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lhasa...Beijing...We will be there

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talking of fighting western colonization and imperialism.. Macau was until portuguese rule till 1999 and u guys had your megaton farts from 1963 i guess ?

Total disgrace to asia u bunch are ..

Chinese turn Macao into highest GDP per capita and mega tourist attraction. Indians turn Goa into just another giant Indian sh!thole.
Chinese turn Macao into highest GDP per capita and mega tourist attraction. Indians turn Goa into just another giant Indian sh!thole.

why are you so bothered what we turn Goa into .
Chinese turn Macao into highest GDP per capita and mega tourist attraction. Indians turn Goa into just another giant Indian sh!thole.

The pertinent question here is WHAT THE FCUK were Chinese doing with their megatons for 30 freaking years before getting it back from portugal ??

Indeed those megaton were farts as is evident from the forum posts as well..

Feel sorry for you entire lot actually.. Couldn't even muster a copy paste balls even to overthrow a puny country like portugal :woot:

Chinese are anti-thesis of anything called bravery !!
but still why are you are bothered what part of India becomes what are you planning to Migrate if not then STFU .

I said I'm not. I like that Indians never get things done and can only talk. So please, do not STFU. Keep talking, that's all your good for.

The pertinent question here is WHAT THE FCUK were Chinese doing with their megatons for 30 freaking years before getting it back from portugal ??

Indeed those megaton were farts as is evident from the forum posts as well..

Feel sorry for you entire lot actually.. Couldn't even muster a copy paste balls even to overthrow a puny country like portugal :woot:

Chinese are anti-thesis of anything called bravery !!

We know all about Indian "bravery" in 1962. Indian bravery when 2,000 Brits conquered your whole country. Indian bravery when a few Mughals enslaved your country for 500 years. Cut the crap slave.
Indian bravery when 2,000 Brits conquered your whole country. Indian bravery when a few Mughals enslaved your country for 500 years. Cut the crap slave.

I suggest you do some research before commenting on history here. Your allies in south asia would take offence in what you wrote.
I said I'm not. I like that Indians never get things done and can only talk. So please, do not STFU. Keep talking, that's all your good for.

We know all about Indian "bravery" in 1962. Indian bravery when 2,000 Brits conquered your whole country. Indian bravery when a few Mughals enslaved your country for 500 years. Cut the crap slave.

talking of 2000 brits .. :lol: how many japs it took to enslave china ? not more than 200 :woot:
I said I'm not. I like that Indians never get things done and can only talk. So please, do not STFU. Keep talking, that's all your good for.

We know all about Indian "bravery" in 1962. Indian bravery when 2,000 Brits conquered your whole country. Indian bravery when a few Mughals enslaved your country for 500 years. Cut the crap slave.

bro don't be so arrogant that you forget the opium war & japan invasion of China as far as 1962 is concerned we are proud of our soldiers who fought against adversity . as far as slavery is concerned you are still slave of ccp .

Japs had a force of over a million and they never conquered all of China. They tried every atrocity on the Chinese civilian population imaginable and still China never surrendered. That's true bravery, something slave boy Indians know nothing about. Yours is a slave people. Made to serve and surrender. Time for another 1962 reminder for the slaves.

Japs had a force of over a million and they never conquered all of China. They tried every atrocity on the Chinese civilian population imaginable and still China never surrendered. That's true bravery, something slave boy Indians know nothing about. Yours is a slave people. Made to serve and surrender. Time for another 1962 reminder for the slaves.

happily waiting for you to repeat 1962 so that we can settle the issue for once and forever .

Japs had a force of over a million and they never conquered all of China. They tried every atrocity on the Chinese civilian population imaginable and still China never surrendered. That's true bravery, something slave boy Indians know nothing about. Yours is a slave people. Made to serve and surrender. Time for another 1962 reminder for the slaves.

The same can be said for India. Majority of Indians never surrendered their culture and heritage inspite of almost 1000 years of foreign rule.

BTW, the mughals you say, they came and defeated a muslim sultanate, i wonder why people keep saying 500 years of mughal rule when they were the one who ended the totally foreign Turk-afghan sultane. The mughals were part Indian. and the british never conquered all of India (they had suzerainty almost all of India but never did they ruled India as one administrative unit)


Surrender, surrender, that's all Indians know how to do. Pathetic.

Too quick to predict future. Your government is wise, it will not undertake any risky adventure just to fulfil some internet warriors dream of sino-centricism.

Surrender, surrender, that's all Indians know how to do. Pathetic.

No body surrendered to you as soon as you heard Indian forces are regouping to retaliate you put you tail in your legs and declared unilateral ceasefire and withdrew .
No body surrendered to you as soon as you heard Indian forces are regouping to retaliate you put you tail in your legs and declared unilateral ceasefire and withdrew .

QFT, India didn't surrendered never was there any order of surrender. It may be that some soldiers were taken PoWs but the IA didn't surrendered.

But then, they didn't put much of a fight in the eastern sector
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