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Legalize sex slavery to stop adultery


Sep 21, 2010
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London: A woman politician from Kuwait has sparked anger and disbelief by calling for legalization of sex slaves,saying it would protect men from adultery,and suggesting that female prisoners from war-torn countries should be purchased for the same,as it would be a better life for them,and they would not die of starvation.

Salwa al Mutairi,who once ran for parliament,argued buying a sex slave would protect decent,devout and virile Kuwaiti men from adultery or being seduced by other womens beauty because an imported sex partner would be tantamount to marriage,reports the Daily Mail.

There was no shame in it and it is not haram under Islamic Sharia law, Mutairi claimed.ANI

Times of India Publications
now all people will think, sex slavery is taught by islam and taliban and ofcourse pakistan
Once there was a village in which a cobra had created a menace, the villagers tried everything but failed, suddenly a villager had an idea, he brought a cobra and released it in the fields, the two cobras had a territorial fight and the menace creater was killed, the villagers were happy but after 10 days the menace started again, this time it was the new cobra, thats what the lady is doing, killing one cobra with the help of another cobra.
London: A woman politician from Kuwait has sparked anger and disbelief by calling for legalization of sex slaves,saying it would protect men from adultery,and suggesting that female prisoners from war-torn countries should be purchased for the same,as it would be a better life for them,and they would not die of starvation.

Salwa al Mutairi,who once ran for parliament,argued buying a sex slave would protect decent,devout and virile Kuwaiti men from adultery or being seduced by other womens beauty because an imported sex partner would be tantamount to marriage,reports the Daily Mail.

There was no shame in it and it is not haram under Islamic Sharia law, Mutairi claimed.ANI

Times of India Publications

Slavery was just part of that life in Madina but Islam discouraged it that's why for even minor sins Muslims were encouraged to free slaves so their sin is wiped out and as in a ayat in Quran Muslims were banned from making prisoner of war slaves so their was no other way of making someone slave so it means now it is banned
Where was she when Saddam invaded Kuwait..............ROFL...she seems too eager into the slavery thing.
Maybe that is why women are not allowed to vote in Arab countries, if they are like that.
She watched too much BDSM porno and now thinks it can be enacted in real life.
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