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Lal Masjid vows ‘aggressive reaction’ if Maulana Aziz arrested

Accidents happens or a heart attack Brain hammer etc, no need to arrest that crazy burqa posh:coffee:
He is more then welcome to try his luck, this time PA should annihilate the population of that "Kameen Gah".

Quraan - Surah At-Tawba , Ayah 107

And [there are] those [hypocrites] who took for themselves a mosque for causing harm and disbelief and division among the believers and as a station for whoever had warred against Allah and His Messenger before. And they will surely swear, "We intended only the best." And Allah testifies that indeed they are liars.

@MaarKhoor @Zibago @Ammara Chaudhry your input required.
If we go in for the kill we should be prepared for severe blowback he has 1000,s of supporters in Islamabad city alone
Oh this is just incredible and I suppose the govt is too busy wetting themselves out of fear. If we had just let musharraf tackle kal masjid back then rather than turn against him and the army and hail these children attacking terrorists as heroes then maybe we wouldn't be dealing with this BS.

If we cannot arrest one psycho mullah then my friends we have lost this war. The victory against terrorism and terrorist was never on the battlefield nor in the hands of the army but in the hands of the govt with NAP/mullah crackdown and developments in balochistan and FATA.

The govt needs to ignore and take action... This is the right time. We hate these moulvis and we will support any action against them. We can't live like this on fear due yo his threats...
. .
I don't understand why these guys are still alive?
I know that almost all the Pakistani members are against these clerics but until and unless that is done, it is not possible to say that your war on terrorism has succeeded. Also, not a selective removal.

Once this step has been completed, maybe you will see even more progress in the fight against terrorism that over the last 2 years???
Precisely. All of those thousands of supporters should be executed as well. Let's have martial law for 50 days and clean up all of Pakistan with multiple of thousands of executions of these rabid mullah followers. We all can do our part and clean couple dozens ourselves as well.

If we go in for the kill we should be prepared for severe blowback he has 1000,s of supporters in Islamabad city alone
Precisely. All of those thousands of supporters should be executed as well. Let's have martial law for 50 days and clean up all of Pakistan with multiple of thousands of executions of these rabid mullah followers. We all can do our part and clean couple dozens ourselves as well.

If you think there are only thousands, then you are a fool. Simply put, you city dwelling burgers are in the minority. :D
National Action Plan just went up in flames. Now what shall we do? Our state agencies may as well surrender to the Mullahs if we can't even control our own capital.

Laal Masjid is still attended by a lot senior military/civil servants of Islamabad etc. Of course we can't take action against him. Half of our capital is run by followers of this mad Mullah.
Don't worry, we know there are millions of them. I was being diplomatic when I said let's execute a few thousand, as executing a few million would sound a bit harsh...... no matter.......... even one less religious bigot is a win win........ let the bloodshed begin! :D

If you think there are only thousands, then you are a fool. Simply put, you city dwelling burgers are in the minority. :D
National Action Plan just went up in flames. Now what shall we do? Our state agencies may as well surrender to the Mullahs if we can't even control our own capital.

Laal Masjid is still attended by a lot senior military/civil servants of Islamabad etc. Of course we can't take action against him. Half of our capital is run by followers of this mad Mullah.

That's what I am trying to tell these kids.

The major segment of Pakistani society support this Mullah. If he didn't hold power, why do you think the Army didn't go after them. If they were a national security threat, why did the Army go mum? :lol:

These Pakistani burger bachas are really naive.
Chudhary Nisar, Army and N league should declare that they are impotent and fear deobandi terrorists and they cant take action against them..........and left govt for deobandis...

That's what I am trying to tell these kids.

The major segment of Pakistani society support this Mullah. If he didn't hold power, why do you think the Army didn't go after them. If they were a national security threat, why did the Army go mum? :lol:

These Pakistani burger bachas are really naive.

he is so powerfull that he cant become a Councillor let alone MNA and MPA...
He is more then welcome to try his luck, this time PA should annihilate the population of that "Kameen Gah".

Quraan - Surah At-Tawba , Ayah 107

And [there are] those [hypocrites] who took for themselves a mosque for causing harm and disbelief and division among the believers and as a station for whoever had warred against Allah and His Messenger before. And they will surely swear, "We intended only the best." And Allah testifies that indeed they are liars.

@MaarKhoor @Zibago @Ammara Chaudhry your input required.

Things could have been easier, if this idiot was hanged out right after the operation of Lal Masjid. But Mushraf made one huge mistake & now if we expect to see his death penalty----fooling ourselves then. Before hanging him, why not hanging worst culprit than him. Like, Rana Sanaullah & all those corrupt judges who even got the evidences against him. Yet, no action on it. They are beardless terrorists. Unfortunately, we all talk about the temporarily solutions. We want the permanent solution and for that we need to clean out our justice system from injustice people-----in order to get rid of people like Abdul Aziz.
We will never have to discuss culprits and wait for long to see the justice being carried out for criminals.
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That's what I am trying to tell these kids.

The major segment of Pakistani society support this Mullah. If he didn't hold power, why do you think the Army didn't go after them. If they were a national security threat, why did the Army go mum? :lol:

These Pakistani burger bachas are really naive.

Just shows the hypcorisy of the majority though doesn't it? Imagine a Shia, Ahmadi or a Christian cleric threatening like this Mullah does and abusing the army, can you imagine how the majority would react? But since this guy is part of the majority, our state agencies are silent and the people uninterested in bringing him to justice. All because they have the same belief as him.

And I agree with you, few people on the internet may be against him, but a significant proportion of Pakistanis have similar mindset as the Mullah of Laal Hawali. Musharraf has cases against him for taking action against these lot. What a joke.

Let's see how this latest drama unfolds.
National Action Plan just went up in flames. Now what shall we do? Our state agencies may as well surrender to the Mullahs if we can't even control our own capital.

Laal Masjid is still attended by a lot senior military/civil servants of Islamabad etc. Of course we can't take action against him. Half of our capital is run by followers of this mad Mullah.

Don't worry, we know there are millions of them. I was being diplomatic when I said let's execute a few thousand, as executing a few million would sound a bit harsh...... no matter.......... even one less religious bigot is a win win........ let the bloodshed begin! :D

WTF??? Are you guy serious?
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