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Lets get rid off ISI + Army


Jul 22, 2012
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I was reading some of the comments on the topic of Geo vs ISI....

Now, I wish I was a cartoonist I had this strip of cartoon running in my mind:

Lets get rid off Army and ISI and kiss GEO's feet!

Then when we get probs on Indian border we can get the fleas from that Jaamat party and utilize them as 1st line of defence

Then when that fails we can reflect the sun's rays off NS's tind...am sure that will do the trick like that of a precision nuclear gun...

If anyone makes trouble from Afghanistan we have IK to shake hands with them and talk to them until they feel ashamed and pack their bags...

If any trouble comes from Iran, we have our Singing Marasi (Altaf) to burst their eardrums and if that is not sufficient we have Zardari to bite them with his marvelous teeth!

If all fails we can show them Geo tv and everyone will bring popcorn...

We are safe! :pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:

Did I miss anyone out?
Some of you people take this ISI issue too personally. The ISI is and should just be an intelligence agency; what the eff it has to do with politics I'll never understand.
Some of you people take this ISI issue too personally. The ISI is and should just be an intelligence agency; what the eff it has to do with politics I'll never understand.
More like what does Geo have to do with throwing accusations and hurting sentiments

We can swap ISI with Army any day....

Today you question ISI tomorrow Tinda's fear will question Army....then you can still come and read post no.1
More like what does Geo have to do with throwing accusations and hurting sentiments

We can swap ISI with Army any day....

Today you question ISI tomorrow Tinda's fear will question Army....then you can still come and read post no.1

I meant both. ISI/Army; neither should be involved with politics in any way.
I meant both. ISI/Army; neither should be involved with politics in any way.
Well our politics is not involved with Pakistan at all...Look where we are despite giving everyone a second chance :unsure:

Were the politicians more of a politician than a lootayra group...I am sure no one would support Marshall law...the very fact that many do speaks volumes!

BTW, this is opened in the member's club to allow open discussion rather than with restrictions ...and if not discussed how will we know what is going on in one's mind...speculation doesnt lead one anywhere!

Dividing and ruling is an old game....influencing and then dividing is the new game...

Geo throwing accusations, NS getting paranoid...Zardari running around like a free chicken despite the crap we all know he did...well seriously when politicians learn politics then we can give them a break...When someone claiming to be a leader leads the people to good or even leads the country to good...then maybe army wont get the role of a babysitter!
Only IDIOTS underestimate them.

Some of you people take this ISI issue too personally. The ISI is and should just be an intelligence agency; what the eff it has to do with politics I'll never understand.

No this time the situation is the other way around .... this time politicians with a particular Media House are attempting to hunt ISI and Army ...... both are trying to keep themselves at distance from politics, but the particular mindset of October 99 and Nov 2007 is responsible of current events.
I was reading some of the comments on the topic of Geo vs ISI....

Now, I wish I was a cartoonist I had this strip of cartoon running in my mind:

Lets get rid off Army and ISI and kiss GEO's feet!

Then when we get probs on Indian border we can get the fleas from that Jaamat party and utilize them as 1st line of defence

Then when that fails we can reflect the sun's rays off NS's tind...am sure that will do the trick like that of a precision nuclear gun...

If anyone makes trouble from Afghanistan we have IK to shake hands with them and talk to them until they feel ashamed and pack their bags...

If any trouble comes from Iran, we have our Singing Marasi (Altaf) to burst their eardrums and if that is not sufficient we have Zardari to bite them with his marvelous teeth!

If all fails we can show them Geo tv and everyone will bring popcorn...

We are safe! :pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:

Did I miss anyone out?

this is exactly how we are brain washed to think. we think we are surrounded by savages.. our foreign policy is a failure because its designed on fears created by the establishment to remain relevant and powerful in state matters...

let us give everything to army for they are our saviours from all these savages surrounding us...
There is no need to get rid of either the ISI or the Army, for they are important components of the government. They just need to re-learn what they have forgotten, that is, their proper and rightful place according to the Constitution, that is all.
The Sad part is all these useless people that jeer at Army and ISI cannot give me one iota of Evidence that they have " Ever in their Miserable Existence ever done anything for Pakistan ".

I have asked this question over and over again and not one has given me a satisfactory answer.
We never came out of colonial era
Actually Pakistan needs overhauling in each and every department & which is not possible in current democrazy
I wake up tomorrow morning and there is a breaking news that some Pakistani politicians in and out of Pakistan have passed away after having a heart attack and following day a breaking news is shown that some (remaining) politicians have been assassinated.

What would be Pakistan like in 10 years time politically, economically, socially, religiously.
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