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Leftist Maoists gathering and politically charged crowd slogan chanting in China


Nov 4, 2011
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Leftist Maoists gathering and politically charged crowd slogan chanting in China
They are chanting : long live Chairman Mao, down with collaborators, dowth with Capitalism, down with collaborators and foreign running dogs, down with revisionism, down with the pro capitalism rightists in the Chinese communist party, long live Chairman Mao's thought, long live the undefeatable Chairman's thought, long long long live Chairman Mao
Actually the Maoists were suppressed by Deng.

When I wrote the truth in China regarding Red Army purges, pointing the Zhou Enlai was responsible and no 1 culprit, I quickly get ban. But so many article that slander Mao is allow to be published.
The left-wing Maoists in China are mainly composed of educated middle class and young students.

In fact, we can foresee the strong rise of left-wing forces in the future.

After all, they are the future masters of this country.

Xi Jinping, a left-wing politician, became the leader of China not by historical contingency, but by historical inevitability. In the future, there will be more and more left-wing politicians in China.

The characteristics of Chinese left-wing Maoists are youthfulness, highly educated, wealthy families, idealists, strong inclusiveness, understanding of the entire world, active thinking, and so on. Their strength is far stronger than those decadent elderly people in the former Soviet Union.

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Mao is the Greatest MAN not seen millennia.

It is very lucky China got Mao.
There is a growing tension between the Chinese government and left Wing Maoists
Slogans like " Long live The Great Cultural Revolution" are shouted out by many left wing Maoists, which is totally against the government official stance on it.


Mao pointed out how to remain spiritually pure on a one party state -- that is cultural revolution.

He is not entirely successful, but we cannot blame too much on him because this is first time human experiment with this.

Mao already foresee many party cadre want to convert power into monies, and want to create a dynastic elite family.
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Actually the Maoists were suppressed by Deng.

When I wrote the truth in China regarding Red Army purges, pointing the Zhou Enlai was responsible and no 1 culprit, I quickly get ban. But so many article that slander Mao is allow to be published.
Deng's right-wing faction has also been suppressed, and most of his supporters have now fled to the USA. For example, Li Rui(李锐).

In fact, from the conflict between Bo Xilai and Wang Yang, we can see that the middle faction holds power, and any extremist will be kicked out. Before Xi Jinping took office, he disguised himself very well, and everyone thought he was a centrist.
In China, you can write rubbish about Mao. But you can never fk Zhou Enlai. In fact, Zhou Enlai many mistakes nearly doom the party.

You also cannot fk Deng Xiaoping.

This is not by chance but deliberate policies from the top.
"against the Capitalist path taking incumbents in power in the Chinese Communist Party"
This bascially means down with the current government...

Leftist Maoists gathering and politically charged crowd slogan chanting in China
They are chanting : long live Chairman Mao, down with collaborators, dowth with Capitalism, down with collaborators and foreign running dogs, down with revisionism, down with the pro capitalism rightists in the Chinese communist party, long live Chairman Mao's thought, long live the undefeatable Chairman's thought, long long long live Chairman Mao

This filled me with joy as I logged-in to PDF this morning. May Communism rise and rise in China. The Communists should start Occupy Shanghai Stock Exchange. This will be their organized signal against the obscenity of Capitalism.

@Foinikas @Hamartia Antidote

Actually the Maoists were suppressed by Deng.

When I wrote the truth in China regarding Red Army purges, pointing the Zhou Enlai was responsible and no 1 culprit, I quickly get ban. But so many article that slander Mao is allow to be published.

Communism in general is disliked on the forum. I have eight years of experience in this.

@bluesky mentioned Deng just on Monday.

Xi Jinping, a left-wing politician, became the leader of China not by historical contingency, but by historical inevitability.

That seems counter to the below :
There is a growing tension between the Chinese government and left Wing Maoists
Slogans like " Long live The Great Cultural Revolution" are shouted out by many left wing Maoists, which is totally against the government official stance on it.

View attachment 930275
View attachment 930276

The left-wing Maoists in China are mainly composed of educated middle class and young students.

That is good. More of these people should abandon their middle class life and get into Red activism because what else is there to do in life but evolve their society ?


In fact, we can foresee the strong rise of left-wing forces in the future.

Future ? No, you must start that future by engaging right today. :)

Mao is the Greatest MAN not seen millennia.

It is very lucky China got Mao.

Incorrect. Communism / Socialism have had various other heroes and heroines including the Cuban revolutionaries, Muammar Gaddafi, Nasser, Carlos etc.

Muammar left a proper philosophy.

Mao pointed out how to remain spiritually pure on a one party state -- that is cultural revolution.

Party system is what Communism wishes to abolish. Real Communist political arrangement is where the people govern themselves directly like in former Libyan Jamahiriya.
Mao pointed out how to remain spiritually pure on a one party state -- that is cultural revolution.

He is not entirely successful, but we cannot blame too much on him because this is first time human experiment with this.

Mao already foresee many party cadre want to convert power into monies, and want to create a dynastic elite family.
The most powerful achievement of the Cultural Revolution was that it allowed the poorest Chinese farmers to step on the faces of the highest officials with their feet.

After such incidents have occurred in China, no Chinese will accept the hierarchical system and family politics anymore. Because they have already learned in fact that no one is born to rule anyone.

After the Cultural Revolution, all the factors that could constrain China's industrialization, such as clan, religion, industry authority, etc., were shattered. This is also the biggest difference between China and India.
Chinese books always want to cover up history. Mao only have more power since -- 1941 to 1971 (After Lin Biao incidence, he is about 51% Zhou 49%).

Before 1941, Zhou Enlai is the boss of CPC, punctuated by Wang Ming occasionally.

Zhou Enlai leadership was disastrous.

Zhou Enlai is a bad supreme leader but good sidekick.
I m all for the middle ground approach, Deng's pro west approach had it's reasons and advantages in 1980's and 1990's, but is no longer suitable for China now, but reverting totally to Mao's path is definitely not what China needs either.
This filled me with joy as I logged-in to PDF this morning. May Communism rise and rise in China. The Communists should start Occupy Shanghai Stock Exchange. This will be their organized signal against the obscenity of Capitalism.

@Foinikas @Hamartia Antidote

Communism in general is disliked on the forum. I have eight years of experience in this.

@bluesky mentioned Deng just on Monday.

That seems counter to the below :

That is good. More of these people should abandon their middle class life and get into Red activism because what else is there to do in life but evolve their society ?


Future ? No, you must start that future by engaging right today. :)

Incorrect. Communism / Socialism have had various other heroes and heroines including the Cuban revolutionaries, Muammar Gaddafi, Nasser, Carlos etc.

Muammar left a proper philosophy.

Party system is what Communism wishes to abolish. Real Communist political arrangement is where the people govern themselves directly like in former Libyan Jamahiriya.
Shut up, you don't understand anything.

In China, you can write rubbish about Mao. But you can never fk Zhou Enlai. In fact, Zhou Enlai many mistakes nearly doom the party.

You also cannot fk Deng Xiaoping.

This is not by chance but deliberate policies from the top.
To correct you, in China, you can humiliate Deng Xiaoping and Mao Zedong. But you really had better not humiliate Zhou Enlai.

Zhou Enlai is actually a representative of the centrist movement, and he maintains good relations with Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping at the same time. Humiliating Zhou Enlai is not in line with political correctness.
That is good. More of these people should abandon their middle class life and get into Red activism because what else is there to do in life but evolve their society ?

Society can go ef itself. I do charity, but animal/wildlife only.
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