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LCA taking off with Missles/drop tanks/loaded

Awesome Pic Bro,

Its a cool toy, i wonder why india having full technological support from the world and coming so close to a very potent and feasible fighter aircraft is yet to make it successfull and why india is going for MRCA tender whereas they can make so much out of LCA.

Trust me, if u give LCA to us and the world cooperates with us to the extent they are cooperating with india, we pakistanis will make this plane THE BEST after F22 and JSF35.

Awesome Pic Bro,
Its a cool toy,
I believe its more of your love for flying machines.

i wonder why india having full technological support from the world and coming so close to a very potent and feasible fighter aircraft is yet to make it successfull and why india is going for MRCA tender whereas they can make so much out of LCA.
one obvious reason is that it is bit too expensive as compare to what is available to IAF for same price!
second simple reason.... it is still in development phase while its role in IAF is still murky.
It has fundamental design errors.. hence refining it further in its present form is waste of time and resources.
Powerful US engine alone is not the only criteria...to look into.. other specification we see on www are for the sake of arguments on forums. no certifications of its specification so far.

Trust me, if u give LCA to us and the world cooperates with us to the extent they are cooperating with india, we pakistanis will make this plane THE BEST after F22 and JSF35.
Are you teasing....indian block or americana?

Is it me or does the missile look like its floating in mid air?

What i have noticed unusual is that it seems to be flying at high altitude with landing gear open!
This is also new color scheme.... i wonder what s.no. tells us....if it is a new prototype or old one with new color scheme.
terrane looks like foreign not india....
I believe its more of your love for flying machines.

one obvious reason is that it is bit too expensive as compare to what is available to IAF for same price!
second simple reason.... it is still in development phase while its role in IAF is still murky.
It has fundamental design errors.. hence refining it further in its present form is waste of time and resources.
Powerful US engine alone is not the only criteria...to look into.. other specification we see on www are for the sake of arguments on forums. no certifications of its specification so far.

Are you teasing....indian block or americana?

What i have noticed unusual is that it seems to be flying at high altitude with landing gear open!
This is also new color scheme.... i wonder what s.no. tells us....if it is a new prototype or old one with new color scheme.
terrane looks like foreign not india....

What is the unit price per plane?
I believe its more of your love for flying machines.

one obvious reason is that it is bit too expensive as compare to what is available to IAF for same price!
second simple reason.... it is still in development phase while its role in IAF is still murky.
It has fundamental design errors.. hence refining it further in its present form is waste of time and resources.
Powerful US engine alone is not the only criteria...to look into.. other specification we see on www are for the sake of arguments on forums. no certifications of its specification so far.

Are you teasing....indian block or americana?

What i have noticed unusual is that it seems to be flying at high altitude with landing gear open!
This is also new color scheme.... i wonder what s.no. tells us....if it is a new prototype or old one with new color scheme.
terrane looks like foreign not india....

Not everyone, wishes to widen the growing divide between India and Pakistan. The pettiness and hate had blinded us of the realities we live in.

Some may have forgotten and perverted history. remembering what they wish and forgetting the rest.

Some still wait for that India that was dreamed up 100 years ago, by those freedom fighters. and we shall continue to wait for that day.
...its role in IAF is still murky.
It has fundamental design errors..
Can you please expand on these two.

Anyway, the front of the drop tank seems a bit roundish instead of being conical. Any specific reason for that.

Or should I be getting a new prescription for my glasses? :-)cry:)
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