Gguess what, all these are without “immobilizer/transponder ”. Amrekans r *******. They left all the raps & cougerz but took the keyz and remove transponderz from half ov them lol. You can’t create a clone without the original. Most of these vehicles have electronic sys.
So, bad for Afghanis, all the mil equip is dead. It's not an easy task. There are tons of wires and techie shitz inside the dashboard. You can’t mess without 100% of knowledge. So, the junk is ready! However, Pakistani can secretly takeova these, bring them to Pakistan and re-engineer the section with the help of Chi-Chun-paa.
Why Americans did this? Simply because at the end of the day, most of the stuff ends up in the handz ov Talib. After the evacuations, most of the bases are now under the Afghan forces control. Equip are inside the compound(s). When the Talib attack, ANA will react. There is a 90% of chance that most of the equipment will be damaged and destroy btw the fightin`. If they left the original, it could be possible that ANA will take em out from the bases and will use them in the fighting. Perhaps, many of them will be captured by Talibs in running condition and they will use against Kabul in fighting. So, its hard for puppetANA to sustain or prolong the fight against machu-mans with RGPz sitting in the MRAPs, Humvees with MGs and so on... that's what ANA and the Afghan Govt failed to understand why Amreekans did this lol
The Amerekan took preemptive measures in favor of ANA, however the course of action significantly reduced the firepower capability of the both in the battlefield.