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Legendary General Vo Nguyen Giap dies, aged 102

There's been plenty of reports about his death around here in the news. It's been rather complimentary, despite him being an enemy of the United States. Skill earns respect, even among those who oppose you.

I think the suggestion that Giap was only notable due to support from China to be fallacious, if not somewhat laughable. The Chinese exited the Vietnam War far in advance of its end. The Chinese were involved for the entirety of the Korean War, and they only managed a stalemate while battling a numerically inferior force. The North Vietnamese achieve complete control of the country in the face of a numerically superior force. Based on that, I'm inclined to believe that Giap's success is due more to his own skill and less to any Chinese involvement. After the war, Vietnam takes out Cambodia, then repels a Chinese force that's twice the size of the force employed by the Vietnamese. I'd much rather fight the Chinese than the Vietnamese. The Vietnamese know how to fight, and no amount of gloating can change that.

I won't fight neither. Both Vietnamese and Chinese know how to fight. Vietnamese capabilities are legendary and no elaboration is needed. Chinese was able to push American forces back form its own border. So if you count where they started the war, they actually made progress by pushing the UN forces back. What they did shocked the rest of the world. Their participation is the key reason that US choose to limit its boots south of 17th parallel in Vietnam.
only a banana living in a small banana republic and among mere six millions of similarly small-minded, self-deluded, hypocritical banana chinese would presume to judge the political titans like deng. and the people's republic will cheer still harder at the deaths of banana chinese in singapore if their deaths can cement the friendship of the chinese nation and the southeast asian nations like malaysia and indonesia. these bananas turned against us in selling their blood ancestors to anglosaxons long ago and china would be only too happy in contributing to their physical destruction. without hiccups and local problems caused by these half-bred racial traitors, china's relations with southeast asia would be smoother and more cordial.

We are same tribe and I have access to our dirty linen. I do not want to dig it out. Because of shitt you and many get in China, thats y you hole up at UK. I hate banana and I am not one of them, but I cannot stand hypocrite like you. If you stay in UK long enough say 50 years, your children will be basstard sino-albino.

Below is Pot and butcher buddy Mao. Both are assshole. Ho Chi Minh is much kinder than Mao. I got Vietnam landlord friends, they told me Viet Cong simply re distribute their land and leave them unmolested. But I am sure there are places where Vietcong could have killed many landlords.

But in China, landlord's daughters and wife stand a high chance to get gang rape by gangster communist. After communist fcuk landlord's women, they are then executed. And landlords are first tortured and then executed.

APRIL 11, 1967

Wilson Center Digital Archive

Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Pham Van Dong: We are very glad to see you healthy, Chairman Mao.

Mao Zedong: Just normal, not very well& Among all of you here, is there anyone from the South?

Vo Nguyen Giap: Comrade Pham Van Dong is a Southerner.

Pham Van Dong: My native village is in Quang Ngai province [in central Vietnam], where people are fighting the enemy very well.

Vo Nguyen Giap: Only in one year, people in Quang Ngai shot down almost 100 helicopters. They are fighting the puppet troops, [and] American and South Korean troops very well.

Mao Zedong: As you are fighting, you have drawn experience, you have come to understand the rule. If you are not fighting you will not have experience, will not know the rule... It looks more or less similar to your resistance against the French.

Pham Van Dong: We are now better than that and the fighting now is fiercer.

Mao Zedong: So, I said you now know the rule.

Pham Van Dong: We just began to do so.

Mao Zedong: It is a matter of course that in the process, changes can occur. The most difficult years were from 1956 to 1959& In 1960 there were some good changes. From 1960 to 1961, the armed forces were still small. But in 1963 and 1964, the situation changed. And now, in 1965 and 1966, you have better understanding of the rule, based on your experiences fighting against French, Japanese, and now American troops. You also fought the Japanese, didn't you?

Vo Nguyen Giap: Yes, we did, but not much; only in a small scale guerrilla warfare. In our fighting against the Americans, we always remember your words: try to preserve and develop our forces, steadfastly advancing forward.

Mao Zedong: We have a saying: "if you preserve the mountain green, you will never have to worry about firewood." The US is afraid of your tactics. They wish that you would order your regular forces to fight, so they can destroy your main forces. But you were not deceived. Fighting a war of attrition is like having meals: [it is best] not to have too big a bite. In fighting the US troops, you can have a bite the size of a platoon, a company, or a battalion. With regard to troops of the puppet regime, you can have a regiment-size bite. It means that fighting is similar to having meals, you should have one bite after another. After all, fighting is not too difficult an undertaking. The way of conducting it is just similar to the way you eat.

& I was told that you wanted to build a new 100 km railway, do our Chinese counterparts agree to help you?

Zhou Enlai: We have had discussions on the issue. Some people will be sent [to Vietnam] to make a feasibility study.

Mao Zedong: It is not too long, shorter than the distance from Beijing to Tianjin.

Pham Van Dong: We will make the feasibility study together with Chinese comrades.

Mao Zedong: It's all right, for the sake of war. What about the matter of food supply?

Zhou Enlai: We discussed this with Comrade Li Xiannian.1 We will provide 100 thousand tons of rice, 50 thousand tons of maize.

Pham Van Dong: So, this year alone, China helped Vietnam with approximately 500 thousand tons of food. This help is very great.

Mao Zedong: We can help you. Last year we had good crops.

Pham Van Dong: Thank you, Chairman Mao.

Mao Zedong: If you want to say thanks, you should say it to our peasants& Later, when you have dinner with Comrade Zhou, you can ask Comrade Wei Guoqing how he was criticized by the Red Guards. I know comrade Wei because he often visits and reports to me when he comes back from working visits to Vietnam. Who is now the new [Vietnamese] ambassador?

Zhou Enlai: Comrade Ngo Minh Loan2.

Mao Zedong: Which [Chinese] character is [Loan]?

Zhu Qiwen: Phoenix-like.

Mao Zedong: This kind of bird is very strong.

Pham Van Dong: Comrade Loan will try his best to continue the job by Comrade Tran Tu Binh3, that is, to strengthen the friendship between the two countries.

Mao Zedong: I am sorry that Comrade Tran Tu Binh passed away.

Pham Van Dong: We are also very sad about it.

Mao Zedong: What kind of illness did he have?

Pham Van Dong: The same illness he had before and after he came back home, he was too busy.

Vo Nguyen Giap: He passed away after having a serious cold. He was in the same hospital with ambassador Zhou Qiyun.

Zhu Qiwen: The Friendship Hospital. I also have a record of high blood pressure.

Pham Van Dong: Today, we would like to pay a courtesy visit to you, Chairman Mao, Vice Chairman Lin [Biao] and other comrades. Once again, thank you very much.

Mao Zedong: You have been bravely struggling both in the North and in the South.

Pham Van Dong: It's because we are learning Chairman Mao's military thinking.

Mao Zedong: [It is] not necessary. Without it, you still can gain victory. In the past, you were fighting the Japanese, the French. Now you are fighting the Americans.

Pham Van Dong: Thanks to the military policy of our Party and also to Mao Zedong's military thinking.

Vo Nguyen Giap: As I remember, at one time during our resistance war against the French, Comrade Zhou sent president Ho a telegram that read: "Now is not the right time to have a peaceful solution. You should continue fighting." [Ed. note: Giap refers to late 1949 or January 1950.]

Zhou Enlai: At that time, the French were going to recognize us. But because we recognized Vietnam they ignored us. As Lenin taught, big countries have the responsibility to encourage the world revolution. At that time revolution was victorious in Russia, so Lenin thought of China and India. Now, Lenin's desire has been half-realized: the Chinese revolution has been successful. Yet, reality has not developed the way people want it to be. Some smaller countries gained victory earlier. Victory in Korea is followed by the one in Vietnam.


1. Li Xiannian was a member of the CCP Politburo, and vice premier and finance minister of the PRC.

2. Ngo Minh Loan was an alternate member of the VWP CC 1960-76, and Vietnamese ambassador to Beijing 1967-69. Had been Vice-Minister of Light Industry 1959-67. In 1968 visited Pakistan as "special envoy" and held talks with President Ayub Khan. From 1969-71 Minister of Food and Foodstuffs, ranked as minister up to 1976.

3. Tran Tu Binh (alias Pham Van Phu) (1907-67), long-standing member of ICP, Inspector General of PAVN for three years during the First Indochina War. Succeeded Hoang Van Hoan as DRV ambassador to China in 1957 and served until his death in 1967; was succeeded by Ngo Minh Loan.]
I won't fight neither. Both Vietnamese and Chinese know how to fight. Vietnamese capabilities are legendary and no elaboration is needed. Chinese was able to push American forces back form its own border. So if you count where they started the war, they actually made progress by pushing the UN forces back. What they did shocked the rest of the world. Their participation is the key reason that US choose to limit its boots south of 17th parallel in Vietnam.
Well, Like I know, Vietnam could has the limit settle at further of the south, but PRC participation made the limit line place at 17th parallel.
VN leaders can't disagree with PRC because their role is very importance to Vietnam at that time.
We are same tribe and I have access to our dirty linen. I do not want to dig it out. Because of shitt you and many get in China, thats y you hole up at UK. I hate banana and I am not one of them, but I cannot stand hypocrite like you. If you stay in UK long enough say 50 years, your children will be basstard sino-albino.

Below is Pot and butcher buddy Mao. Both are assshole. Ho Chi Minh is much kinder than Mao. I got Vietnam landlord friends, they told me Viet Cong simply re distribute their land and leave them unmolested. But I am sure there are places where Vietcong could have killed many landlords.

It's true. Big mistake in that time by Communist Government.
no disrespect to hero of VN but against Frenchy, Wei Guoqing...
We always appreciate the support of General Vo for the Sino-Vietnamese relationship, but USSR was much more powerful than China at that time, thus we don't blame most of the Vietcong politicians used to choose USSR.

The border conflict of 1979 was a thing in the past, both sides were obliged to defend its national sovreignty, thus the Viet members on PDF should stop the hatred against China for this event.
Clearly Mao (China) has supported vn's fight against U.S. all along. Where would there are ones who jump out either denying China's tremendous help over vn or saying China not helping vn against U.S.???

APRIL 11, 1967

Wilson Center Digital Archive

Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Pham Van Dong: We are very glad to see you healthy, Chairman Mao.

Mao Zedong: Just normal, not very well& Among all of you here, is there anyone from the South?

Vo Nguyen Giap: Comrade Pham Van Dong is a Southerner.

Pham Van Dong: My native village is in Quang Ngai province [in central Vietnam], where people are fighting the enemy very well.

Vo Nguyen Giap: Only in one year, people in Quang Ngai shot down almost 100 helicopters. They are fighting the puppet troops, [and] American and South Korean troops very well.

Mao Zedong: As you are fighting, you have drawn experience, you have come to understand the rule. If you are not fighting you will not have experience, will not know the rule... It looks more or less similar to your resistance against the French.

Pham Van Dong: We are now better than that and the fighting now is fiercer.

Mao Zedong: So, I said you now know the rule.

Pham Van Dong: We just began to do so.

Mao Zedong: It is a matter of course that in the process, changes can occur. The most difficult years were from 1956 to 1959& In 1960 there were some good changes. From 1960 to 1961, the armed forces were still small. But in 1963 and 1964, the situation changed. And now, in 1965 and 1966, you have better understanding of the rule, based on your experiences fighting against French, Japanese, and now American troops. You also fought the Japanese, didn't you?

Vo Nguyen Giap: Yes, we did, but not much; only in a small scale guerrilla warfare. In our fighting against the Americans, we always remember your words: try to preserve and develop our forces, steadfastly advancing forward.

Mao Zedong: We have a saying: "if you preserve the mountain green, you will never have to worry about firewood." The US is afraid of your tactics. They wish that you would order your regular forces to fight, so they can destroy your main forces. But you were not deceived. Fighting a war of attrition is like having meals: [it is best] not to have too big a bite. In fighting the US troops, you can have a bite the size of a platoon, a company, or a battalion. With regard to troops of the puppet regime, you can have a regiment-size bite. It means that fighting is similar to having meals, you should have one bite after another. After all, fighting is not too difficult an undertaking. The way of conducting it is just similar to the way you eat.

& I was told that you wanted to build a new 100 km railway, do our Chinese counterparts agree to help you?

Zhou Enlai: We have had discussions on the issue. Some people will be sent [to Vietnam] to make a feasibility study.

Mao Zedong: It is not too long, shorter than the distance from Beijing to Tianjin.

Pham Van Dong: We will make the feasibility study together with Chinese comrades.

Mao Zedong: It's all right, for the sake of war. What about the matter of food supply?

Zhou Enlai: We discussed this with Comrade Li Xiannian.1 We will provide 100 thousand tons of rice, 50 thousand tons of maize.

Pham Van Dong: So, this year alone, China helped Vietnam with approximately 500 thousand tons of food. This help is very great.

Mao Zedong: We can help you. Last year we had good crops.

Pham Van Dong: Thank you, Chairman Mao.

Mao Zedong: If you want to say thanks, you should say it to our peasants& Later, when you have dinner with Comrade Zhou, you can ask Comrade Wei Guoqing how he was criticized by the Red Guards. I know comrade Wei because he often visits and reports to me when he comes back from working visits to Vietnam. Who is now the new [Vietnamese] ambassador?

Zhou Enlai: Comrade Ngo Minh Loan2.

Mao Zedong: Which [Chinese] character is [Loan]?

Zhu Qiwen: Phoenix-like.

Mao Zedong: This kind of bird is very strong.

Pham Van Dong: Comrade Loan will try his best to continue the job by Comrade Tran Tu Binh3, that is, to strengthen the friendship between the two countries.

Mao Zedong: I am sorry that Comrade Tran Tu Binh passed away.

Pham Van Dong: We are also very sad about it.

Mao Zedong: What kind of illness did he have?

Pham Van Dong: The same illness he had before and after he came back home, he was too busy.

Vo Nguyen Giap: He passed away after having a serious cold. He was in the same hospital with ambassador Zhou Qiyun.

Zhu Qiwen: The Friendship Hospital. I also have a record of high blood pressure.

Pham Van Dong: Today, we would like to pay a courtesy visit to you, Chairman Mao, Vice Chairman Lin [Biao] and other comrades. Once again, thank you very much.

Mao Zedong: You have been bravely struggling both in the North and in the South.

Pham Van Dong: It's because we are learning Chairman Mao's military thinking.

Mao Zedong: [It is] not necessary. Without it, you still can gain victory. In the past, you were fighting the Japanese, the French. Now you are fighting the Americans.

Pham Van Dong: Thanks to the military policy of our Party and also to Mao Zedong's military thinking.

Vo Nguyen Giap: As I remember, at one time during our resistance war against the French, Comrade Zhou sent president Ho a telegram that read: "Now is not the right time to have a peaceful solution. You should continue fighting." [Ed. note: Giap refers to late 1949 or January 1950.]

Zhou Enlai: At that time, the French were going to recognize us. But because we recognized Vietnam they ignored us. As Lenin taught, big countries have the responsibility to encourage the world revolution. At that time revolution was victorious in Russia, so Lenin thought of China and India. Now, Lenin's desire has been half-realized: the Chinese revolution has been successful. Yet, reality has not developed the way people want it to be. Some smaller countries gained victory earlier. Victory in Korea is followed by the one in Vietnam.


1. Li Xiannian was a member of the CCP Politburo, and vice premier and finance minister of the PRC.

2. Ngo Minh Loan was an alternate member of the VWP CC 1960-76, and Vietnamese ambassador to Beijing 1967-69. Had been Vice-Minister of Light Industry 1959-67. In 1968 visited Pakistan as "special envoy" and held talks with President Ayub Khan. From 1969-71 Minister of Food and Foodstuffs, ranked as minister up to 1976.

3. Tran Tu Binh (alias Pham Van Phu) (1907-67), long-standing member of ICP, Inspector General of PAVN for three years during the First Indochina War. Succeeded Hoang Van Hoan as DRV ambassador to China in 1957 and served until his death in 1967; was succeeded by Ngo Minh Loan.]
yeah..why not sweating bullets as soon as you can. As brain-dead cannon fodder you are surely good enough. FYI Vietnamese people only judge on what Vietnamese leadership does for the country.

No one of us cares of whether you like us or not. Give your friendship to your slaves or whoever.
Oh we don't need you to care. Stray too far on the wrong path and you will feel the consequences, little idiot Viet.
Oh we don't need you to care. Stray too far on the wrong path and you will feel the consequences, little idiot Viet.

I think its best you stop faking a patriot Chinese when you hole up in Canada. Despite differences in opinion, General Vo are respected as a brilliant commander.

Please stick to the topic. Do not disgrace to our tribe by speaking like a bully upon the death of our neighbors' commander.
I think its best you stop faking a patriot Chinese when you hole up in Canada. Despite differences in opinion, General Vo are respected as a brilliant commander.

Please stick to the topic. Do not disgrace to our tribe by speaking like a bully upon the death of our neighbors' commander.
I've never said anything negative about Giap. Vietnamese on the other hand, are a different matter. I am certainly not your "tribe", so don't pretend your represent anything. Hostilities towards Vietnam is a well documented sentiment amongst serving military members on various Chinese discussion forums, but I don't expect little ignorant pricks like you to know.
I've never said anything negative about Giap. Vietnamese on the other hand, are a different matter. I am certainly not your "tribe", so don't pretend your represent anything. Hostilities towards Vietnam is a well documented sentiment amongst serving military members on various Chinese discussion forums, but I don't expect little ignorant pricks like you to know.

Rational Chinese like to bash people like you and there is a term call fen qing 愤青. People like you fake patriotism and have a lot of incomprehensible anger. But in the end got migrate to white man land. Within 50 years, you will see your daughters or sons screwing white people and have bastaard kids.

I really suspect where is your loyalty given that your future lies in the well being of white man. Yes I am not your tribe. I am doing my job as in all Chinese forum in vigilanting Chinese Nazi.
General Võ Nguyên Giáp is one of Vietnam's Greatest military Strategists
RIP, our General Vo Nguyen Giap!

(Another Vietnam's Greatest Commander is Tran Hung Dao who led Vietnamese army defeated three invasions of Mongol empire in 13th century...)
thousands of people pay tribute to General Vo Nguyen Giap at his own house at No. 30 Hoang Dieu Street, The house of the Great General will be opening to the public from the afternoon of October 6 to 11. This unprecedented decision came after hundreds of people flocked to the house of the General to offer flowers, incenses and burned candles from the night of October 4 to the morning of October 6.









We always appreciate the support of General Vo for the Sino-Vietnamese relationship, but USSR was much more powerful than China at that time, thus we don't blame most of the Vietcong politicians used to choose USSR.

The border conflict of 1979 was a thing in the past, both sides were obliged to defend its national sovreignty, thus the Viet members on PDF should stop the hatred against China for this event.
Why did you don't say same thing to Chinese member !? :rolleyes:
I said it many times, we remember your big and importance help, but ...... well, you know history .... :whistle:
Clearly Mao (China) has supported vn's fight against U.S. all along. Where would there are ones who jump out either denying China's tremendous help over vn or saying China not helping vn against U.S.???
Who's that one !? :what:
General Võ Nguyên Giáp is one of Vietnam's Greatest military Strategists
RIP, our General Vo Nguyen Giap!

(Another Vietnam's Greatest Commander is Tran Hung Dao who led Vietnamese army defeated three invasions of Mongol empire in 13th century...)
We should plus another one is Quang Trung Emperor, I think. :D
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