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Lesson from ISI’s killing


Sep 23, 2006
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t seems the conscience of humanity doesn’t stir until someone pays the price for resisting oppression and our right to know and tell the truth. On June 16, 2006, Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence Directorate (ISI) silenced another journalist, Hayatullah Khan, forever. He was handcuffed and shot from behind after experiencing unknown torment at the hands of his abductors for six months. That is why you are reading this column, which I am writing with utter shame for not having said a word in Mr. Khan’s favor when he was alive. The question, however, is: What type of words would have saved his life? Appeals, protests, or exposing the real faces of his persecutors?

This column will not do any favors to the deceased journalist or his young daughters and sons—Naila Hayat (8), Farishta Hayat (6); Kamran Hayat (5); and Faisal Hayat (3). Nevertheless, it could serve as a crucial lesson to other journalists that the initiative and courage displayed by Mr. Khan should always be their responsibility, too. Mr. Khan died because he contradicted the Pakistan military’s version of events in the U.S. war of terrorism. If everyone, or at least, most journalists were not relying on government press releases; if they were doing honest reporting after fieldwork, a few of them would not have been singled out like this

The military dictatorship and its repressive arm, the ISI, did not turn against Mr. Khan overnight. The government authorities harassed him and his family for over four years before the ISI finally abducted him in December 2005 and killed him in June 2006.

The harassment of Hayatullah Khan started on August 5, 2001. On that day, Reporter Sans Frontiers wrote that Mr. Khan had received new threats and was obliged to stay in hiding. Local authorities had been harassing the journalist since June. Threatened with arrest, Khan left Mir Ali. He had to flee the town of Bannu to find refuge in Peshawar.[1]

Hayatullah Khan told Sans Frontiers: "I have been so harassed and intimidated that I have left my native town and am taking shelter in one place or another to escape the administration’s strong-arm tactics." Local authorities ransacked the journalist’s house several times, and arrested one of his relatives to force Khan to surrender. It was the responsibility of other journalists to follow Mr. Khan’s leads, and verify the authenticity of his reports. When a journalist is left alone like this, there is no doubt that not only his victimization will continue but that the government authorities will remain engaged in dirty tricks it does not want to see exposed.

Military officials in the tribal area of North Waziristan continued harassing Hayatullah Khan. His persecution intensified in April 2004, when Mr. Khan reported the “misuse” of military vehicles in the area. His brothers and daughter were expelled from an army-administered school. The press reported the incident, but it was soon forgotten.[2] Again, not one journalist followed the lead, which would have reduced, if not eliminated, the authorities’ persecution of Mr. Khan altogether.

Finally, on December 5, 2005, five armed men abducted Khan. His abduction came days after he contradicted Pakistani Army claims that Hamza Rabia, a leading Arab activists, and four others, died on December 1 as a result of an accidental munitions explosion. On the basis of photographs he took at the scene, Khan said a US missile killed Rabia. Villagers said a missile fired from a plane or a drone caused the explosion.

Right from the beginning, the ISI was considered responsible for Mr. Khan’s kidnapping. The Daily Times reported that his eldest daughter, Naila, was not optimistic that her father would come home safely. She told a Daily Times reporter: “Personally, I do not hope my father will come back safe and sound.” When asked why she thought so, she replied: “He [Hayatullah Khan] was taken away by the ISI (Inter-Service Intelligence).”[3]

Since the line between local and U.S. agencies acting against the truth-tellers in Pakistan is too thin when it comes to the so-called “war on terrorism,” people started accusing U.S. agencies of keeping Mr. Khan after his abduction in 2005. In response, the U.S. Consul in Peshawar, Mike Spangler, said on May 10, 2006 that the United States had "read the reports on the disappearance of Hayatullah Khan (...), but is not in possession of any information about him."[4] This left no one else but the ISI suspect.

It is out of the question that the Taliban or “Islamic extremists” abducted Khan because the government authorities had accused him “of writing articles about the weakness of the North Waziristan administration and the growing influence of the Taliban.”[5] On March 28, 2006 The Guardian reported that a local journalist mysteriously disappeared “in a case that highlights the murky underbelly of the US ‘war on terror’.” This shows who Mr. Khan’s killers are.

Khan was found dead on Friday, June 16, 2006, three kilometers south of Mir Ali near the Afghan border. He had been handcuffed and appeared to have been shot from behind while trying to escape, his brother, Ehsanullah, told the BBC. Reporters Without Borders have reported that he had been shot several times in the head. During his abduction, Mr. Khan had lost a lot of weight and had grown a long beard. His brother told the BBC the handcuffs were of a type usually used by the security forces. Khan's brothers said in a joint statement that he was kidnapped and killed by official security apparatus - meaning the ISI.[6] Mr. Khan’s journalist colleagues had been blaming the ISI for his abduction for a long time.[7]

The ISI will never learn a lesson. It has to serve military and civilian governments alike. However, the lesson other journalists must learn following the death of their Pakistani colleague by torture, starvation, and, finally, murder by the ISI, is very clear: Protests, appeals and campaigns with the help of local and international organizations for the protection of journalists are futile. If journalists really want to protect fellow journalists and look after their own future, they must never allow any of their peers to seek out the truth in isolation. They must commit themselves, in the interests of their honor and their craft, to join the search for truth and, in the process, leave no stone unturned.

Pakistani journalists, in particular, have to unlearn the old lesson of journalism. The lesson is: Don’t make an enemy of your kids - follow what the rest are doing. This is exactly the same message the ISI directly gives to the journalists it targets.[8] If all journalists and columnists start worrying about their own kids, we may never save the nation. The very few who do dare to tell it as it is, will either have to face certain torture and death, like Hayatullah Khan, or will have no option but to leave their ailing parents, unmarried sisters, and their roots behind to seek protection in other lands, where they live like unwelcome visitors from the grave.

In a tree, there are good apples, and there are bad ones. The only thing you hope is that you dont eat the bad one.

The point is, sure some staff from ISI do have done things that they shouldn't have done, but the whole staff shouldn't be accused of wrong doing.l

Its like calling every middle eastern person a terrorist.

Now its not fair.
In a tree, there are good apples, and there are bad ones. The only thing you hope is that you dont eat the bad one.

The point is, sure some staff from ISI do have done things that they shouldn't have done, but the whole staff shouldn't be accused of wrong doing.l

Its like calling every middle eastern person a terrorist.

Now its not fair.

So would it be safe for me to visit? even if as a kid 11 years old, I was orginally from India?? kidding:D
heheh If you can blend in. Why not? :D If i was in Pakistan, you could be paying a visit to my house. :)
ISI is too much involved in our country's affairs, they need to kindly back off and do what they supposedly need to do, and that is to gather intelligence and spy.
So R once again floated Hayatullah Khan's issue :) hmmmmmmm good tactic on part of this Indian

Ok Mr Salu i dont think so u are in Pakistan or visiting anyway..

come to me and i will tell u who the hell this Khan was and why he was killed and by whom.
We are working in NWFP and we know all journalists all of us know each other better thn u so plzzzzzzzzzzzzz dont poke ur nose into something u dont know
So R once again floated Hayatullah Khan's issue :) hmmmmmmm good tactic on part of this Indian

Ok Mr Salu i dont think so u are in Pakistan or visiting anyway..

come to me and i will tell u who the hell this Khan was and why he was killed and by whom.
We are working in NWFP and we know all journalists all of us know each other better thn u so plzzzzzzzzzzzzz dont poke ur nose into something u dont know

who was "this khan" i.e. Hayatullah Khan......would you kindly enlighten the rest of us.:army:
who was "this khan" i.e. Hayatullah Khan......would you kindly enlighten the rest of us.:army:

I would like to know this as well. Jana, take out your information gun, and shoot at us as much as you want! :)
The Daily Times reported that his eldest daughter, Naila, was not optimistic that her father would come home safely. She told a Daily Times reporter: “Personally, I do not hope my father will come back safe and sound.” When asked why she thought so, she replied: “He [Hayatullah Khan] was taken away by the ISI (Inter-Service Intelligence).”[3]

:lol: :lol: Naila told Daily Times.

She is only 8 years old further just go his family and ask her what dose ISI means :) man she even dosnt know what journalism is and what her father was doing let alone knowing what is ISI. Puting words in this kid's mouth to get the story by Daily Times is no wonder.

2ndly the Daily Times is anti-Pakitsan funded by some elements this newspaper publish eveythign against Pakistan to cash that issue.

It is out of the question that the Taliban or “Islamic extremists” abducted Khan because the government authorities had accused him “of writing articles about the weakness of the North Waziristan administration and the growing influence of the Taliban.”[5] On March 28, 2006 The Guardian reported that a local journalist mysteriously disappeared “in a case that highlights the murky underbelly of the US ‘war on terror’.” This shows who Mr. Khan’s killers are.

No this is not out of question

Hayatullah was trying to eat the cake from both sides and wanted not to finish:)

and u see it cant be either way.
anyway in a quest to earn more dollors he lost his life.

About Rabia's death eveyone knows it wasnt a big deal for which ISI had to abuduct or kill him.
The original article omits certain facts which should have been mentioned...like

*many other american spies in the area have been killed by Al Qaida/Taliban....which ranged from tribal elders to a number of mullahs.

*in the same area pakistan army officers and jawans ( 600 or so ) have been killed too by Al Qaida/Taliban.....so the writ of ISI in the area is not as strong as the article tries to imply.

*Hayatullah Khan is suspected of being involved in the killing of rubai...senior Al Qaida leader....when Hayatullah or his family member ( mostly probably his wife ) placed a tracker device in Rubai's household ( in the shape of jewellary gift to Rubia's wife..who too along with her children were killed ). It is to be noted that Hayatullah was not executed but taken away by taliban/al Qaida and most probably grilled over his precise contribution in the attack which killed Al Qaida number 3 i.e. rubia and his family.

*what gives credence to the placing of tracker device theory is that Rubia was killed in second missile attack on his house..i.e. missiles were not chasing Rubia as such but rather the tracker device...which in the first instant was not where Rubia was.

*In any event the whole matter was published in the nation newspaper ( around the time Hayatullah's body was discovered ) and has not been refuted by Hayatullah's Family ( what to say legal action against nation newspaper for defamation ) or others ( americans/CIA etc ).

There was no finess in that execution. Who would gain the most from that death is possibly behind the execution. The taliban have executed a many and even raw could stick their finger behind the trigger. ISI had nothing to gain from such an open execution.

This poision need to be diverted somewhere else.
Rubbish - No evidence is presented that ISI has killed this journalist - instead, a malicious, unproven, unethical charge is being made.

It's very sad to see some Pakistanis engaging in this entirely partisan political game.
ISI does not leave evidence, bu this time, all fingers point towards the ISI...
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