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Lanzhou MAC develops China’s first 3D topographic map


Jun 28, 2012
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Chinese military unveils its world advanced three-dimensional (3D) topographic map of Lanzhou City, capital of northwest China's Jingxia Hui Autonomous Region. [lz.81.cn]

(People's Daily Online) 15:06, February 21, 2014

Chinese military has unveiled its world advanced three-dimensional (3D) topographic map of Lanzhou city, according to a report published Wednesday on its official website.

A measuring and mapping information center under the Lanzhou Military Area Command (MAC) of the Chinese Peoples Liberation Army (PLA) used world-advanced 3D printing technology in the topographic map-making and successfully developed Chinas first 3D topographic map on November 20, 2013.

Compared with the traditional man-made sand tables, the latest 3D topographic map has lighter weight and portability. Obsolete maps were used as the printing materials instead of professional and expensive printing materials such as gypsums. It has cut down the cost to the maximum and made the map highly promotable.

The 3D topographic map can provide accurate and reliable basis for military topographic analysis, for commanders to make decisions and for troop units to carry out their missions, thus it possesses high military application values, according to an official of the Lanzhou MAC.

The research team had been dedicated to upgrade the map by improving the precision of the A4-sized 3D topographic map from the previous 1.0 mm to present 0.1 mm, and shortening the printing time from the previous 24 hours to 8 hours. They also expanded the scope of the 3D topographic map as well, according to Wang Mingxiao, the director of the research team.

(Editor:GaoYinan、Yan Meng)

Lanzhou MAC develops China’s first 3D topographic map - People's Daily Online



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Why China wants to lead the world in 3D printing

Already the world's largest manufacturer, China is now on track to become the leading 3D printing economy by 2016

By John Aziz | February 19, 2014


A technician and a 3D printer at work at the Chinese Academy of Sciences in southwest China. (Liu Chan/Xinhua Press/Corbis) (Liu Chan/Xinhua Press/Corbis)

One of the most talked-about possibilities of 3D printing — also known as additive manufacturing, a process through which objects are printed via a computer blueprint and basic chemicals — is that it may eventually allow American and European corporations to bring manufacturing back onshore from China.

Over the last 40 years, a huge chunk of manufacturing went to China and other less-developed nations because labor was cheaper there. With trade barriers falling worldwide and cheap oil allowing for goods and resources to be inexpensively transported, Western corporations found it most profitable to manufacture where the labor was cheapest, and just ship the goods to consumers in the West. China today is the world’s number one manufacturer, although the United States remains in second place.

But just because that's been the trend to date, doesn't mean changing variables can't weight the equation differently in the future.

In fact, we're starting to see the first tremors of major shifts in global trade. For instance, labor costs are rising in China now to the extent that it is no longer the country with the cheapest labor. But does that mean it will necessarily lose its dominance? Automation in manufacturing is increasing, so high labor costs may begin to matter much less for businesses deciding where to manufacture. And oil and thus transportation prices are also relatively expensive again, so distance to the consumer may start to matter more. Both trends seem to bode well for a resurgence in American manufacturing; we have already seen a number of American corporations, including Apple, moving some production back to the United States in part because of this.

But don’t expect China to let manufacturing go back to the West so easily.

Betting on automation, China is leveraging its pre-existing industrial strength into becoming the world's leading innovator in 3D printing, and is on track to become the largest 3D printing economy by 2016. It has already built the world’s largest 3D printer, a six-meter diameter beast big enough to print a car, as well as several other large scale industrial 3D printers capable of printing titanium alloy structures, including parts used in satellites, rockets, and nuclear power plants. So even if home-based 3D printing takes off in Western countries, China will fight to remain a world leader in manufacturing at the large-scale industrial level, whether that manufacturing is being done by humans or by robots.

This emphasizes that in the long run, Western countries cannot count on the manufacturing jobs that went overseas to ever come back, just as we can never expect the subsistence agriculture jobs that were replaced by manufacturing to return. Cheaper foreign labor can be replaced by robots, 3D printers, and other types of automation. That will offer little comfort to Western and American workers who have been displaced by foreign manufacturing, or young people coming into the labor force today who cannot find jobs — but it's the trend we're seeing nonetheless.

Why China wants to lead the world in 3D printing - The Week
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