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LEAKED - India is burning Pakistan through TTP: Latif Ullah Mehsud TTP's 2nd In Command speaks out.

Deth of 60,000 innocent people and destruction of 2000 schools on the pretext of exploiting the fault lines of Pakistan is something more than the right input to evolve in response to existing threats.
check that figure, how many of them are caused by drone strikes, how many were taliban combatants and how many were caused by PAF air strikes.

The reason I say the above is because you are factually wrong. Out of the 60,000 innocent people the following numbers were available at satp
check that figure, how many of them are caused by drone strikes, how many were taliban combatants and how many were caused by PAF air strikes.

The reason I say the above is because you are factually wrong. Out of the 60,000 innocent people the following numbers were available at satp
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The chart clearly shows that Taliban present in Pakistan long back but suddenly somebody started to finance the splinter groups to carry out attacks on civlians and army.
We would love to see Pakistan enter Afghanistan! Our dreams come true then!
And then all your investments will go down the drain.

On topic I am not surprised by his confession, he was caught by the Americans, where he escaped into Afghanistan with rogue NDS and then US handed him over to Pakistan, Ajit Doval has openly admitted these evil mercenaries TTP dogs can be bought with money to carry out terrorists attacks, which has been going on for more than a decade. Pakistan needs to wake up and stop sleeping.
The chart clearly shows that Taliban present in Pakistan long back but suddenly somebody started to finance the splinter groups to carry out attacks on civlians and army.


Where is the list of 50 Indian consulates in Afghanistan that you promised to show ???

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Just to kill this self satisfying theory of Indian that Pakistan created Talibans.

The Taliban was one of the Mujahideen factions that formed during the Soviet occupation and the internal fighting in Afghanistan.

http://www-pub.naz.edu/~aamghar6/History of the Taliban.htm

Considering taliban as a warring faction in pre rabbani era is quite a simplistic view of the ground reality. If you wan't to believe that sure go ahead, but if you dig down a little deeper, how Mulah Omar came to prominence after the avenging the child of the tribesmen who was molested by the local warlord, and this he did with 30 men under him from a local madarsa of singesar, growing populist movement under him, he gained momentum not during the Soviet occupattion but a good 4 years after that. By now Dar ul ullom Haqqania was supllying truck loads of talibs to Mullah omar, and wonder who was arming training and funding them? For sure it wasn't the US, they had pulled out of the region post Soviet collapse. The major power structure in 1992-94 was divided betwen ahmed rashid dostum, Ahmed Shah Massoud, Burhanudeen Rabbani, Gulbudeen hekymetyaar, Jalaluddin haqqani, and some other players like Ismail Khan, Abdul ali mazari. abdul Sayyaf and Abdul Haq.
In 1992 at fall of Kabul Gen Dostum allied with Ahmed Shah Massoud, once that happened it was a domino effect and the another division of the Afghan army defected to Massoud, securing bagram airbase. This was a pivotal moment in the history of Afganistan, where Ahmed Shah Massoud di not enter Kabul or seize power, instead Rabbini was the made the President, as a power sharing arrangement, Hekmetyaar was made the prime minister but he did not accept the position, rather quite famously qouted that he will enter kabul with a naked sword. This led to massoud entering Kabul to preserve the peshawar accords.

Hekymetyaar laid seige to Kabul with the backing of Pakistan, this was the first instant where Pakistani showed it's true intent to install a Pashtun leader in Kabul, although Hezb forces of hekymetyaar were repulsed by jamiat and massoud, but they were still in arty range, and Pakistan brought in rocket arty, and then ensued one of the worst artylerry attack on Kabul.

All of this happened in 1992- And there was NO TALIBAN, NO MULLAH OMAR none of that. major players were Massoud, Mazari, Dostum, Sayyaf, and Hekymetyaar.

1992-1996 was the next phase of war where Taliban gains powers, allies with - Hezb -e - islami (hekymetyaar) and gets immense funding from Pakistan, to finish what they failed at in 1992.

Yes, all of these mujaheddin groups at one time fought Soviets with the help of US and Pakistan, they also fought among themselves, there was infigthing between massoud and Hezb, there was infighting between sayyaf and hezb e whadat of Mazari, but none of these were shared "Mullah Omars Taliban values" (with the exception of maybe Abdul Rasul sayaaf)

When Mullah Omar rose to prominence, ISI bankrolled the logistics, the munition (same as it did for Hezb e islami in 1992) but this time with the difference of placing it's competent combatants as advisors in the ranks during the siege of kabul in 1996. between 92-96, pakistani mobilisation was so massive, that about 80-100k Pakistanis fought alongside Hekymetyaar, mullah omar, Haqqani, all under the umbrella network of Taliban (according to pakistani writer Ahmed Rshid).

If you take a college paper and wan't to treat taliban as just another mujhahideen faction to help you narrative, its fine by me, but that doesn't change the reality.


Now coming toward Kashmir well Sub continent was divided on religious lines and Kashmir being 97% Muslims was supposed to be a part of Pakistan and if you comes up with the instrument of accession thing well then I would remind you of Junagadh and her accession to Pakistan just to let you see what you are conveniently choosing to ignore.
Again factually wrong. Kashmir valley had prominent Mulsim Population, not jammu and Ladakh. Junhagadh had had Plebiscite and with a massive vote chose to secede to India.

Now the mistake we made was when we took more than half of kashmir from you in 48 making you run to UN begging for help we shouldnt have accepted UN mediation and finish this then and there but we made a MISTAKE that we let you guys go and didnt even got it ensured a systematic procedure on how you will get the referundum conducted as demanded by UN.
Again factually wrong, You invaded the state of jammu and kashmir, once India got involved you lost territory in Kashmir. Much like every conflict, Pakistani actions are tactically brilliant .... untill India gets involved.
You are also quite wrong on the referendum- there are preconditions to the plebiscite which hasn't been meet.

Having said that India believes that she can continue her forceful occupation ( because you guys have around two hundred and fifty thousands troops in IOK sending 17 more battalions now compared to few thousands of our in Independent Kashmir) forever she lives in a delusional world .
You seem like a well educated person, don't subscribe to idiotic views of Zahid Hamid, 17 batalions are not being sent to kashmir, but being raised for the indian forces to fight insurgency in affected areas. (a news very similar to Pakistan army raising 18000 strong troop by recruitment drive in balochistan)

You guys had your best chance in 08-09 when we are having daily suicide bombings in our cities killing innocents women and children and our bases were being attacked all through your proxy TTP but we survived that onslaught and didnt give up kashmir
. Today we are in much better position and TTP activities have been reduced to mere 2-3% as what they were used to be back then.
TTP is not Indian proxy, Indian people dont donate money in thier places of worship for holy war in pakistan, unlike what happens in pakistan where LET and JEM have genuine following in Pakistan. I see this fad of pointing at indian involvement almost as a self fulfilling prophecy. Please be careful for what you wish for.

Bottom line is if India wants to ensure peace as she claims she needs to follow UN resolution and one more thing when you guys ran to UN in 48 for help they didnt support your instrument of accession instead they asked you to give people right to self determination effectively denying the notion that any such instrument had any real legal status.
When you want to argue about USNC resolution, I reccomend you read them properly

KASHMIR KASHMIR KASHMIR Its all about Kashmir we want Kashmiris to be asked what they want to do with their land but you want to go along with your Atoot Ang shit and suppression so who is the culprit here ?
Last thing India had her best shot and she missed it Pakistan is growing strong now and the coming War wont be a proxy one or a keyboard one its gonna be a real one full of blood and emotions and what we will be fighting for is the right of self determination of Kashmiris as mandated by UN and will support them even if they want to be independent and what india will be fighting for " Yeah there was that Raja who signed some sort of accession paper which was even debunked by UN but still thats our atoot ang despit ebeing 97% Muslim and we will keep on suppressing the locals till they stop asking for freedom"

I know deep within even you know you are supporting the wrong side here the side which is the aggressor and killer of thousands of innocents and you know it was your soldiers who were used to rape sisters of freedom fighters so that no other young guy joins them but dude it takes courage REAL courage to call a spade a spade .

You should read more. But nevertheless I admire the zeal.

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The chart clearly shows that Taliban present in Pakistan long back but suddenly somebody started to finance the splinter groups to carry out attacks on civlians and army.

Do you understand the concept of conflict? When there is no conflict there are no casualties, when there is causality, it indicates start of hostilities. Lets recap what else happened post 2003, oh yes, Taliban, defector junbush milli and the crowd favourate hizb e islami roosters come home to roost, given that USAF an USN were blowing their islamic emirate to smithereens. Don't you think that had anything to do especially when the dear ally Pakistan had just switched sides?

btw what happened to the 45 more phantom consulates? are they still there or did they relocate into pakistan now?

Ok. You wrote a lot.

To what end? :azn:

for you to have a good read. :)
This is an Al Jazzera news channel and not some indian host
it doesnt matter I just stated the nationality of Host. he is indeed Indian. its not an issue I as a matter of fact made a statement after a video of that program is posted.
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Do you understand the concept of conflict? When there is no conflict there are no casualties, when there is causality, it indicates start of hostilities. Lets recap what else happened post 2003, oh yes, Taliban, defector junbush milli and the crowd favourate hizb e islami roosters come home to roost, given that USAF an USN were blowing their islamic emirate to smithereens. Don't you think that had anything to do especially when the dear ally Pakistan had just switched sides?

btw what happened to the 45 more phantom consulates? are they still there or did they relocate into pakistan now?

for you to have a good read. :)
I have to find examples of Haqqani or Hizb Islami terrorism inside Pakistan and then I will accept the jibes on Pakistan have merit. TTP is a domestic terrorist organisation that was formed out of sectarian terrorists who have done Saudi bidding in targeting shias.

it is actually the other way round. it is our operations against them that have hurt them when they crossed over here.

Gen Nicholson says military operation in Fata has reduced militants’ ability to use Pakistani territory as safe haven

by the way to be objective and neutral to the discussion. I am compelled to say that it will help if Indian people in authority dont openly threaten Pakistan with painful consequences and if they have said things in the past then they will be highlighted... imagine how much storm you will make if Hafiz Saeed or Dawood Ibrahim is made a national security advisor or defence minister?

the open threats of people like Ajit Doval etc. dont make job of people like us easy who want to portray a peaceful and non-aggressive Indian image among the people who are told repeatedly that Indians are out to get us.
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The same question arises all the time when such videos are released for public awareness, that why corrupt & treacherous politicians are quiet on India? on these circumstances where everything is exposed by rented terrorists & people like people like Asim Hussain who has exposed PPP, why should be they allowed to even sit in Pakistan & try to rule Pakistan? why? my answer would be that in these dangerous times it is important for Army to take over & bring in Nationalist Technocrats to take care of country infrastructure, where as on the other hand PA & Intel agencies gets complete open hand to act against all foreign & domestic extremist element. Of course there other more steps that needs to be taken against foreign enemies such as India.
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Problem is complex in a manner and the heart of it lies the age old rivalry with India juxtaposed with the strongly held belief regarding the superiority of Islam in all things economical, spiritual and martial.

It was inevitable that after negotiating the foundational stages of late 40s to late 80s (50 years is a typical time taken by countries to build a strong foundation based on common values after experimentation and exploration) India would surge ahead and become a regional power eclipsing Pakistan militarily and economically due to it's demographic dividend.
It happened because barring emergency there were not many hiccups.

In the process we discovered that China has become a force as much superior to us as we are to Pakistan but we didn't fuel proxy wars of attrition with China, we didn't fight them economically by restricting trade and commerce and we didn't loose our minds and wallets pursuing an arms race.

Pakistan because of the highlighted superiority complex which is reinforced as a matter of state policy did all this and in process shot themselves in foot.

Now what is happening is that the reality is conflicting with the faith - The population disillusioned with the failures of governance and foreign policy blunders - seeks a villain and the 1000 pound Gorilla next door makes a convenient fall-guy.

We have seen this happening time again - Hitler exploited German disillusion by giving them Jews.

The alternative approach would have been introspection but that would mean accepting that the slimy Hindu Brahmin/Brahmin are superior to them and their faith does not allow that.
India being inherently secular and tolerant does not have the same problem with China and has instead channelled it's effort to become more like China and not destroy China.

Now I am not saying all is rosy with India - we have our problems - some fringe groups seek to exploit Hindu insecurities about Muslims for electoral gains. Defeat by China in 1961 was a blow to our national psyche which still makes us caution when it comes to military options. We have rampant corruption and poverty - but one nice thing about our leaders is that in-spite of all their faults they have made incremental gains. Sure some of them are selfish and put self before the nation - but they do not pursue a policy which would destroy India at the expense of their personal profit or destruction of Pakistan.

In conclusion all I can say - Ironically it is our cynical nature and weaker faith which has saved us from going the same path as Pakistan and it is their stronger faith which has turned them into weaker country.

You seriously wrote all of this and with a straight face...Let me show you the mirror, your leader not past one but your current leader Modi with his 56" chest admitted rather proudly how his country played a major role in breaking a sovereign country apart and yet you Indians have the audacity to write such crap and call for self introspection.
None of our ministers or PM has ever said on record that if India did this they can forget Assam or Punjab or any other part yet we continue to hear such rhetoric from Indians. Your ministers are on record advocating terrorism in Pakistan. With all of this you and your ilk are naive to expect Pakistan not to see India for the monster it really is and history is there is prove. We dont need to look any further but respond in kind. If Pakistan burns so should India. As for Afghanistan, well lets see how long they can afford to continue becoming Indias bitch.
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