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Lethal Pakistan Airforce`s Game Changers


Sep 8, 2009
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Pakistan Owns these items

In Last few years Pakistan Airforce has attained weaponry that makes it a Superior Airforce in region to any intruding force. Pakistan is one of few nations in region that has BVR capabilities
Lets examine the wonderful weapons that Pakistan attained recently

Beyond Visual Missiles 500 AIM-120C5 Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missiles (AMRAAM)

96% Kill Ratio

The AIM-120 Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missile, or AMRAAM (pronounced "am-ram"), is a modern beyond-visual-range air-to-air missile (BVRAAM) capable of all-weather day-and-night operations. Designed with the same form-and-fit factors as the previous generation of semiactive guided Sparrow missiles, it is a fire-and-forget missile with active guidance. When an AMRAAM missile is being launched, NATO pilots use the brevity code - Fox Three.

The missile also features the ability to "Home on Jamming,"giving it the ability to switch over from active radar homing to passive homing – homing on jamming signals from the target aircraft. Software on board the missile allows it to detect if it is being jammed, and guide on its target using the proper guidance system.

AMRAAM uses two-stage guidance when fired at long range. The aircraft passes data to the missile just before launch, giving it information about the location of the target aircraft from the launch point and its direction and speed. The missile uses this information to fly on an interception course to the target using its built in inertial navigation system (INS). This information is generally obtained using the launching aircraft's radar, although it could come from an infrared search and tracking system (IRST), from a data link from another fighter aircraft, or from an AWACS aircraft.

Saab+2000+Airborne+Early+Warning+and+Control+Aircr  aft+erieye+aewc+awacs+pakistan+air+force+paf+jf-17+thunder+f-16+fighter+jet+fc20+j10+radar+coverage+340+1000ood  dd.jpg

Boresight mode , also known as Run Indian

Apart from the slave mode, there is a free guidance mode, called boresight. This mode is radar guidance-free, the missile just fires and locks the first thing it sees. When this mode is selected, the HUD displays a circle which represent "sight" of the missile. When the pilot fires, he says "Maddog".[12] This mode can be used for defensive shot, i.e. when the enemy has numerical superiority

Dog Fight Short Range Missiles : Side winder
200 AIM-9M-8/9 Sidewinder Short-Range Air-Air Missiles; they are the version before the fifth-generation AIM-9X.

Over 80% Kill ratio when Fired


The AIM-9 Sidewinder is an infrared homing, short-range, air-to-air missile carried mostly by fighter aircraft and recently, certain gunship helicopters. The missile entered service with the United States Navy in the mid-1950s, and variants and upgrades remain in active service with many air forces after five decades. The United States Air Force purchased the Sidewinder after the missile was developed by the United States Navy at China Lake, California.
The Sidewinder is the most widely used missile in the West, with more than 110,000 missiles produced for the U.S. and 27 other nations

The next major advance in IR Sidewinder development was the AIM-9L ("Lima") model, introduced in 1978. This was the first "all-aspect" Sidewinder with the ability to attack from all directions, including head-on, which had a dramatic effect on close in combat tactics. Its first combat use was by a pair of US Navy F-14s in the Gulf of Sidra in 1981 versus two Libyan Su-22 Fitters, both of the latter being destroyed by AIM-9Ls. Its first use in actual warfare was by the United Kingdom during the 1982 Falklands War, the "Lima" reportedly achieved a kill ratio of around 80%, a dramatic improvement over the 10-15% levels of earlier versions scoring 17 and 2 shared kills against Argentine aircraft.[9] On that same year but over Lebanon's Bekaa Valley, 51 out of the 55 Syrian-flown MiGs shot down were hit by Israeli Air Force Sidewinders.

The subsequent AIM-9M ("Mike") has the all-aspect capability of the L model while providing all-around higher performance. The M model has improved capability against infrared countermeasures, enhanced background discrimination capability, and a reduced-smoke rocket motor. These modifications increase its ability to locate and lock-on to a target and decrease the chance of missile detection.

1,600 Enhanced Paveway GBU-12 (500 lb.) and GBU-24s (2,000 lb.) with dual laser/GPS guidance


Talk about easy of use , pilots just designates a target with laser and 100% kill on ground

500 Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) Guidance Kits: GBU-31/38 Guided Bomb Unit (GBU) kits


GPS guided bombs , fire and forget , the pilot does not even need to worry about pointing a laszer to the wepoan , he clicks launch , and the bomb is on its own ..

Advance Bunker Buster Bombs 700 BLU-109 2,000 pound bunker-buster bombs with the FMU-143 Fuse

The BLU-109/B is a hardened penetration bomb used by the United States Air Force (BLU is an acronym for Bomb Live Unit). As other "bunker busters", it is intended to smash through concrete shelters and other hardened structures before exploding.

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Mean while , not to mention , Other platform :P

100 JF17 Thunders !!! Block 1 and Block 2


MAR-1 is an is an air-to-surface anti-radiation missile (ARM) with INS/GPS capability under development by Brazil's Mectron and the Aerospace Technology and Science Department (Departamento de Ciência e Tecnologia Aeroespacial, DCTA) of the Brazilian Air Force, it is designed to suppress enemy air defenses (SEAD) by targeting surveillance radars and fire-control radars.

Air - Air BVR combat Missile SD-10
The PL-12 (PiLi-12, 霹雳-12), also designated SD-10 (ShanDian-10, 闪电-10), is a radar-guided air-to-air missile developed by China's Luoyang Electro-Optical Technology Development Center. PL-12 is in service with the People's Liberation Army Air Force


The PL-12 has four engagement modes. To take the greatest advantage of its maximum range it will use a mix of command guidance (via a datalink) plus its own inertial guidance before entering the active radar terminal guidance phase. The missile can also be launched to a pre-selected point, using its strap-down inertial system, before switching on its own seeker for a terminal search. Over short ranges the missile can be launched in a 'fire-and-forget' mode using its own active seeker from the outset. Finally, the PL-12 has a 'home-on-jam' mode that allows it to passively track and engage an emitting target, without ever using its own active radar or a radar from the launch aircraft. This capability is the foundation on which the capability of anti-radiation missile is developed. The seeker is connected to a digital flight control system that uses signal processing techniques to track a target. The missile's warhead is linked to a laser proximity fuse.


Are these delivered or still proposed??

We have them , ready in case someone crosses the LOC on our side

The Thunder Program also has cure for the build up of Navy ships and Carriers


I am just amazed at the level of Upgrading we have done
Not to mention the Mirage and F-7 platforms are fully loaded with weaponry as well flying with
appropriate missiles and weapons , and they pack a punch as well


In 1982, during the Falklands War, the Exocet became noted worldwide when Argentine Navy Dassault-Breguet Super Étendard warplanes carrying the AM39 Air Launched version of Exocet caused irreparable damage and disabled the Royal Navy destroyer HMS Sheffield on 4 May 1982; and the 15,000 ton merchant ship Atlantic Conveyor was struck by two Exocet anti-ship missiles on 25 May.





Babies on Order (36 potential to order another 150 planes) inshallah


36 State of art NEW birds for Pakistan Airforce thanks to vision of Mr Musharaf

Yes .. of course they do .. there is no bunker strong enough from Pakistan Airforce bombing raids they have ample bunker busters in possession

But I mean the Missiles we have on our fighters are TOP NOTCH ... I mean this is leathal combination , Pilot Skills plus ... Missiles that we have ... great planning by Pakistan Airforce

If there is opening of 10 meter by 10 meter our Precision guided Bombs and laser guided bombs can penetarate and hit a bulls eye ..

But untill these J1OB arrive the JF17 Thunders have more then one way to skin a cat




Thank you @AZADPAKISTAN2009 for compiling up this info :pakistan: ... Really informative ... A prove that conventional strength of the armed forces of Pakistan is enough for deterrence , the other things come lately :)
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great info but all of the air force features are not covered the F16 B52 and he air defense system .:coffee:
PAF might be looking towards 5th Generation and J-10BS might be cancelled...

That means until 2022? F-16 will be the star Fighter for Pakistan airforce and at the low end It will be JF-17 Block I, Medium End JF-17 BlockII and on the High end It will be F-16 Block 52 and F-16 MLU. But I don't think so J-10 will be cancelled, but there can be decrease in numbers like 75, So that PAF can include J-30 or J-20 around 75 aircraft or more by 2020.
Good Progress but we have to keep making inroads for modernization because the enemy is not sitting idle. We have to match enemy's Quality+Quantity with higher Quality, both in terms of Equipment, Weaponry and Training. Let us have the 1965 kind of an edge over IAF.
Good Progress but we have to keep making inroads for modernization because the enemy is not sitting idle. We have to match enemy's Quality+Quantity with higher Quality, both in terms of Equipment, Weaponry and Training. Let us have the 1965 kind of an edge over IAF.

Gonna be difficult (esp. due to budgetary reasons), in case u mean India with enemy, 270 Su 30MKIs, appr. 100 upgraded Mig 29 and Mirage 2000s, and at least 126 Rafales and at least 144 FGFAs and maybe some Tejas and upgraded Jaguars as well.

Concerning training: We have very well trained pilots who and I am sure that the PAF has superb pilots as well.
Furthermore we have a deep insight into the capabilities of PAF planes like the F16 thanks to the MMRCA trials or the SAF F 16 pilots training in India.
Good Progress but we have to keep making inroads for modernization because the enemy is not sitting idle. We have to match enemy's Quality+Quantity with higher Quality, both in terms of Equipment, Weaponry and Training. Let us have the 1965 kind of an edge over IAF.

That is a good plan, but how much of it can be realized and when will all depend on the resources that can be generated for defence from the economy: money, money, money. The side that can outspend over the long run without crippling its economy or underfunding its social development will gain the advantage.
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