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Legendary General Vo Nguyen Giap dies, aged 102

There's been plenty of reports about his death around here in the news. It's been rather complimentary, despite him being an enemy of the United States. Skill earns respect, even among those who oppose you.

I think the suggestion that Giap was only notable due to support from China to be fallacious, if not somewhat laughable. The Chinese exited the Vietnam War far in advance of its end. The Chinese were involved for the entirety of the Korean War, and they only managed a stalemate while battling a numerically inferior force. The North Vietnamese achieve complete control of the country in the face of a numerically superior force. Based on that, I'm inclined to believe that Giap's success is due more to his own skill and less to any Chinese involvement. After the war, Vietnam takes out Cambodia, then repels a Chinese force that's twice the size of the force employed by the Vietnamese. I'd much rather fight the Chinese than the Vietnamese. The Vietnamese know how to fight, and no amount of gloating can change that.
Learn some history, moron.

RIP to him. One of few Vietnamese that I respect.

a pic from 1949


at the Hanoi air defence headquarters in 1972, approving defensive measures against American B52 raids
Giap general tried HanJi Calligraphers. (For Chinese friends whose are educated and supporters for Independence of Vietnam.)


Today's Vietnamese are 100% iliterate and I bet with you non of the Vietnamese here know what General was writing. I, a Chinese know 100% and I am more Vietnamese and Vietnamese.
I'm surprised that he was 102. He would of outlived many of his comrades.
Also, if there is a Pro-China faction within Vietnamese politics, would that mean many older generation people like Vo supports China?

Anyway, RIP Vo Nguyen.
let me describe what it means。 These are people within the government that want to balance the interests of Vietnam with those of China. The others ignore Chinese interests and seek a counterbalance to China from other powers or Vietnam should go alone no matter the cost. This policy is normal in Vietnam and exists since centuries.

Vo voted against the military campaign against Cambodia in 1978 because he feared what came afterwards.
let me describe what it means。 These are people within the government that want to balance the interests of Vietnam with those of China. The others ignore Chinese interests and seek a counterbalance to China from other powers or Vietnam should go alone no matter the cost. This policy is normal in Vietnam and exists since centuries.

Vo voted against the military campaign against Cambodia in 1978 because he feared what came afterwards.

China was a gangster most of the time during Mao's time. Good that Vietnam invaded Cambodia and get rid of Pot. He killed a lot of Chinese while China cheered. Deng was a idiot who invaded Vietnam on this pretext.
Do people know that Giap is gay and despised by his westerners counterpart because he has not attended any military schools?

(Google) Le général Giap est mort

A voltaire network link
vietnamese members:

historically, your nation is always a puppet state ruled by China, this is not going to change when we further develop our economy and tech. when we Chinese laughing at india for their stupidity and dirty cities, you need to be aware that we still see india as a competitor due its huge population. but what vietnam got? nothing! there is no competition between we two nations, you are our puppet state, that is all.

Vo Nguyen Giap is gone now, as already made clear to you guys - the last friendly link between we two nations is now gone.
you can bla bla bla .... like you want, we see a dog got muzzle ... :wave:

This man should be applauded for his role in defeating those French imperialists and the Yankees.

RIP to an Asian hero!
Thanks bro ... :D
Taiwan is completely dependent on China today for its economy, and being reunited is a matter of time. The so called "Republic of Formosa" was a product of Japanese aggression. We can also form a Republic of Hanoi in the future if you want it. I'd would start sweating bullets since Giap is now gone, the last link in the old generation of revolutionaries in Asia. Other than Ho Chi Minh and Giap, none of your politicians are liked by Chinese. Sure you can call to Uncle Sam or Japs for help, but remember we're always right next door.
LOL, Ho Chi Minh gone for long time ago, General Giap gone out power long time ago, and we fighting each other a long time ago until now.
So, nothing related to General Giap or anyone that you mean PRC was spare us to until now.

And sure, we remember you always right there, for many thousand years, you come and we fight, and we're still here, for thousand years. :smokin:

Both he and ho spent quite some time in China. Because of ho and him, China sent tons of materials, trained most of the elite cadets helping vn defeat France and then U.S.'s invasion..

We remember and respect your help, that's clear .... :smart:

Do people know that Giap is gay and despised by his westerners counterpart because he has not attended any military schools?

(Google) Le général Giap est mort

A voltaire network link
I see nothing like you said .... :whistle:
... I'd would start sweating bullets since Giap is now gone, the last link in the old generation of revolutionaries in Asia. Other than Ho Chi Minh and Giap, none of your politicians are liked by Chinese. Sure you can call to Uncle Sam or Japs for help, but remember we're always right next door.
yeah..why not sweating bullets as soon as you can. As brain-dead cannon fodder you are surely good enough. FYI Vietnamese people only judge on what Vietnamese leadership does for the country.

No one of us cares of whether you like us or not. Give your friendship to your slaves or whoever.

Do people know that Giap is gay and despised by his westerners counterpart because he has not attended any military schools?

(Google) Le général Giap est mort

A voltaire network link
you are a loser. Can´t forget the defeat in Vietnam?



Giap general tried HanJi Calligraphers. (For Chinese friends whose are educated and supporters for Independence of Vietnam.)


Chinese people should never underestimate Vietnamese determination for independence. When Roosevelt suggested that Chiang take over Vietnam because he did not wanted the French to come back, he responded, "Under no circumstances!".

Vietnamese is an example of a nation that lost their independence. They eventual fight back and gain their freedom. Their history contrast with another country who was created by their colonial master and then begged for independence. These people never understand the sacrifice it need to gain independence like the Vietnamese do.
China was a gangster most of the time during Mao's time. Good that Vietnam invaded Cambodia and get rid of Pot. He killed a lot of Chinese while China cheered. Deng was a idiot who invaded Vietnam on this pretext.

only a banana living in a small banana republic and among mere six millions of similarly small-minded, self-deluded, hypocritical banana chinese would presume to judge the political titans like deng. and the people's republic will cheer still harder at the deaths of banana chinese in singapore if their deaths can cement the friendship of the chinese nation and the southeast asian nations like malaysia and indonesia. these bananas turned against us in selling their blood ancestors to anglosaxons long ago and china would be only too happy in contributing to their physical destruction. without hiccups and local problems caused by these half-bred racial traitors, china's relations with southeast asia would be smoother and more cordial.
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