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LHC orders construction of Kalabagh Dam!!

shining eyes

Apr 2, 2010
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A good news! :yahoo:

LAHORE: The construction of the Kalabagh Dam has been ordered by the Lahore High Court (LHC)

Chief Justice LHC ordered the construction of the dam in the light of decision of Council of Common Interests (CCI).

The CJ LHC in his remarks said under article 154 the federal government is bound to implement the proposals.

لاہور: ہائی کورٹ نے وفاقی حکومت کو کالاباغ ڈیم کی تعمیر کے مشترکہ مفادات کونسل کے 1991 کے فیصلے پر عمل درآمد کا حکم دے دیا۔

لاہور ہائی کورٹ نے مقامی وکلاکی جانب سے دائر ایک رٹ پٹیشن پر اپنے فیصلے میں کہا ہے کہ مشترکہ مفادات کونسل میں چاروں صوبوں نے متفقہ طور پر کالاباغ ڈیم کی تعمیر سے متعلق جو فیصلہ دیا تھا اس پر عمل درآمد کرانا حکومت کی آئینی ذمہ داری ہے۔

عدالت نے کہا کہ کئی دہائیوں سے تیار ہونے والی فزیبلیٹی اور لاگت عوامی پیسہ ہے، کالاباغ ڈیم کی تعمیر میں تاخیر سیاسی بنیادوں پر کی گئی جبکہ سیاسی مسائل کو قومی مفادات پر حاوی نہ ہونے دیا جائے فیصلے میں یہ بھی کہا گیا ہے کہ یہ کوئی نیا حکم نامہ نہیں ہے ، مشترکہ مفادات کونسل کالاباغ ڈیم کی تعمیر کا پہلے ہی فیصلہ کرچکی ہے اس پر عمل درآمد کیا جائے۔

واضح رہے کہ سندھ ,خیبرپختونخوا اوربلوچستان میں کالاباغ ڈیم کے حوالے سے کافی تحفظات پائے جاتے ہیں،تینوں صوبوں کی اسمبلیاں بھی کالاباغ ڈیم کی تعمیر کے خلاف قراردادیں پاس کرچکی ہیں۔

Is it cleared or ordered??? I don't think Judiciary can order politican though it can direct officials. What was the scenario? why kalabag Dam was put on hold???

Any way its good news, though Dams hurt ecosystem, but it provide good ammount of water for irrigation and other use. Hope Pakistan make this dam ASAP
It will put enormous pressure on Zardari and Co in these election days.
Is it cleared or ordered??? I don't think Judiciary can order politican though it can direct officials. What was the scenario? why kalabag Dam was put on hold???

Any way its good news, though Dams hurt ecosystem, but it provide good ammount of water for irrigation and other use. Hope Pakistan make this dam ASAP

Some pointers..

Sindh is the lower riparian and strongest opponent of KBD and politicians presents many objections against the proposed dam:
1.That their share of the Indus water will be curtailed as water from the Kalabagh will go to irrigate farmlands in Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, at their cost. Sindhis hold that their rights as the lower riparian have precedence according to international water distribution law.

2. The coastal regions of Sindh require a constant flow of water down the Indus into the Arabian Sea so that the flowing water can keep the seawater from intruding inland. Such seawater intrusion would literally turn vast areas of Sindh's coast into an arid saline desert, and destroy Sindh's coastal mangroves.

3.With the construction of dams, such as Mangla Dam and Tarbela Dam across the Indus, Sindhis have seen the once-mighty Indus turned into a shadow of its former glory downstream of the Kotri Barrage up to Hyderabad. They fear that there simply is not enough water for another large dam across the Indus, let alone three.

4.Claims that the current flow of Indus river downstream of Kotri Barrage is only because of rain. Hence in years of low rain, Sindh fears the Indus would stop flowing.

5.Damming the Indus has already caused a number of environmental problems that have not yet addressed. Silt deposited in the proposed Kalabagh dam would further curtail the water storage capacity of Manchar Lake and other lakes and of wetlands like Haleji Lake.

President Musharraf, Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz and other leaders, had promised "iron-clad constitutional guarantees" to ensure that Sindh gets its fair share of water. However, these assurances meant little to most Sindhis, who claim that even the earlier 1991 Indus Water-Sharing Accord, which is a document already guaranteed by the constitutional body, the Council of Common Interests, has been violated, and that Punjab has "stolen" their water without any concrete evidence.
PLZ someone should BUILD the damn dam.

we need it badly.

Vote this guys then.

Can a court order the government to construct a dam?
I don't think so.

Exactly my thought.

A court wouldn't do the feasibility studies, environmental impacts etc would they?

Anybody familiar with the law on this forum?

If this is the case, then why doesn't the court run the whole country by ordering the government on everything? (I am not being supportive or against any party, just an observation).
Can a court order the government to construct a dam?

ye paksitan hai yahan courts jo chahain kar sakte hain qn k koe na unsya poch sakta hai na khch kah sakta hai supreme court ka cheif khud ko GOD samajhta hai na

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