotionally in our struggles at all. Why should we then? We have done that for decades and that has only been meet with hostility, blame games and what not.

Unfortunately I am in the minority in KSA so idiots in KSA will continue to engage themselves in a conflict that they have not started, do not fuel nor can solve on their own.
Hi, thats quiet rich coming from a Saudi.

Pak sent pilots, raised most of your armed forces...


What did Saudis do? have you fought for Palestine? perhaps sent even 1 or 2 pilots? or a regiment perhaps?

You guys seem to be having coverty and comfy relationship with the israelis? even they have openly admitted that several times.

Lets suppose Trump messes up.... what is going to be KSAs strategy or foriegn policy ? More sword dances for trump and billion dollar arms deals?

Religion is losing its pull for many. Most people want a nice house, decent wifi and to look after their loved ones/kids.

You'll need to just accept that, matey.
Really? Isnt that exactly the reason israel is using to occupy and oppress palestinians?

You are not helping the situation, we can find many points on every Muslim nation and critique them for it. Let's avoid that and instead focus on the general population of Muslims(civilians) and encourage them to be better. Also I doubt China is a friendly country to us, they have their own perspective on things.
All the plights of Muslim people can be easily solved, it is not about Palestine anymore. We have deserted Islamic values that are enabling this situation in Palestine, and the situation in Kashmir, and Syria, Libya, Myanmar, etc.... We have also been disobeying God and getting attached to nationalism in the wrong ways.
You know whats more ironic? despite Pak raising the Palestine issue on every platform.... and Palestinian leaders coming to Pak.

Not a single Palestinian leader has uttered a single word on the indian occupation of Kashmir..

Infact, I remember an interview of Former Pres Musharaf, when he asked Mr Arafat the same thing... and got silence in return..
Yet Palestinians are among those who still use the flag of the rebellion meaning there must be some pride in it among Palestinians.

It was your right to rebell, you did and won a state, and you were even lucky enough to find oil afterwards, what a coincidence, im sure it wasnt a British plan to get it ;).

Anyways im drifting away from my point, well the point is you were the lucky ones and Palestinians the ones who got thrown under the bus.
All this was the sovereign decision of Arab world, and the consequences should be beared by them too, i hope the conservatives in my country will one day understand this simple fact and dont meddle into Arab affairs, im sure you would welcome this too.

Why should they not? They adopted it after all.

Who is me? 90% of KSA was never a part of the Ottomans and Hijaz was only nominally a part of the Ottomans. Locals (my family - Sharifs of Makkah) ruled Hijaz and where only second in standing to the Sultan in Istanbul. Many of my ancestors were educated alongside the Sultan and born in Istanbul. Just saying.

You are taking as if there were no Arabs in the Ottoman lands (in fact we made up the majority) or that there were no Arabs that fought for the Ottomans. A portion of Arabs rebelled, just like Albanians and others rebelled, including Turks within the Ottoman lands.

Brits had their own agenda and were allies for a while just like the German Empire, Austria-Hungary and Bulgaria were allies with the Ottomans. BTW KSA was never a Western colony. Oil was discovered perviously in the region (modern-day Azerbaijan when under the rule of the Russian Empire) for instance and before in Iran by the Brits.

Palestinians are the only Arabs who have a land dispute with non-Arabs and that would have happened regardless for those who know history and the strong Jewish lobby based in Europe who actively funded the establishment of Israel. One such family were the Rothschild. The world's by far richest family not long ago. So of course non-Jewish locals had no chance.

Your conclusion is completely wrong. You believe that the dismiss of the Ottomans (which was a longterm process that everyone was involved in, Turks included) was the reason for the establishment of Israel. I have news for you. The idea of a Jewish homeland was already in the making way before.

Mass-Jewish migrations already occurred long before WW1 when the Ottomans had the authority.

Anyway this has nothing to do with the topic and I did not start the discussion either, I am afraid. Somebody with a direct phone line to Allah (swt) did for whatever reasons.

You are not helping the situation, we can find many points on every Muslim nation and critique them for it. Let's avoid that and instead focus on the general population of Muslims(civilians) and encourage them to be better. Also I doubt China is a friendly country to us, they have their own perspective on things.
Thw thing is that one can yap about doing this and that for the heck of it... but what matters is what you actually do... rather than lip service.

As for China, they are simply businessmen... who arent taking any side on any international conflict... and willing to do business ... if they make money... hence... good for them and others doing business with them...
Why should they not? They adopted it after all.

Who is me? 90% of KSA was never a part of the Ottomans and Hijaz was only nominally a part of the Ottomans. Locals (my family - Sharifs of Makkah) ruled Hijaz and where only second in standing to the Sultan in Istanbul. Many of my ancestors were educated alongside the Sultan and born in Istanbul. Just saying.

You are taking as if there were no Arabs in the Ottoman lands (in fact we made up the majority) or that there were no Arabs that fought for the Ottomans. A portion of Arabs rebelled, just like Albanians and others rebelled, including Turks within the Ottoman lands.

Brits had their own agenda and were allies for a while just like the German Empire, Austria-Hungary and Bulgaria were allies with the Ottomans. BTW KSA was never a Western colony. Oil was discovered perviously in the region (modern-day Azerbaijan when under the rule of the Russian Empire) for instance and before in Iran by the Brits.

Palestinians are the only Arabs who have a land dispute with non-Arabs and that would have happened regardless for those who know history and the strong Jewish lobby based in Europe who actively funded the establishment of Israel. One such family were the Rothschild. The world's by far richest family not long ago. So of course non-Jewish locals had no chance.

Your conclusion is completely wrong. Your believe that the dismiss of the Ottomans (who was a longterm process that everyone was involved in, Turks included) was the reason for the establishment of Israel. I have news for you. The fought of a Jewish homeland was already in the making way before.

Mass-Jewish migrations already occurred long before WW1.

Anyway this has nothing to do with the topic and I did not start the discussion either, I am afraid. Somebody with a direct phone line to Allah (swt) did for whatever reasons.
You dont seem to get my point, you had every right to rebell and you did so im not blaming anyone, Palestinian issue became an Arab internal issue after all, how Arabs deal with it is their responsibility.

The one im mad at is our president who makes it a Turkish issue.
You can stop by cancelling your multi billion dollar weapon orders?

Save that money and initiate JVs with friendly countries like Pak,Turkey,China,Indonesia etc but you wont?

We will happily cancel our weapon deal with America once Pakistan provides us with its nuclear weapon or at least stops its citizens from being cannon fodders for Iran which uses them to kill as many innocent Syrians as it can.
Mass-Jewish migrations already occurred long before WW1 when the Ottomans had the authority.
No this is simply not true, Ottomans accepted Jewish migrants and allowed them so settle anywhere within the empire except Palestine, dont distort history your better than this.

In the first half of the 19th century, no foreigners were allowed to purchase land in Palestine.[citation needed] This was official Turkish policy until 1856 and in practice until 1867.[5] When it came to the national aspirations of the Zionist movement, the Ottoman Empire opposed the idea of Jewish self-rule in Palestine, fearing it may lose control of Palestine after recently having lost other territories to various European powers. It also took issue with the Jews, as many came from Russia, which sought the empire's demise.[6]

In 1881 the Ottoman governmental administration (the Sublime Porte) decreed that foreign Jews could immigrate to and settle anywhere within the Ottoman Empire, except in Palestine and from 1882 until their defeat in 1918, the Ottomans continuously restricted Jewish immigration and land purchases in Palestine.[6]

Source: https://books.google.ch/books?id=-u9Fl6fnz0AC&pg=PA58&redir_esc=y
You can stop by cancelling your multi billion dollar weapon orders?

Save that money and initiate JVs with friendly countries like Pak,Turkey,China,Indonesia etc but you wont?

Hi, thats quiet rich coming from a Saudi.

Pak sent pilots, raised most of your armed forces...


What did Saudis do? have you fought for Palestine? perhaps sent even 1 or 2 pilots? or a regiment perhaps?

You guys seem to be having coverty and comfy relationship with the israelis? even they have openly admitted that several times.

Lets suppose Trump messes up.... what is going to be KSAs strategy or foriegn policy ? More sword dances for trump and billion dollar arms deals?

Really? Isnt that exactly the reason israel is using to occupy and oppress palestinians?

No, it is not as KSA has done 1000 times more for Palestine than Pakistan will ever do.

You did not raise shit. Our air force predate your country by 30 years.

Those below are Saudi Arabian pilots training with their Italian counterparts in 1935.


Your state was never directly involved. There were less than 10 (if I recall) Pakistani pilots who volunteered out of I don't know how many Arab pilots.

Stop trying to pretend that Arabs owe you anything or that you created everything. It's a joke. Seen this before from you.

Looking for its own interests like Pakistan does and every other country.

Don't bother to reply as I am not going to engage with you when you write such bullshit.
congratulations to arab world



cheers :cheers:
You know whats more ironic? despite Pak raising the Palestine issue on every platform.... and Palestinian leaders coming to Pak.

Not a single Palestinian leader has uttered a single word on the indian occupation of Kashmir..

Infact, I remember an interview of Former Pres Musharaf, when he asked Mr Arafat the same thing... and got silence in return..

the Palestinian leaders should avoid commenting on other situations and only focus on Palestine...
Unfortunetly, they are not doing that but rather they get themselves involved in many regional and global conflicts that are relevant to their main cause Palestine
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