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Lal Masjid cleric wants enforcement of Shariah

These mullahs were initially against the creation of Pakistan and stood in Jinnah's path every step of the way. Then when it was certain that Pakistan would be formed they joined the Pakistani bandwagon knowing that in a Muslim Pakistan they would have more authority over the poor illiterate masses than in an India that was secular.

I will always favor secularism for Pakistan. Its a better system compared to trying to enforce religion daily and still having fanatics blowing us up. I agree with Irfan Baloch that this man is a source of Fitnah and fasad amongst Muslims.

This man shouldn't have been released in the first place.
It's not really unreasonable to demand imposition of Sharia in an Islamic state.

It's the logical next step.

You have already declared Pakistan an Islamic state...Shariah comes next. (The logical next step).
But why would Islamic state of Pakistan shy away from Sharia?
Because the colonial legacy was Western law, and not just the laws and punishments but the principles of sharia are different:

...Civil law rests ultimately on the state's monopoly of violence. In Muslim states, civil and religious law are identical, such that sharia courts hold the sword of the state. No Jewish religious court has had the capacity to inflict violence since the 1st century CE; the first detailed codification of Jewish law appears in the 3rd century in the Mishnah. The rabbis of antiquity explicitly put in abeyance ancient applications of violence, such as the injunction to kill a rebellious son (Deuteronomy 21:18-21); the Talmud (Sanhedrin 71a) states that no Jewish court ever handed down such a sentence. Killing of rebellious children, as noted, happens in Muslim countries, and is sadly frequent among Muslim immigrant communities in the West.

Jewish law, though, requires no adaptation to modern Western law, for modern Western law ultimately derives from Jewish principles, as Harvard's Eric Nelson most recently showed in his 2010 book The Hebrew Republic, and Michael Novak explained in his 2002 volume On Two Wings. Jewish law proceeds from God's Covenant with each member of the Jewish people. The notion of an intermediate sovereign, such as Islam's "governor" of the family, is inconceivable in Jewish law, for there is only one Sovereign, the King of Kings. The powers of the earthly sovereign derive from God and are limited by God's laws...a grant of rights implies a Grantor, and an irreversible grant implies a God who limits his own sovereignty in covenant with mankind. From the vantage point of Islam, the idea that God might limit his own powers by making an eternal covenant with human beings is unthinkable, for Allah is absolutely transcendent, and unconditionally omnipotent.

In short, in sharia the practice of law belongs to the "governor" (anyone set in authority over another), not the people. In sharia you must submit to the governor's judgment; your legal rights are not your own, so the governor can do whatever he wants with the law, ignoring or enforcing it as he pleases. In Western law, of course, the rights belong to the people, and that is where authority springs from; judgments can be most effectively appealed and authorities removed if they violate rights.

So corruption doesn't exist under sharia - but only because what one usually calls "corruption" is, effectively, a full part of the sharia system, as long as men aren't perfect. Isn't that an awfully good reason for an "Islamic state" to oppose implementing sharia law?
I salute the struggle and effort of Lal Masjid Imam sab,
If we look at history all Ulama, Aulia and visionaries struggle for change
Musharaf tried to trap them, killed hundreds of innocent where americans and iranians showed their cruelties
After that, even sacrificing mother brother and only son, Molana said he got no revenge to any body cuz he did nothing for personal motives
And we can see the Hitler Musharaf which acted like Firoon and Qaroon ran like a coward dog
Musharraf Zindabad! I have always supported his operation against these extremist cockroaches. They should all be lined up and shot to death.
Sir for your information after 4 years when Pakistan was created all the big Uleams of every major sect in Pakistan sat together and gave 20 or 25 points to implement and few years back they added 5 points more so we have already the concept and answer to you funny question of which shariah

Sir most Pakistani laws are contradictory to Islam and if a Muslim doesn't implement law of ALLAH also know as Islamic Law ALLAH has called him kafir in the Quran
prove that most laws are contradictory to Islam right now with detailed refeance
prove that most laws are contradictory to Islam right now with detailed refeance
Sir How many Islamic Punishments are there and also your whole economy is based on Shariah and their is no concept of life imprisonment in Islam and many many more laws are against Islam
Sir How many Islamic Punishments are there and also your whole economy is based on Shariah and their is no concept of life imprisonment in Islam and many many more laws are against Islam
Give me the reference detailed one and stop ur one liner
These mullahs were initially against the creation of Pakistan and stood in Jinnah's path every step of the way. Then when it was certain that Pakistan would be formed they joined the Pakistani bandwagon knowing that in a Muslim Pakistan they would have more authority over the poor illiterate masses than in an India that was secular.

I will always favor secularism for Pakistan. Its a better system compared to trying to enforce religion daily and still having fanatics blowing us up. I agree with Irfan Baloch that this man is a source of Fitnah and fasad amongst Muslims.

This man shouldn't have been released in the first place.

check this video

Red Mosque: other Story - YouTube
Ok which sharia - Sunni, Salfi or Shia???

Can you implement one fundamental law of Islam - "Only God is there to Judge the belief, No human has right to pass this judgement?"

The Sharia based on the Laws Directly Introduced by the Prophet PBUH at the time of his rule under the direct command of GOD. nothing less, nothing more. no sunni, no shia. Enough of that. The real Islam is Kalma-e-tayaba -Quran and Sunat (Authentic)

Yes Pakistan. Established on the basis of ISLAM should have been a Proper Islamic State with Sharia law Implemented at it's inception.
I do not understand till date why has it not been implemented.

This notion however CAN NOT in anyway justify the killing of innocent people via suicide bombing or any other means of terror as it is AGAINST the Islamic Sharia itself.

If u want to fight for the implementation of Islamic Sharia, you must follow the way of the Prophet, you must strive through peace, talks, debate, literature and other forums but NOT by harming anyone.

And last but not the least, before asking for Islamic Sharia, one should implement the true Islamic Sharia in himself, NOT the only part that he seems befitting for his own personal gains but ALL of it. only then can one deserve to demand Sharia in the State.
The Sharia based on the Laws Directly Introduced by the Prophet PBUH at the time of his rule under the direct command of GOD. nothing less, nothing more. no sunni, no shia. Enough of that. The real Islam is Kalma-e-tayaba -Quran and Sunat (Authentic)

Yes Pakistan. Established on the basis of ISLAM should have been a Proper Islamic State with Sharia law Implemented at it's inception.
I do not understand till date why has it not been implemented.

This notion however CAN NOT in anyway justify the killing of innocent people via suicide bombing or any other means of terror as it is AGAINST the Islamic Sharia itself.

If u want to fight for the implementation of Islamic Sharia, you must follow the way of the Prophet, you must strive through peace, talks, debate, literature and other forums but NOT by harming anyone.

And last but not the least, before asking for Islamic Sharia, one should implement the true Islamic Sharia in himself, NOT the only part that he seems befitting for his own personal gains but ALL of it. only then can one deserve to demand Sharia in the State.

How many interpretations exist of Sunnah . Pray tell us. This is what wrong with shariah lovers. Have a zero understanding about deep schism within Shariah and they tend to believe Shairah is uniform.
How many interpretations exist of Sunnah . Pray tell us. This is what wrong with shariah lovers. Have a zero understanding about deep schism within Shariah and they tend to believe Shairah is uniform.
amplify your expressions in detail..

Sir How many Islamic Punishments are there and also your whole economy is based on Shariah and their is no concept of life imprisonment in Islam and many many more laws are against Islam
If we had implemented eye for an eye over here, crimes would have been very rare.
amplify your expressions in detail..

If we had implemented eye for an eye over here, crimes would have been very rare.

How shia implements shariah vs how sunni's implement shariah. Different version of islamic history out there of both sects. Both sects have their own version of Hadith books. Both sects have different articles of faith.

It's music to ear when they talk about implementing Sood free economy in Pakistan. Pray tell us. 100 plus countries Pakistan trade with or take loans from, how will we do that once we eliminate sood in our country and forbid to take or receive sood ? any alternative system developed in 1000 years ?

Shariah was implemented in 3rd aur 4th Caliph of Islam. Did it prevent rebellion among muslims and emergence of Khawarij ? So come out of your naivety that shariah is a magic pill which would end injustices in society or crime would be rare
How shia implements shariah vs how sunni's implement shariah. Different version of islamic history out there of both sects. Both sects have their own version of Hadith books. Both sects have different articles of faith.

It's music to ear when they talk about implementing Sood free economy in Pakistan. Pray tell us. 100 plus countries Pakistan trade with or take loans from, how will we do that once we eliminate sood in our country and forbid to take or receive sood ? any alternative system developed in 1000 years ?

Shariah was implemented in 3rd aur 4th Caliph of Islam. Did it prevent rebellion among muslims and emergence of Khawarij ? So come out of your naivety that shariah is a magic pill which would end injustices in society
Well this dumb answer always make me laugh. Well lets start with common points 60 Big Ulemas from Deoband and Shia and Barelvi and Salafi should be asked to come with as many common points to be implemented and I assure you they will come up at least 100 points within couple of days we can implement them first.
Well this dumb answer always make me laugh. Well lets start with common points 60 Big Ulemas from Deoband and Shia and Barelvi and Salafi should be asked to come with as many common points to be implemented and I assure you they will come up at least 100 points within couple of days we can implement them first.

Like what 60 points ? 9 year old girl should be married or no DNA in rape cases or permission of wifey for second marriage is haram ?

I equally laugh at those who says common points this or that without reading Pakistani constitution first !
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