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Life under Taliban by Irfan Siddiqui


Jan 2, 2008
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Life under Taliban by Irfan Husain

IT would appear that the Taliban are broadcasting on a radio frequency most Pakistanis are not tuned into. And yet their message is loud and clear: our version of the Sharia, or else.

But the rose-tinted vision of an earthly heaven has little to do with reality. As we know from Afghanistan when it was ruled by the Taliban, it is hardly the model of governance most of us would like to live under.

Despite the latest Taliban atrocity — and one merges into the next in a red mist — Nawaz Sharif is bent on sacrificing any number of Pakistanis to make sure Punjab is not targeted.

And sure enough, despite numerous terrorist killings in Karachi, Fata and Peshawar, the prime minister’s home base has not been hit recently. When there was an attack in Rawalpindi, the army and air force retaliated quickly, killing dozens of suspected terrorists in North Waziristan.

So, given our current trajectory towards abject surrender, we need to start thinking of what our country would look like when it is ruled by the Taliban. Sure, the process might begin by ‘only’ conceding the tribal areas, but it would take a moron to think it would stop there. From their secure base, the militants would want to extend their reach deeper into Pakistan, much as they did when they were handed Swat on a platter.

Given the steely determination shown by our foe, and the dithering and lack of spine they have encountered in successive governments, the imposition of the Taliban version of the Sharia is now on the cards. What would this mean in reality?

In a recent interview, the Taliban spokesman has already declared that their candidate for the post of emir of the Islamic Emirate of Pakistan is Maulana Fazlullah. As he showed us when he was running Swat, he has no misguided notions of human rights to stay his hand while dispensing his brand of swift justice. So expect much blood in public squares, and public floggings to entertain us.

The TTP has already indicated its future educational policy by shooting Malala Yousafzai for insisting on her right to study. They have blown up hundreds of schools and colleges across the tribal areas and KP province.

The Taliban have also made it clear that under them, education will only be imparted through madressahs. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out where this path will take us.

Interest is anathema to the Taliban, so they will refuse to pay any on the billions of dollars of loans we have taken. Our creditors will then block all further loans, triggering a foreign exchange crisis. Imports will come to a standstill, and industry will grind to a halt.

Our foreign relations will be based on who is a good Muslim and who is not. Thus, the military, now dressed in shalwar kameez with ankles showing, will be told to prepare an invasion of India. As Taliban cheerleaders like Zaid Hamid have been urging, we should aim to plant the banner of Islam on the ramparts of Delhi Fort. Good luck with that.

Women, of course, would be told to stay at home. The millions employed across the country would lose their jobs overnight. They would only be able to emerge in full burqa when accompanies by a mahram, or close male relative. They could not be treated by a male doctor, and any display of skin would be punished with an immediate public flogging by a Talib, much as they did in Afghanistan when it was under their control.

Pakistan is already a pariah in the community of nations, thanks to its tolerance of extremist terrorism, and its export of militancy. Imagine the doors that will be finally and firmly barred to all bearers of green Pakistani passports. And if we think the world will accept the nightmare scenario of our nuclear arsenal falling into the hands of the TTP, we need to think again.

For years, there has been endless chatter in our TV studios about the Americans wishing to neutralise our nuclear facilities. This is guaranteed to happen should the Taliban take over. I’m sure this would not be a bloodless campaign, but I don’t think the rest of the world will shed too many tears.

The minorities might as well pack their bags and apply for asylum to whichever country will accept them. Non-Muslims, or to be more specific, non-Sunnis, are already treated like second-class citizens.

The Taliban have given the Kalash an ultimatum: convert or we kill you. It’s only a matter of time before churches, temples and other places of worship are shut forever.

Me? I’ll just grow a beard and order above-the-ankle, Taliban-style shalwars.

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@syedali73 : Edit the title please . Irfan Siddiqui (Jang News) is the coordinator of the government's so called negotiating committee . Irfan Hussain writes columns for Dawn
Stoning, public floggings as well as a warranty of death for half of the nation for using internet, watching television and reading foreign texts that is if we are already not hanged for not pursuing a madrassah education. For those of us who do plan to live here its certainly not on our wish list. Might sound a bit corny but better to be killed once and for all while combating these pathological creeps than to let our future generations suffer enormously.
@syedali73 : Edit the title please . Irfan Siddiqui (Jang News) is the coordinator of the government's so called negotiating committee . Irfan Hussain writes columns for Dawn
Sorry, it was an unfortunate mistake. I cant edit the title, but Mods can.

Mods: Please edit the title to "Life under Taliban by Irfan Husain"
Do it yourself guide on how to go back in time upto the 7th century.
Talebans were good when they were unleashed on the Afghan people, but bad when the land of their patrons is getting the same treatment. Why were they quiet when these religious fanatics were wreaking havoc in Afghanistan and terrorizing its people? If they were and still are good for the Afghans, then they should be equally good for Pakistan - or they are good as long as they are laying waste the lands of Afghans and Pashtuns only and leaving the mud huts on the other side of the river intact? As Pakistan's chances of getting hoist with its own petard are increasing with every passing day, the mourning is also getting louder.
Talebans were good when they were unleashed on the Afghan people, but bad when the land of their patrons is getting the same treatment. Why were they quiet when these religious fanatics were wreaking havoc in Afghanistan and terrorizing its people? If they were and still are good for the Afghans, then they should be equally good for Pakistan - or they are good as long as they are laying waste the lands of Afghans and Pashtuns only and leaving the mud huts on the other side of the river intact? As Pakistan's chances of getting hoist with its own petard are increasing with every passing day, the mourning is also getting louder.

As if Taliban were anything other then Afghans. Hell they are original Afghans. They can take over Kabul from the hands of uzbeks, tajiks, hazaras and see if we care. Pakistan should stay away, and i doubt this time anyone will support them moraly in name of pakhtun brotherhood.

Remember one thing Talibans were Afghans, don't make them foreign in their own land. Stop blaming others for your own short comings.
As if Taliban were anything other then Afghans. Hell they are original Afghans. They can take over Kabul from the hands of uzbeks, tajiks, hazaras and see if we care. Pakistan should stay away, and i doubt this time anyone will support them moraly in name of pakhtun brotherhood.

Remember one thing Talibans were Afghans, don't make them foreign in their own land. Stop blaming others for your own short comings.
you are aware that your army fully supports Afghan Taliban and has very close relation with them ?????
Pak wants Taliban in Afg so that they can control them and the drug trade to earn billions.
Now suddenly they are realising that Taliban may want Pakistan too.. lol.. that will be so good. there will be infighting in the army and Taliban takeover is inevitable unless Pak gives up support to all terrorism whether directed at afg or at india or at west.
you are aware that your army fully supports Afghan Taliban and has very close relation with them ?????
Pak wants Taliban in Afg so that they can control them and the drug trade to earn billions.
Now suddenly they are realising that Taliban may want Pakistan too.. lol.. that will be so good. there will be infighting in the army and Taliban takeover is inevitable unless Pak gives up support to all terrorism whether directed at afg or at india or at west.
The highlighted statement of your's reveals how little (if any) information you have about the subject being discussed here, which essentially renders your post unworthy of taking seriously let alone replying.
The highlighted statement of your's reveals how little (if any) information you have about the subject being discussed here, which essentially renders your post unworthy of taking seriously let alone replying.
I know the reality. its about strategic depth, finance for terror and causing harm to India that's keeping Pakistan army alive.
I know the reality. its about strategic depth, finance for terror and causing harm to India that's keeping Pakistan army alive.
You know nothing.

Mods: Please take a note of baseless allegations being furnished by this poster.
you are aware that your army fully supports Afghan Taliban and has very close relation with them ?????
Pak wants Taliban in Afg so that they can control them and the drug trade to earn billions.
Now suddenly they are realising that Taliban may want Pakistan too.. lol.. that will be so good. there will be infighting in the army and Taliban takeover is inevitable unless Pak gives up support to all terrorism whether directed at afg or at india or at west.

No one want them in Kabul, its fantasy of some who love to blame everything on Pak army.
No one want them in Kabul, its fantasy of some who love to blame everything on Pak army.
I know many in this forum who wants them in Kabul.. secondly , in that case why Pak does not destroy haqqani network?

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