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LHC allows Nawaz Sharif to go abroad for 4 weeks - Sharif brothers submitted Affidavits in Court

i am talking in strict political sense when it comes to the bomb.

as far his conviction go, that was a decision on merit. he may be a 3 time PM but he is ofcourse like others corrupt in financial affairs.

KP is the only progressive province of Pakistan as it has shunned ethnic polity before the rise of PTM. Everyone gets a chance by the people of KP.

Mr. Khan owes his premiership to Punjab as by his own admission his main focus was due to demographics of the electorate in Pakistan

I am sure we will all be surprised by that
I agree with the fact that KP URBAN areas vote on merit...
I disagree that PM IK is famous in punjab he lost punjab(albeit by very narrow margin) in number of seats but propelled to govt due to KPK,sindh seats
Will it ever happen for a common poor Pakistani that a high court will hear the case from morning to evening and give verdict the same day??? A poor man even have to stay months in jail because the judge keeps giving dates.
Will it ever happen that a poor Pakistani in jail will be given bail multiple times on medical grounds??? Poor ppl are not even sent to hospitals...
This is a slap on the face of pakkstanis. I have no respect left for the judiciary. Its proven that pakistani judiciary only serves the rich and powerful, these courts are worst than kangaroo courts.
Imran khan also fooled the nation by his fake do nahi aik Pakistan BS and by his BS abt changing status quo. We need a bloody revolution that destroys and burns to the ground this kangaroo judiciary, this corrupt and pathetic bureaucracy, these traitor politicians and the cunning n evil establishment. Only after this will rise a new Pakistan from the ashes. Till then all this tabdeeli and naya purana Pakistan are jjst lollypops to fool the ppl.
If I'm not mistaken, the court didn't say that the condition laid down by the govt was illegal, instead they said that the govt and convict find a compromise with each other. Where the heck in the world does the court ask the govt to find a compromise with a prisoner?

Either the govt position is illegal, or not.

But at least now the govt can, after NS stays abroad, say "I told you so" and put it all on the court.
Exactly, instead of deliberating on merit of legality or illegality of GOP actions, LHC becomes a self appointed mediator on behalf of the CONVICTED CRIMINAL...whats more, lol, Shahbaz Sharif himself facing his own cases, is sneakily tagged to go abroad with brother as guarantor, lol, as if Nawaz himself is a minor, in one shameless stroke of yet another favor to Sharifs, lol.

Listen to the whole vid if you have time or the next 3 minutes from the point linked here about another shameful favor in Model Town case:
Everything I write is 100% based on facts, which can be identified and substantiated. Add to it the opinion, every is free to form their own opinion. Including their opinion about those people in high places, who have looted the country black and blue. And those who have always supported the criminals and let them loot the country and then provided them safe exit. The history repeated today.
Anyone who don't agree with it or have other conclusions drawn from the happenings, are not true to themselves.

I know what I said and you are totally wrong or failed due to possible comprehension issue to understand my post. So in short, anyone using abusive language or found involved in inappropriate posting or making baseless claims to malign institutes, will be dealt accordingly. Furthermore, the name calling by political opponents and such provocations will also be dealt accordingly. You or anyone else can continue with the subject as per your opinion and as long as violation is not committed, it's all fine to discuss. Forum quality and responsibility is higher than anyone's personal issue or dislikes, if there is any. So also, there is no need to put your words in NY mouth by twisting my post. These warnings are repeatedly posted in open and the message is clear. Now if you can't understand the same in plain or failed to read between lines, I have no interest to explain myself repeatedly or like this.

Did I say anything what you claimed or said instead, you quoted my post which wasn't directed against you and you weren't even at the thread on that time. So instead of playing victim, continue your discussion without dragging irrelevant topic..

Hope you understand well.
Expect Drama by PMLN and Nawaz in next 48 hours. Nawaz will say I will not go out side no matter if court has given relief etc to create face saving and show look how brave nawaz is etc or they will show he is so ill that can't even move and later after 1 week will leave that is my opinion.

@The Eagle

I have one point to make. People saying that govt can go to SC for appeal. But same SC said nawaz is not sadiq and ameen and jhoota. So how come lahore court didn't take this into account.
best Mod comments Since 2007 lol
Neither the Pakistan nor Islam allows anyone to use abusive language. You just shared a Hadis Mubaraka about justice so how about to read & understand context before referring an irrelevant concern into the topic. Yes, Forum rules are to be maintained & enforced if needed, for friendly, qualitative, informative & substantial debate unlike personal attacks & abuse for nothing.

If the NS is allowed to leave and the basis of illness.

Sorry then there goes my support for PTI. I have been a PTI supporter and defended it in front of my friends and family.

Those who are saying it's court decision and government and no say it in it?

Then kindly tell me:

1. Why hasnt government filed reference in supreme court?
2. Why remove name from exit control list?
3. Is the life of convicted criminal Nawaz Sharif more important than ordinary citizen in Pakistan?

Government imposed taxes on food and various item. I said it's fine.
Government did nothing for Karachi. I said it's fine.
Government freeing convicted criminals and showing softness? Not fine.

This is the breaking point unfortunately.
Expect Drama by PMLN and Nawaz in next 48 hours. Nawaz will say I will not go out side no matter if court has given relief etc to create face saving and show look how brave nawaz is etc or they will show he is so ill that can't even move and later after 1 week will leave that is my opinion.

@The Eagle

I have one point to make. People saying that govt can go to SC for appeal. But same SC said nawaz is not sadiq and ameen and jhoota. So how come lahore court didn't take this into account.

GoP wouldn't go to SCP not because there is no merit in doing that, but because they just came off the hook, they wouldn't like this saga to drag on and they get hit from the crooked Media presenters.
I have one point to make. People saying that govt can go to SC for appeal. But same SC said nawaz is not sadiq and ameen and jhoota. So how come lahore court didn't take this into account.

I see that LHC merely let him go on humanitarian and medical grounds. If it has to do anything with the cases and punishment being awarded, there is no chance that such convicted criminal can ever bail out let alone leaving country. SC had mentioned once about LHC, if I am not wrong but then again we need to understand that why AAZ cases were transferred to Islamabad from Sindh. PTI however, now has the upper hand because it was court who let him go on the basis of an Affidavit by guarantor. Had it been the case of merit, how can I forget that such people have history by going out of country through agreements or even faking their sickness in past. Lastly, the biggest irony is that masses are still supporting such kind of people.

A nuclear powered country cann't afford to be a SoftState.

Tumor is so big and venomous that can't be taken out in one operation or over the period of one to 4 years.
. .
Dear establishment, Just surrender to India and be done with it.. Constantly hearing treason acts against the state is not good for my health, as long as the dynasty of Bhutto lives on in Sindh, and the de-facto princess of Punjab Maryam Nawaz is guaranteed her rightful throne then I don't see why anyone should have any problem. Self-proclaimed 'Quaid for life' Nawaz Sharif is truly the founder of Naya B4stardised Pakistan, where 220 million Pakistanis destiny is to serve illegimate dogs..
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Members are advised to discuss subject with civility and in manners without disrespecting anyone or institutes or even by use of inappropriate language.

On topic: What is all the fuss about? isn't government at liberty to go in appeal on higher forum against decision of LHC?
it will be waste of time... but they can go SC. Govt should establish courts in other districts of Punjab to end LHC monopoly. And PMLn never wants that.
These clown judges have been repeatedly making a mockery of the word "justice". they have repeated;y failed to establish justice and I do hope some day each and every one is made accountable in a public trial for their crimes against the nation.
If the NS is allowed to leave and the basis of illness.

Sorry then there goes my support for PTI. I have been a PTI supporter and defended it in front of my friends and family.

Those who are saying it's court decision and government and no say it in it?

Then kindly tell me:

1. Why hasnt government filed reference in supreme court?
2. Why remove name from exit control list?
3. Is the life of convicted criminal Nawaz Sharif more important than ordinary citizen in Pakistan?

Government imposed taxes on food and various item. I said it's fine.
Government did nothing for Karachi. I said it's fine.
Government freeing convicted criminals and showing softness? Not fine.

This is the breaking point unfortunately.

Would you rather have him die in govt custody?

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