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Lanti Mullahs Kill more Ahmadis, including old woman.

Pakistani E

May 8, 2013
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People keep saying to me that Ahmadis just whine and there is no violence against Ahmadis in Pakistan. Every single time I present them with facts and every single time they choose to wilfully ignore the presented facts. If this isn't hypocrisy then I don't know what is. @Pakistanisage You say I am anti Pakistani, but the truth is Pakistani is anti me. Even though people in Pakistan are ready to dispatch me to hell for a free ticket to heaven, I still pray that all the problems Pakistan faces are sorted out and ALL Pakistanis can once again live peacefully with each other.

An Ahmadiyya teacher of a private university and his mother were found murdered here, in the latest incident of violence against minorities in Pakistan.

Mubashir Ejaz Ahmad, 27, and his mother were killed in G-11 area last night, his brother Mujadid Ejaz Ahmad said.

"Police has registered a case and launched investigation but so far they have no idea who killed them," Ahmad said.

"We do not have enmity with anyone," he said, adding that the possibility of extremists' involvement in the murder cannot be ruled out.

Police officials were not available for comments.

Mubashir was a qualified Electronic Engineer and was teaching at Muhammad Ali Jinnah University in Islamabad.

Pakistan's Ahmadis consider themselves Muslim but were declared non-Muslims through a constitutional amendment in 1974. A decade later, they were barred from proselytising or identifying themselves as Muslims.

Some 1.5 million Ahmadis live across the country.

Ahmadiyya teacher, his mother killed in Pakistan | Business Standard
Time that the insane experiment by name of pakistan be ended.Pakistan instead of sanctuary of islam,its a Rwanda for Islam. All Islamic sects killing and drooling to kill each other day and night.

Seems social darwinism is at play in pakistan.

No Ahmadi has ever killed anyone for their faith in any part of the world. So I respectfully disagree with this part of your statement.
No Ahmadi has ever killed anyone for their faith in any part of the world. So I respectfully disagree with this part of your statement.
I can give you an example which you will find interesting.

When during partition, Pakistani territories were being marked out on the basis of whether a city or village had more Muslim or Non Muslim population - the entire community of the would be Pakistani's included Ahmadis as Muslims to get more land included in Pakistan.

Today, these same Ahmadis are being hounded out of those lands.
I can give you an example which you will find interesting.

When during partition, Pakistani territories were being marked out on the basis of whether a city or village had more Muslim or Non Muslim population - the entire community of the would be Pakistani's included Ahmadis as Muslims to get more land included in Pakistan.

Today, these same Ahmadis are being hounded out of those lands.

I'm sorry but how does that relate to my statement? can you please explain yourself?
I can give you an example which you will find interesting.

When during partition, Pakistani territories were being marked out on the basis of whether a city or village had more Muslim or Non Muslim population - the entire community of the would be Pakistani's included Ahmadis as Muslims to get more land included in Pakistan.

Today, these same Ahmadis are being hounded out of those lands.

You should leave this does not concern you. Do the lungi dance please and leave us alone.
I'm sorry but how does that relate to my statement? can you please explain yourself?
Nothing to do with your statement. Just remembered a fact.
Just pointing out that Ahmadis were considered Muslims by everyone back then because it got them more land during Partition.
Today the Pakistani Punjab police spends its time grinding off Koranic verses from Ahmadi tombstones.
Idiotic statement. Guess you also believe the Jews had it coming during the holocaust, right?

Excuse moi ?
Where did I say Ahmadis had it coming ?
Stop imagining perceived insults.

I noted the point that Ahmadis wanted a nation based on an ideology that religion trumps humanity.
And they have got it in the end.

Nowhere did I say they deserve it.
Please shove the holier than thou crap.
Can you go and be immature some where else please. This is a serious thread.

Indian trolls need to be dealt with iron fists. Anywhere you mention Pakistan or Islam these mentally ill patients would swarm that place.

Excuse moi ?
Where did I say Ahmadis had it coming ?
Stop imagining perceived insults.

I noted the point that Ahmadis wanted a nation based on an ideology that religion trumps humanity.
And they have got it in the end.

Nowhere did I say they deserve it.
Please shove the holier than thou crap.

And your comrades destroyed Babri Masjid.
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