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Kurdish leader: Solution without Assad would mean death of 2 million Alawites


Aug 27, 2013
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Palestinian Territory, Occupied
Salih Muslim, co-chairman of the Syrian Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD), said a solution in Syria without President Bashar al-Assad is not easy. “A solution without Assad means the death of 2 million Alawites," he said.

Muslim, who gave an exclusive interview in Rojava to Hilmi Hacioglu of the popular Turkish TV news program The 32nd Day, said his party wanted to participate in the Geneva meeting not as part of the Syrian National Coalition but as an independent Kurdish movement. Yet, some countries, including Turkey, were trying to block this.

Muslim said a solution without Assad would have been possible two years ago, but it was now impossible. "All Alawites now support Assad. Insisting on a solution without Assad means the death of 2 million Alawites in the country,” he added.

Asked if they were cooperating with the Assad regime, Muslim replied: "No, never. Whoever says this is disrespecting our martyr brothers. We have been fighting with the regime since the 2004 Kurdish uprising. We have nothing in common with them. They don’t recognize Kurdish identity. But others are worse than the regime."

Muslim claimed 400 Salafists who came from Turkey through the Kilis border crossing are fighting the Kurds in Azaz. He said: "We gave Turkey a list of 20 organizations that are supporting them [the Salafists]. This week, 120 [Salafists] came from Germany and 180 from Great Britain. They have to be prevented, nobody is doing anything about it."

To the question, "What do the Kurds aspire for now?" Muslim responded: "Kurds can speak of a federation without dividing it into Kurdish, Arab and Christian zones. We want to accept a new status. We are thinking of a democratic, federal system."
good riddance, PYD had exposed themselves who now fighting alongside with Assadist and his Iranian backed foreign mercenaries and there are 1000s of Kurds in the rank of our allies who is considered the real Kurdish people.

Alawites will shall face their worst torment, they are worst than animals who deserve to be wiped out from this planet and this will happen inshallah as agreed by all of the Syrian Muslims who are working at the moment with Dawah to abandon their religion and killing those who openly to support the butcher.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_extinct_Shia_sects Soon to be added :coffee:

The arrogance you display reeks of sectarianism and downright barbarianism. What nonsense do you spout about killing 2 million people? Are you delusional or what?

I support PYD those guys are taking care of your brothers, and actually are kicking ***. Especially the Kurdish women who have been picking off AQ assholes. **** AQ and the likes.
The arrogance you display reeks of sectarianism and downright barbarianism. What nonsense do you spout about killing 2 million people? Are you delusional or what?

I support PYD those guys are taking care of your brothers, and actually are kicking ***. Especially the Kurdish women who have been picking off AQ assholes. **** AQ and the likes.

Instead of making bullsh/t coming out of your mouth, learn how this war was started or learn the religion of Alawites who are atheist themselves with no moral, heart or religion. Ignorant morons accusing me of sectarianism, maybe it's because they don't know what happened exactly like they didn't in Iraq? Here we go...just wait a minute, I'll show you something you might change your POV or not since you are a communist piece of sh**.

They are pure barbaric that you can't imagine of, guaranteed you'll see how the armed conlict started against Muslims. I'll put it up all the videos for you to see it.
Instead of making bullsh/t coming out of your mouth, learn how this war was started or learn the religion of Alawites who are atheist themselves with no moral, heart or religion. Ignorant morons accusing me of sectarianism, maybe it's because they don't know what happened exactly like they didn't in Iraq? Here we go...just wait a minute, I'll show you something you might change your POV or not since you are a communist piece of sh**.

They are pure barbaric that you can't imagine of, guaranteed you'll see how the armed conlict started against Muslims. I'll put it up all the videos for you to see it.

Like Al Qaeda is any better? I have seen the effects of Al Qaeda in my country and whenever anyone openly states they support AQ and the affiliated groups they are all the same. The beheading videos you see are from AQ and affiliates. Cutting heads off from a short blade, it's supposed to be a long blade/sword and one motion/slice. Religious indoctrination of children, killing infront of little kids, making them behead men. These raise you a lot with psychological issues. Perfect tool for recruitment. The AQ types in Kenya did a marvelous job at representing Islam by killing civillians in the mall attack. The beautiful logic behind Boko Haram another AQ type who kill students just because they get an education. Sadly on topics like these you disappear. You support AQ openly. The war started on absolute correct footing,not sectarianism but a revolt against a brutal dictatorial family. Now it is nothing but sectarianism, this no Jihad, it is just Sunni vs Shia and believe me no one is going to win.

**** AQ and **** the similar types, they have done nothing but bring misery on the Muslim world, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Mali, everywhere Muslims are blamed and pointed fingers at. It's not because of Iranian BS propaganda from the Mullahs they got but rather the extremist organization that people like you support. Before you reply read that i would be categorized as a Sunni.
Wow, brainwashed infested rats like yourself, not surprising here because you're a communist which is an atheist system so you're an atheist yourself. You are wrong, beheading is permitted as execution for punishment when charged for murder under Islamic law, method use in KSA which is Islamic way (quick). The rest you mentioned is all lies and Boko Haram is the only one is hated among Muslims. What's wrong with teaching children Islam when you mention "religious docrine"? wow, what a dipshit you are without realizing they are Muslims who learn Islam. Libyans wanted to get rid of the Ghdaffi regime and succeed. Afghanistan is fighting the invaders out who is seeking peace with them as part of next year's withdrawal, so spread your bs out.

As for Kenya, they are the second major force taking the operation in Somalia alongside with seven African countries touching the country's soil and Kenya were the one who committed massacres and rapes on Somalians in refugee camps so they had their taste with revenge. Sadly, Muslim blood is cheap so if you wanna cross a line on them go ahead, Mr Communist atheist moron.

And again, Kurds will never get their autonomy and thank you so much for showing the real face of the communist fronts who showed the Syrian Suunis that they allied with Assad and Maliki, the real bloodthirsty killers. So, at least the atheist PYD who are generals and commanders will pay they price for that and forbiding defections because they don't represent the "majority" Suuni Kurds and infact, there are over thousand"S" of Kurds in the opposition fronts who spits the communist. Even united with the torturing obsessed child murdering thugs, that's sick just because Assad offered them offers in one condition which the communist agreed with.
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PYD does not co operate with Assad. In fact, as late as last week, there were clashes between Assad forces and Kurdish militants in Tel Hessel and Tel Eran. Other than that, Kurdish forces have been in fights with Assad in Aleppo for two years.

In fact, prior to the revolution, Kurds were among the few who stood up against Assad regime. Look up the Qamishlo uprising in 2004. Most of the PYD politicians have endured torture and imprisonment in Assad prisons.

But this does not mean that our enemies are the Alewites. PYD's enemy is definitely Assad, but not Alewites.

Besides, insisting on another totalitarian regime is not suitable for Syria. Syria is a multi ethnic and multi religious country. If you estabilish a '' Syria Islamic State'' ( like you advocate) be assured that at least half of the population will rise up again.

The only solution in Syria is a democratic federation and as I see it right now, the only ones fighting for such solution are the Kurds and the PYD. And just for your interest, most Assyrians, Armenians and Arabs living in the Kurdish autonomy already support PYD because PYD guarantees the rights of all minority groups within its territory. For instance, even though the majority of people living in Qamishlo and Derik are Kurds, you can actually find schools that are teaching in Aramaic, Arabic and Assyriac languages. Something most nation states in Middle East could learn a lot from.
And 25 millions syrians, only the salafists foreigners survive for the next target of Israel: Iran
Wow, brainwashed infested rats like yourself, not surprising here because you're a communist which is an atheist system so you're an atheist yourself. You are wrong, beheading is permitted as execution for punishment when charged for murder under Islamic law, method use in KSA which is Islamic way (quick). The rest you mentioned is all lies and Boko Haram is the only one is hated among Muslims. What's wrong with teaching children Islam when you mention "religious docrine"? wow, what a dipshit you are without realizing they are Muslims who learn Islam. Libyans wanted to get rid of the Ghdaffi regime and succeed. Afghanistan is fighting the invaders out who is seeking peace with them as part of next year's withdrawal, so spread your bs out.

As for Kenya, they are the second major force taking the operation in Somalia alongside with seven African countries touching the country's soil and Kenya were the one who committed massacres and rapes on Somalians in refugee camps so they had their taste with revenge. Sadly, Muslim blood is cheap so if you wanna cross a line on them go ahead, Mr Communist atheist moron.

And again, Kurds will never get their autonomy and thank you so much for showing the real face of the communist fronts who showed the Syrian Suunis that they allied with Assad and Maliki, the real bloodthirsty killers. So, at least the atheist PYD who are generals and commanders will pay they price for that and forbiding defections because they don't represent the "majority" Suuni Kurds and infact, there are over thousand"S" of Kurds in the opposition fronts who spits the communist. Even united with the torturing obsessed child murdering thugs, that's sick just because Assad offered them offers in one condition which the communist agreed with.

You want to force things on other people you get fucked up, deal with it, you don’t and you will be left alone, enjoying Aus ? also respond, your afraid from al jalad so you keep ignoring the jalad.
The Alawite persecution in the near future is quite obvious, every human has minds and thinking. Although, it remains unclear on whether they'll be forced to leave their faith or flee but I believe they'll have their sight on Cyprus or Turkey who has well populated Alevis and it is the door to the European countries.

This is an interesting history about Alawites.
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Insisting on a solution without Assad means the death of 2 million Alawites in the country,”

Maybe not their deaths, but a Syria without any alawites in the government would lead probably to the alawites being oppressed by the other muslim flavors of Syria, as has happened several times when the balance of power shifts in a muslim country from one islamic flavor to another. This then creates validity for yet another war years/decades later.

On the other hand, Assad's regime and supporters have never even responded to the simple logic I posted on this forum and in a webform of the Assad regime: be the civilized leaders you want us to believe you are, and grant at least reasonable wishes of people who demonstrate or organize honest petitions.

All sides in the Syrian conflict (except the now silenced truly moderate rebels) are making the same mistake : rule by fear and violence if fear don't work.
I also read reports about how Assad wants to run in the next Syrian elections again.. I wonder how he plans to win those elections, authorize only his own party to be voted on perhaps? Even if he'd grant the moderate rebels their original wishes (those that are internationally seen as reasonable), i doubt any of the rebels supporters are going to vote for Assad's party, given the severe bloodshed and refugee life that the Assad regime has inflicted on them.
I also read reports about how Assad wants to run in the next Syrian elections again.. I wonder how he plans to win those elections, authorize only his own party to be voted on perhaps? Even if he'd grant the moderate rebels their original wishes (those that are internationally seen as reasonable), i doubt any of the rebels supporters are going to vote for Assad's party, given the severe bloodshed and refugee life that the Assad regime has inflicted on them.
why you guys are so much afraid of him participating in the election .
on what ground you want to bar him from his right as a Syrian to participate in that election ?
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