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Leaders are not made, they are born as one !!

After Zia and him, its jokers, all Pakistan got.

I mean, kia karyga Imran bechara akyla.

I can recall what Zia did to poor Rajiv Gandhi in India.

Exactly, Imran Ahmed Khan Niazi kiya idhar ab Tipu Sultan bhe ajaye iss system ko nahi change kar saktay because yeh union baazi, yeh departmental sangat yaari, yeh bureaucracy mein do numberiyan yeh Imran akela nahi theak kar sakta because he is holding the top most position ab neechay kiya hora wo usko akhir kaha tak nazar aega
Your interpretations of Islamic history and leaders has nothing to do with the view held by Muslims.
Its okay, since majority of muslims always have disagreements thats why their are or going to be more then 70 sects.
And you have the audacity to justify the coming of lustful military generals for power with distorted version of Islamic history, Nauzbillah.
Not justifying, what I have presented are facts which supports my arguments that Military leaders can rule and govern muslim land prime example being Prophet Mohammed PBUH and Abhu Bakr who both were military leaders and also governed/ruled the land as well.
If Musharraf was wrong (which is another topic) then it does not mean that military leaders should not rule as it does not support in Islamic history.

Someone mentioned Khalid bin Waleed (RA) - Sayf Allah - the sword of Allah in front of whom Musharaff and other generals look like cowards yet Khalid bin Waleed(RA) never took control of power instead obeyed the Caliph (RA).
Its just your wrong interpretation. Just because he did not chose to take the sword does not mean military leaders can not rule. The fact that Abu Bakr not only fought many battles along with Prophet Mohammed but was also appointed as the caliph while leading his military.

No matter how much you or the military tries, the religion of Islam is clear and generals will never find any legitimacy. No matter how great they are at fighting, they will always have to obey the leader.

Again, its just your own low IQ interpretation of historical events that clearly supports my argument. Not only did Prophet Mohammed PBUH, Abu Bakr, and many other military leaders after him such as salahuddin who not only fought in front lines but also governed/ruled the land.


It's ironic of you to talk about Qom e Lut using abuse cases in Pakistan while you're living in a country where not only is homosexual marriages allowed but you can't criticise faggots and homosexuality. And you have praises for them too.

Okay I am going to stop directly comparing Qom e Lut with some communities in muslim world today who have adopted their practices and the more I go in details the more people are going to get hurt so I am going to stop here.
Allah has more expectation from Muslim since the message is clear for them but yet they ignore.
Cleanliness is 50% of your faith correct? How much do your people today practice that? And then compare it with western world today.
Islam has given rights to animals. How much do your people fallow that? And then compare it with western world today.
Islam has given rights to women including wife, sister, mother, daughter. How much is that being done in your part of the world? Let me tell you. NONE! they are considered as subhumans and wife are locked in almost cage like condition who are only used for food and sex and making kids.... I may sound racist but this is the reality. Before you go about criticizing other countries treating Muslim minorities then first take a look at your land first and then talk. Muslims are not even safe by other muslims.
majority of street kids are sexually abused to the breaking point and then these are the once who are recruited by extremists who are ready to kill for hopes of getting a place in paradise. In which part of western world is it normal for anyone to go and sexually abuse young as 8 year old and get away with it? This is not just some isolated incident but its a common practice. And this is just one aspect of homosexuality and i have not even mentioned about adults practicing it with other adults as if its a norm. The law can not take any action against them because they are too many and they are addicted to it which will cause another uprising that they are being persecuted for being minority.
Even though western world does offer more freedom but thats extreme of another spectrum and Islam is perfect since its in middle where as your part of the world is nothing less of oppression.
Why would you even have a DP of Chinese muslim minorities when your own people are victim of its own people filth? If you dont have your house in order then dont expect others to treat you any better.
So do me a favor and make a new DP with a image of a street kid with caption (STOP abusing young boys in street) instead of you worrying about Chinese muslims being forced in education camps. its actually better to live in a oppressed society since your faith and fear in allah is much stronger then in a society where sins are a normal practice.
Also, despite muslims being exposed to all the sins in western world, their faith is still stronger then majority of Muslims in Muslim world.
Thank you
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How are we gonna get the so-called USAid if we wouldn't have participated??

If this is the way you talk to everybody I doubt I'll even bother answering you next time. There is no point in letting people like you know me or my idealizations.

With respect to the US everyone (administration) in this country bows down to the US calls, No matter how many press conferences DG ISPR do or tweets IK does, did the US even spoke once about the casualties in Kashmir No? That's a shut-up call to all I guess but they have been speaking now from last one week against China and in favor of their puppet because China is not listening to them and China doesn't have to pay back any kind of loans but we do have to so we have to listen to them. Even after so much of sacrifices being done for the US, Trump administration had invited anti-Pakistani leader to attend G-7 summit in the US and that anti-Pakistani leader has accepted the invitation which means in future even a single bullet fired from Pakistani side and all those 7+ countries will have one stance against Pakistan.

Don't tell me the odds. The weak bury their heads around the odds and justify their weakness through it.
The strong make a stand and depend on "Allah" and not their earthly god the US.
Musharraf is nothing but a little weak leader wannabe. The Taliban in Afghanistan have proven to be better at being men than this type of creatures who was apparently trained to be a combatant.
But for that your own faith on Allah has to be on a higher level to see ignorant and weak men for who they are, and not take them as ideals.
. .
Political thread. What is it doing in army section??

Even musharraf is being discussed as leader of country, nothing about any army related subject here to justify its presence here!!

Aren't there any other forums on this site where this thread can be moved to???

Moderators are sleeping.

@The Eagle @waz @Arsalan @blain2 @Irfan Baloch

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